21414 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY EulldlitProject Identification PERMIT NO. Build @gAdd rean� 1 21414 KJ/ a . one: � ` p _&2 aCITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION • �or.Nam: Lic.N& APPLICATION I PERMIT �7���CCvri BUfIAiNGF],pC'IRICALrLUMBINGMBCFIANICAL CATEGORY cOVIRDLR Archhel/Fsgtrcer. Lk.No QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Addreu PQOrBTISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSEDCONTRi under BDECLARATION I hereby Sectio lr 00)of that 9Jo,,3licersofthe rprovLstons of Chaper9lmTnmmc ArrL1ANCFSRESIDENitAL B RIPIION lice lat fun7000)otDlddm3ofNe Budnossand Proleedans Coda•red my Li lt In(u0 r d effect rANEIs Date- CFI[T•aor �ARATIO-.�/1. UP TO 2W AMPS ARCHFI be tua DECLXRATION 2T1-1000 Ore 77 I uMerstand my pons eha0 be used n public rtmnds OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.Ff.FLOOR AREA 5/SQ-FT. G [j Licensed Profeeslarul SIGNS ELECTRICAL ;1 ibJl OWNER-BNLDER DECLARATION Ihenbyaf eenthatlameaemptfrmnthe Contrano/e LicenseLw(m the =ULCIItCUIT/MISC following reason.(Seel.7015,Budne s a Profenloru Code:Any city or TEMP.METER OR IOIE COST. r� evnntywhkh requhea perniond tomrutmq alter,Improv,demolish,orrepalr any structure pdortolts issuance,alto requireitheappllont fmsuch permR to POWER DEVICES ryL fate a dgnad statement that he b hcensed pursuant to the provisions of the " Contractor's License taw(Chap,er 9(mmmenring with Sect on 7000)of Divi- 3 < abn 3 of the Buslnm and Professions Code)or that belt eoterapt therefrom and EL SWMNUNG FOOL ECPRIC '1 VALUATION the baals for the alleged e•emptbn. Any solation of Section7015 by say / \ - a ppile"tfora perm0 subjecstheappllcanttoa cfWl penalty of not morethan O(m"�S EIFSETXRIR �� L {/ hundred dollars(5.500). a 1,ase owner of the property,or my employees with wage as their sole NEW RF3DINIIAL EI.FGIR SQFr. STORI TYPE CONSTRI1CIlON romperustlan,wRldothew¢k.and Nestrvcturt isnot ln,eMcd our o(!e d$ A s o nit(Sec7011,Buslmssand Pmfmlom Code The Contnnoteucc Pj, SS on t apply to sou owner of property who Wilda or Improves pros thereona- e F whudosuch work hlnmelforthmue gh hleown employe ,provided that su 'a " OCC.GROUP RES UNITS drot Impmvemenbannotlntendeaoroffertdfms .H,howe rthebud"g s I F TAL lmprovemem ltsokl whh@arcyearafcompletbn,tteerwner-builderwW r' dICjIurden of pmdng that be,did not build or triprove for purpose clinic.). PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN I,ase owner of the property,am essh4,wlyBud c sort ing with Ilarodd PERMIT ISSUANCE,! " the Co ms to Contractors License ,he project(Sec 7010,Businm ate rrdmbro Code The .1 imprs Llo then Lw don not apply,o an owner d property,who ALTER-DRAIN It VENT"-WATER(EN W Ills or Improve thesoq and who mrdnRa for such ptoJem • (i Boened pursuant to the CmtnctoYs License I w. RACKFLOWPROTBCT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJ I am evempt under Sec B 4 P C for this reason ES Owner Dde E,R&lrjS.KMHDOR ROOF,AREA,GOND. SANTfARY Y— N �' R WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION REC ITT — N_ F-11 hereby affirm that I Farr•¢stlfloo te of cuent to self-Twatm, a TRAP SCHOOL FAX YRKEEPT R ¢rtwota of Workers Cmnpenudmnlnsunnca ws¢rtl(led mpythermf(Sa. GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 INCROUTLETS PARK FEE Y— N_ pak �6G ? Po11cy I OG 3C 5/2 -1 DING D R �Cy �fi GAS EA.SYSTEM-0VERt(PA) BUILDING Oi VISION FEES ertw coped y b fiedwoby th the city d. GREASE/WDUSIAL WASTE INTFJ2CEP'IOR PLANCHECK FEE ❑CertIRM ropy lt filed with the city 1nspeGlon dlWdmi. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION DISURANCE SEWI]t-SANITARY STORM EA XI!&-1. Date Reexl tM Tfhlaacctbn neM not be<wnpieted Rthe pemdt V foorc hundred dollars (53 00)or lm.) COATER I-�ATFR w/vFxr/ELEc'rR ENERGY FEE Y N ]¢dBy tha,in the perfomun¢of thcwmk for which this pemdt b lasted, — I had]nIX employ,any person 1n any manner so as to brmme subject to the WATQt SYSTEM/TIiFATIIx Workers Corn maHnn laws ofC hfomla.Date PAID O Z Applicant Z D NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,after makdng this Certificate of Exemption.you NEWRESIDENE7ALPLMB. SQFr. Date Recei toy should become subject to the Workers'Compewtbn provisbm of the Labor TOTAL ~ _) Cod,you atf¢thwlth rmnplywith such povltbns or this pcmw dull be LU > dwe revoked. BUILDING FEE W F3 CONSfRUCT1ON LENDING AGENCY 5EISMIC FEE d therebyafilthat there 6 a construction lending agency for the perform ELECTRIC FEE Z an¢ofthe workfor which this permit lt Issued lSK 3047,0,Q TOTAL 02 1<"aer'Name PLUMBING FEE 1L F­ Iardc.awddreas QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W I¢nlfythatlh wmadthbappLat naMoat tH theabove@rormnim bcorrcat.I agreetocamplywlth all cityand countyordlnnnmsand statelaws PERMIT I99UANCE FEES PAID: >_ N Matingto Wlldmgmm dim,aMh mbyauthm mpr ntattveofthb F Z city to enter upon theaWvcment@red property for inspection purpose. ALTERORADDTOMECH. (We)agree to save,WemNfy an d keep brmlm the City of Cupertino Date R2 Ci toy V ag.W,habwt ydgments,emaaM apensn which mayN anywayamue AIRITANDLINCUNTT(T'O10,000CFW SUBTOTAL: agalns,sal In en¢of the gnedng of this permit. /-J AIRFANDLINGUNrf(OVERIO,0(0CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX sign a Ad'paant/Contnna Da,e ExrlAusr EK)oo(w/Duca CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the apned bYteune Aino occupant or haMk:havNou HF.ITWCUMT(TO 10,N0 BTU) Date Recet tM material as deRned by the Cupertino MuNcipal Cod,Clupm 9.1;and the ��((��7j HeakhaMSsfcty Code Sectbn75S37(a)r HEATING UNIT(OVER 1W,"BTU) TOTAL: iS63S R Y. ONO Bl the applkantm tum Wilding occupant use equlpment maevices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE which rout hazardous W ree undua tssa deRiud by the Bay Area Air QualnYe res ement Dista BOILER-COMP(7FIPOR 100,000 BTM 4 Ye ° Hvertadtheth& matae,S req lrementaunder Chaster. I of BOILER-coNr(OVER 1(A,000 BTU) the U and Health[c lldln CM,S . 75505,75533 and 25531. I N 0 v 0 71990 uMmtand Nal lithe Wllding don nolcvrmntly hove stenant,that lcltmy NEW RE9DENTIAL MSCI-I. SQ.I7. (restore@Iltythe Motthe mqulrtmenta which mush trct Rss�� P.to 'lta Cert ofOu pantyCiti . Af h1nr � Own rythmlud dgent Date TOTAL ISS UED BY: OFFICE COPY