22060APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY I in Pm Identlfkation ���do�e�s s. c �( PERMITNO. 22060 CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT �C-r-tstl c t Na Lb N BUILDING-ELECTR)GLPLIJMBING-MECHANICAI. CATEGORY CONTROL N rchkM/Englrcv. IJc Na QTy ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. PFRMITISSUANCE ii =I Fl7cMU___1MrrT_ ❑ ❑ ❑ IN LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I lrreby affirm that l am licensed under provisions al Cluper 9(oormrcnc Ingwlth Setbn )of Dlvieion3o n P leWmaCade,and APIPTIANC6RES3DENTIAL TOB DESCR=N lf¢esebm ro�.on�rree. � GOMfatar _ _ ,.�� DateLkenneC AIt, ARCHEIECT CLAKATION rANFls c,����L� AMPS IuMentard my phroehaBbe used spubec remrds OV OVER1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA 5/SQ. FT. SIGNSELECTRICAL Licensed Pro esbral - OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I herebyafgmnthat I am exempt from the Contrutor's Live Law f« the SPECIAL CIRCNT/h1BC ]LIiP, ME7FR OR l'O ST. following mann. (Sedlon 7071.5, Business and Pmf ntalomt Code: Any elty or muntywhkh reerylreea pemdt b mrowt, ilter, bnprmvq demolbR or¢pair anyatruetue, prior to lb baran¢,abo require the applicant f«such permit to Ne a signed statement that he is Boenaed pursuant to the proviabro of the Contractors Lkeree Law (Chaper9(mmmenMg wdh Seerem 7000) of Divi- slen 3 of the Bushes and Prdesloret Code) or Uai he is exempt therefromaed POWER DEVICES SWIMMING LELECTRIC VALUATION the beds for the alleged exemption. Any vlola0on of Sedion 711115 by any fora permit subjete the appllnm to a civil peraRy d n¢ more than OVIISIS FIXTURES NEW DENIAL ELECIR SQFT, fivewndrN dollars (SM. La.ownu of the property, or my empbn yewith wages u their sok S RIES TYVECONSTRUCTION mmpenaation, will do Eno wmk. and tiumruch re b not bderded or offend for ale (Sec 70K Buslou, ab Profesbm Code TM Cmur,t.e. Line. Law dorm t apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon,and whodceaaurhworkhlmseV mthrough hiamnemploym, provided that uch OCC.GROUP RIS. AMTS Improvemrnts are not Intended oroffered for . IL however, thebullding or improvement iasald wkhinorryearofc«nplelbm theowner-bullderwill have TOTAL ft.hunden of proving that he did runt budd or improve for purpose of ule.). L u owner of the property, am excb.lwly mntracdng with licensed mntraton to mrelrud the projet (Sec 7014. Bushes and Profesb,.es Cod The Contractor', Lkeue Law does not apply to an owner a( property who builds or Improve, thereon, and who myrata f« such p1jeets with a q'iPtor(.)B¢ued pursuant to the Comtldtora Limnse Law. LJ I am exempt under Sec B & P C for this renin QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE / ALTER -DRAIN &VENT -WATER (EA) FLOOD ZONE APN BACR FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE FEE SUMMARY IXUINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, GOND. SANITARY Y _ N_ RECEIPT It Owner Data WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION m hereby affirthat I haw a certl0nte d consent to .ell -mom,, or a IBrate ofWorkenC«npe /w�Bo(Jnlsu¢r�¢ or -o' leJd9�gPytherro(6ec. 3800. Iib CJ liT � ��/ Polity I FO(NRES PER TRAP SCIIOOI. TAX Y_ N _ RF.Cm7, s _ GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 INC4D PARKFEE Y_ N_ RExE]II'I' a GAS EA. SYSTEM -OVER -R4 Cam y �Certtft p e�rthecit. Nedm bfiledwiththetltylspectbndivision.CERTIFLCATEOPD(EMFTION BE I L DING D I VISION FE IS RLW IxTERCEPIDR PLANCHECKFEE FROM WORKERS INSURANCE lithepermRbf«onehundrNdollena]ID)«lam.) that ionise per(orman¢olthe w«kforwhlch this pematb blued,shag n« ampiay any person N any manner u u to become ubjrt to theWorken'Compreautbn lrassof California. Date ApplicantALPLMB. Reuel t# _PAIDCOMPENSATION S[ORM PAS.Date w/VFNT/FJFC I ENERGY FEE Y NI¢rtBy PAID Date Reeel t# IREATI NOTICETOAPPLICANT: ll, ori makingnisi.Cnlon proof Exemption, you Amid bemrresubh to NeW yr t C psmwbn oro bpeofthe Labor Code, you mus fmthwkh mmpty with such prwbbv orthb pemdt sha11 h deemed revoked. SQFF. TOTAL: TOTAL SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I herebyarRmnthat there b a mrawrtlon lendingagesy forthe perform, nce of the work for which thio permit b isued t5ec. 30Y7, Clv. C3 Leader, ELECTRIC FEE woe Iender,Add. hmmet. building Imect. tWA Ihavereadnhbappb¢tbnand sine oh theabovaid( telavat muntyonllnanmand state law. Qry. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICALFEE �GYJ EE$PAITJ relying to buildingmroovi,mn,• oerannywBh.ndhered hereby dthis n rtyAorlarepmentativn ttytoenn Dion the above-mentiomdpmpertyf«Iropecibn rposs. (We) t sw, Indemnify an d keep hanNes the C of Cupertino ,g, Wt bl t jrdgmenb,ma. upemeawhie mayb ywa ewe agyst d en¢ofthe etingdthb ALTER ORADDTOhiFAi. Date RCCeI f# AIR HANDLINGUNIT(T010,000CEM) SUBTOTAL• AIR HANDLING UNIT 10,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Slgu ld t/ ontrut« pa IXHALw HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: IfA2ARDOUSMATERIALSDISCIA RE Will the applicant or future building oaupent store or handle havadousHFATINGUNIT(10100,000B71n melerlsl as dcBned by the Cupertino Mu Ntlpal Code, Chapter 9.12,..d the hkahhard Sa/ety Code SM1on 76324)7 I—I yea,E No re Date Rccci t# HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BT(1) TOTAL: ,.�� VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE Bl the ePPI"m on. building occupant use egWpmrM ordevlces whkh emit harard... air mntambanD.. deRrcd by the Bay Arca Air BDILEIFCDMP OFB' OR IK"BTI)) Q..lityy Management Dbtrtt2 4have readtheh NomateriabldqulmmenbunderChaper6.95of w. PAMP - BO ER-COMP(OVIXI00,000BTU) the Calif«nialiealth&Safely Cod,SMbro2&WS,75533and255M, I understand that lithe buBbur dingd. not eurremly have a tenant, that It ry /� IQQ Aura 7 T 9001 KEWRBDENTIALMECH. SOFT. raparob0lty to notify the oceupant ol the raqubcmcMa whkh most he met prior to bsuanee of a Certificate of Oavp, ray. (�a'aa�asaL DBY: T' �~ Owner m i:cd authora gent Dale TOTAL: OFFICE COPY