01010127 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDINOADDRFSS: PERMIT NO. 10140 FIRWGOD FOM SEASONS R ING 01,010127 OWNEWS NAME: APPLICATION SUB DAI17 L71MLl"i7:GH IdfaldL'Y G45 H01;NING aT' 01/31./2001. RINEo SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)278-111330 ARCHITECHENC.1 iIiR: BUILDING PERMIT INFO s - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION C 5 E b I hereby an ,m traal I an lic come under ontvishms at Chapter 9(commencing Job Description Finwith Switur7W(Bvf Division 3afthe Balinese and Professions Cadeandmylirence a .'i«KIIas a and ett� 3�f/ x Z _9 SFIII �I 0 QS dL E TO ( 1T(]I I a' i V Dnle ,a, O SARCHITECT'S DECLARA ION J undersuuW illy plans.shall bea used as public records pO [Accused Rnfcxannsl , 5l OWNER BUILUIiR DECLARATION .1 hereby affirm that I am exempt fmm the Conference's License Law for the L•>a following at ISectiun 7831.5.Basineo and Professions Cale:Any city or inti Z F 0 which require.a permit m cnnswct,ulefr,impmvc,dean i.sh,or repair any gmcmre t�s63� prinrwits issuanre,ulw rtyuiresthe applicaa lnnuch pcnninu GlcusignvJ staremem deal lifecord pursuant mmepmsmnsonhecnnaremr.Licensee lyw(Chaptme Sq. FL Floor Area Valuation aammmcing with seeaan mmol of Division 3 onhe Business and rote Fussier,Cale) or that he is exempt dmm8om and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation $W00 of section 7031.5 ny am applicant for a nemm ton'e'r he anphc:to w a civil perahy of nm more mttn dvc I....dreg dommm(g5rn0. APN Number ' Occupancy Type . ❑1,as othear of the ndthe s of my a is nous twnh wogea as theo-sole sale cn.mion, 34235'a-32.00 will Jt the wort,send the immure is not ctor',Li or attcrctl low ala ISec.]PLI. Brands and ProrWhona Cale:The Contractor',License Law ares no,,apply r an Required Inspections r of pmpeny Who buines.p improves at such.and who Jds such torte himself a through his awn employees,provided for arpoM1 improvements arc urn intendedyear ar. ,3fr3J l''f�W*E ctterei periodic. w however,the beading or urdenoement is thin within one year at 307 — 1143UL_ATION completion.the owncrhnllder will have the harden of proving that he sliA not huild ser islaoiforparpola:ae.T i RXJF 11i C11T ❑I,as Owner of We Property am eaclusmcly controlling with licensed comments,to 602 Fi'fJI:1F RI_YW OD IdAl:l_ console, the project(Sec.70,14.Business send i'ndeu mal CM :)",Contractor's " License law dos not apply to an owner oratorical,whu builds air improve,defend, 603 — Fi'GGI= EtATTENS and who contracts for such projects with a contractini licensed pursuant to the Carboni Lirene Law. 0 1 a. 600.4 — IOW-- ,T,N—r-tli'C.lGF rSS 1 am exempt under Sm. .B&P C for this recon DWner Dae ' WORKEMS COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby elfin under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: J 1 have and will mainmin a Certificate of Conserv to self-lnnum for Worker's Compensation, as provided far by Seedun 37VI of me Lada Cale, for the performance of the wod for which this permit is issued. ❑1 have and will ned rain Worker's Compcnsaian Iasomsm,as required by Section 37g)of the 1111,111 Cale,Far the pedm ouutec of the work for which this permit is issued.MyppW�orker''Cmnnetmn/iioor lnmrnnce enrriev anti Policy numb••��erarc: • - Carrier: Ay rR,iw („-. Policy No.: .r//�� //�� . Ciilil'11ZICATIDN OF IiXEMM ION�fer'ROO-MIN-'—OORR—_Kf) COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section mrd not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars is 1110)or lest.) 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is Mored,1 slwll urn employ any pi in ony manner ser to,es become.subject m the Workers' Cooperstown Lancelot Cliff ar an.Date ' Appficard NOTICE TO APPLICAN'LI1,atter making this Cenifcoom of arr ion,you should Z became suhjmtto the Worker's Counteract an provisions of the Labor Car,you must Z Z O forthwith violably with such provisions or is pvo shall be deemed revoked. F^ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY lei I hereby amen that there is s anord(Senn lending C agency for the performance _ o - W of the wod for which has permit is Ismttl ISec.3119].Civ.C.7 I,enderN Namu Z IsnJcr's AAdnss . c beady flat l hale mud this applicaimi and state that the above iallvmntion is Iti. [.a rant.1 agree to cntnply with all city and enunly brdiaances ani state laws relating (� o building asnaruction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon �Q �s Gxl the uha(We) give to pmpcny ton if y and ko purpuas. LeLA �e,lud see unava,indemnify ani whi hamdess the Clty tr emea ai againmDl liabilities,judgmenu,coats mW expenses wbich may in any way amore against sailCityin conseueAi O 1e)f5o�APPLICANTDND STANDS WILL.COMPLY WITH��II..L NON POINT IS1lICdhtV /JZROUCE rC t : y: OIC Signuwre nfA icuntlCnnwctar r I�Uutc Re-roofs 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE AIR the applicant or more building mrupam wu<car handle ba:amous material Type of Roof By on,defned by the CupenintM Cale Chepmr 9.12,lead the Hcaphnnd Safety ' Cale,Section 255321a)T me °Yea No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. Will theafr i in, ctumbut ingoceup,mtusaequipmentserdavice,wmeb If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove nitha.anlo.,at,"nlimot demmdbynmBayAn.Ai,QualityManagctnem g P g istrno? all new mater' Is for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 71 yes "" all non-poi ourc gulations. I have mad the brilliant tnaerials teyaimmems under Chapter 6.95 of the Catifomia Hi&Safety Cale,Sections 255115,25533 and 25534.1 understand that if the Wilding Jres oat care tly havea m,that is my respomihility to unity the O occupant or the maintained,which st he met briar to Nadi of a Ccnifcme of '� Daapaoy Signalu e of Applicant Date owner car Dae All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better OFFICE