22047APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY -BuildingPruicet Idmttfkatlon Ba�,nsad� r"'e cT PliTNO. 22047c.9 v ✓, Lc • ,pp one: CITY OF CUPERTINO, BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT Contraaor'^Nanr: Lk. No: INGMFLHANICAL CATFGORY CONTROL Z Archltea/EnBUILDING-ELEILTRICALPLUJ glrcer. Lk. No: QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. PERMITISSUANCE C,y/ ❑ LICENSED COATRAOR'S DECLARATION I hereby a(lirtn())ofDmkcm3 ftheunder BuptoveuiPm islons Chains odea na, Jo(Ihe BUNrcasand Pmlesloru Code, and my APPf.IANCESRES1DENffAl JOB D N Lou.ingwlt infol]7000)ofdeffean Lbenec Clay Lmom b In fail (ora and k,11 PANELS Date CoMranor onto UP TO 2DOAWIS 271-1070 AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION Iurdermand my phn.shall be used as pubec r ... da JOVFRIMAMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. FT. Llmnsed Proferobvl I rr1A/ 6{7C[[(`/ (� SIGNSELECTRICAL OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION Ikrtbyafflrmtktlam exrmpt Tran Ne Comndofm Lkense lawfalk foBo1ingneasm.6NIon 70315, &minmard Pmfmlorm Code:Mydtyor muntywhWrequ apermnnmt maJter,Improve,de=o h,ornpair ( v rS Cwt )....RR i SpFLIAL CIRCUIT/MISE TEMP, METER OR POLE INST. any.tmcture prlorto It leewnce, abo requlreatheappuant fornch ptomtto Ilk a signed statement that he t licensed pursuant to the prcvtbna of the Comneor'm Lkenee Taw (Chapter 9 (romrrcnCng with Seclon 700D) of Divi- of the Buelnessand Profembru Code) or that he a emmpt thert(mm and POWER DEVICES aKV(.a.lpR,( s 1/ (i gWLV{AgNG POOL ELECTRICabn3 VALUATION the baats for the alleged e.emptbn. Any vlalatbn of Stolon 70)5 by any ppIlant fora permit aubjeets the app"nt to a dWl penalty d nae mon than flryl�,'ndred dollars (6500). I__I'• u owner of the property, on my employees with wages as theb sole OVDSISSWI7CI ES-FD(TURFS NEW RESIDENTIAL ELFL7R 9�FT. RIES 7YPECONSIRUCTION compensation, will do the wmit and th. structure b not W anted or offered for sale (Sec 70K Bluntness and Prdeaelorm Cade: The Contrume. Llanea Taw dm rot apply to an owner of property who Wild. or Improve thereon, and himself orthratgh hinownemployees provided thatsuch OCC GROUT' RIS. UNITS Impmotmenu are rot Intended orokered forsale. If, havever, the W IW Ing or Impmvement bald wkhln orcyeare(completlogtk .,e-WIlderwEl have TOTAL: n of pruning that he did not build or tmos prove for purpose of said.). 1 .. owner of the pmperty, en erchuively contracting with licensed iracton to mnrod the project (See. 7051, Bushs. and Ptofndo. Cade: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE ei Lr FLOOD ZONE APN Coranctori Lie nse Law dm nor apply to an owner of property who Wild Wilda or Improves thereon, and who connm fee much ptoJects with a .WLEa erp)Bansed panu.nt to the Contraaa: Llan. Law. LJ I am eaempt under sec B 4 P C for this rcnon ALTER-DRAIN k VFM-WATER FEE SUMMARY BACK Plow PROTECT. DEVICE OUTSIDE FEES DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, CONED. FIXTURES— PER .I1ZVa SANITARY Y N_ RECEIPT' N Owner Date WOR"AN COMPENSATION DELLA RATION ❑1 herebi afErm that I have a artiflalc of cwcxnt to self -Inure, m artiflate of orken'Canperuatlm lnaunnaea•rexlftedrapythereof�ec. 3800, Tab C.) sC]{OOL TAX Y_ N_ RECEIVEN GAS -FA.SYSTEM-11NC40U7LM PARK FEE Y_ N N RN Com Y GAS EI. SYSUM-0VER4(EA) BUILDING DTDI V ISION FEES ITropy b hereby with the red. Certed mpyb(Iled withthe tlty Inspection division. �N CERTIFICATE OF EXEh1PTION FROM WORKERS GREASE/WIXJSDtI, WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHGCK FEE PAID �f� baa a� GREASE TRAP COMPENSATIONINSURANCE sent na be completed tithe permit b faorc hundtud dollen (D Date Receipt SEWERSANITARYSTURM EA 10FT or I.on ($t OD) Hffyth b house, I snot ortk wakan wATIRHATERw/vEIVT/EI.EcrR ENERGYFEE Y N mpe anon ua employ am to b,eoneveemdt Wu,k not emPlo—tk person b any manner n u to become eub}m to the Waken Compenuatbn law. o(G Want. Date PAID WATER SYSITM/TREATING Applicant NOT[CE NO7TCE TO APPLICANT: if, Aft" reekingldreeking, akg this CrrtBkate of EaemptbY. y shmld become subjeet to the Workers' Compernatlon prevlsbne of the Labor Cade,yourntatforthwdhcomplywithwc pmvb morthbpemdt.hallhe deemed revoked.BUILDING Date Reccl tk NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFT.n, TOTAL: FEE / SEISMIC FEE 1 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY l herebyaflirm that there h a mnetruction lerWingagency for the perform- area of the work for which this permit Is teats (See. 3097, CN. C.) TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE Leru rr.Name kndds Address 1 e,rtlfy that I have read Ihbappllatbnard state thatthe above tnfcrmatm t QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE QO MECHANICAL FEE FEES PAI D: bmrrtct.)agnetoromPlywitheJc3tyard county anlinanon and slate laws PERMITISSUANCE relating to building oo—dine, and hereby eahorlae represenntives of this city toenteruponthe above-mentbned propertyfor kapnjem purpose. (We) agree to cavo, Ind emudfy an d keep harmlm the City of Cu pMo ]^ ALTER OR ADD TO MEM. Date R2CC1 IM .8 1Wblllties, jrdgrrc msa.od en whkh nay yway... .'abut fin= nos ofthe gra n ofthls �r/ /6 AIR HANDLING UNITED 10," CFM) SUBTOTAL. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX SlgnaWre of Aret/conttanor Dan EXHAUST HOOD(w/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PA ID: ZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT D0100,000 BHI) Willthe app rdortunn buildingoccupantstomor handle havrdoun material a. defiraci by the Cuperttm Mutddpal Code, Chapter 9.lZ and the Ile❑alth andSafety Code Section25532(a)? Ya No WBlthr applkarda lure Wlldtgo pantuseequipmenadevkes which emit horani.s air mntaminme, s defined by the Bay Area Nr Quality Management DW rkt7 Y. EE��No 1,` have mad the h.Qus materials requirement underckpter G95 of the California Health 6 Safety Code, Sectbm 25.90.5, 25533 and 25534.1 Date Revel tit HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: . 5 VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESEED) ISSULINCE DATE MAY j/ s1 BOILE&WMP pts' OR 100,000 BTU] BORER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT understand that if the Wilding dos rat oamnlly have a tenant, that It is my 1 mpotolto Cori ,en uirdo(therequlrtment which must met prior to imtna. ISSl1ED BY�a OwnararaulhorUad agent Date TOTAL: OFFICE OFFICE COPY