CC 11-13-96- CC- ~_~M -A
Cupertino City Council
Regular Adjourned Meeting
November 13, 1996
Mayor Bumett called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 10300
Torte Avenue, Cupertino, and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
City Council members present: Mayor Don Burnett, Vice-Mayor John Bautista,
Councilmembers Michael Chang, Wally Dean, and Lauralee Sorensen. Council
members absent: None.
Staffpresent: City Manager Don Brown; City Clerk Kimberly Smith; City Attorney
Charles Kilian; Administrative Services Director Carol Atwood; Community
Development Director Bob Cowan; and Public Information Officer Donna Krey; Public
Works Director Bert Viskovich
Mayor Bumett called for nominations for the position of mayor. Sorensen moved to elect
John Bautista. Chang seconded and the motion carried 5-0.
The City Clerk adm'mistered the oath of office to Mayor John Bautista.
Mayor Bautista took his seat and called for nominations for the position of vice mayor.
Dean moved to elect Lauralee Sorensen for a six-month t~,,a ending May 20, 1997, with
a reorganization meeting at that time to elect a vice-mayor for the remaining six months
of the term. Burnett seconded.
Mayor Baufista explained that the way mayors and vice mayors are elected is historically
based on seniority and rank from prior years' elections. Lanralee Sorensen would be the
vice mayor this year based upon seniority, and Michael Chang would be mayor next year,
based upon his ranking and historical tradition. However, he would not have an
-.. lqovember l ii, 1004 Cupertino City Council Page ~
._ opportunity to serve as vice mayor first unless a solution was crafted. Mayor Bautista felt
this motion would give an opportunity for both Council members Sorensen and Chang to
serve as vice-mayor.
The motion carried 5-0.
The City Clerk administered the oath of office to Vice-Mayor Sorensen and she took her
seat at the mayor's right hand.
Mayor Bautista presented outgoing Mayor Don Burnett with the city's farewell gift of a
desk clock.
He then unveiled a street sign which says "We Share The Road" which showed a car and
bicycle rider side by side. The signs will be placed in critical locations throughout the
community. Mr. Burnett was given a plaque with a ~lniniature version of the sign. Mayor
Bautista said this was in acknowledgment of Bumett's dedication toward making
Cupertino a bicycle-friendly community.
Mayor Bautista also presented Mr. Burner with a plaque acknowledging his tem~ as
mayor for 1995-1996.
Council members Dean, Sorensen, and Chang thanked Don Burner for his services as
mayor. Council member Chang said that the council was in a new situation with term
limits, and he appreciated the opportunity to serve as vice-mayor bcfore becoming mayor.
The City Manager, on behalf of city staff, expressed their appreciation for Mr. BurneR's
Mayor Bautista thanked the Council, staff, and community for their support. He thanked
his family and friends as well, and introduced family members in the audience.
Mayor Bautista highlighted the accomplishments of the last three years which were the
result of the city, business, and community cooperation. These included negotiating a
settlement with the Diocese for the permanent preservation of open space, adopting a
hillside preservation ordinance; adopting a commercial ordinance; implementing the
Stevens Creek Boulevard beautification plan; adopting an economic development
strategy; reinstating the Fourth of July fireworks and other festivities with private
financial support from the community; working with schools and other Co.rp_munity
groups to tackle graffiti; and passing a non-smoking ordinance. Mayor Bautista said
these goals could not have been achieved without the spirit of cooperation, and the
greatest challenge facing the city is keeping this spirit alive, encouraging participation by
all citizens of all economic classes and ethnic backgrounds, and reaching for goals that
benefit the entire community.
November 13, 1994 Cupertino City Council Page
Mayor Bautista reviewed the Council's goals for the coming year, whleh include
expanding the library or building a new one; expanding the senior center; preserving the
economic health of the community and the city; election reform and clean-up of"eleetion
graffiti", and celebrating the city's history and cultural richness.
Mayor Baufista announced that on November 25, at 3:00 p.m. in the Monta Vista High
School parking lot, there will be a celebration as a part of the DeAnza Trail Expedition.
This will mark the 220th anniversary of the first Spanish explorers to come through this
He also announced that the city, in cooperation with DeAnT~a College, is sponsoring a
dialogue about the issues facing Cupertino. He encouraged everyone to attend this forum
by the Public Dialogue Consortium which will be held at the Quinlan Center at 7:00 p.m.
on November 20.
Council member Bumett said that his year as mayor was a wonderful experience for him.
The two aspects of Cupertino which made it particularly enjoyable were the cultural
diversity and the willingness of the people to help out, especially to help those less
fortunate than themselves.
Mayor Bautista invited the audience to a reception in the lobby.
At 7:00 p.m. the meeting was adjoumexl.