01070030 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 11410 GARDEN TERRACE DR JUST WATER HEATERS INC 01070s0y30 DV6W A10I-YIN M AND CHU KATE 1764 'NATIONAL AVE A07G/100/ 2001 t PHONE: (510) 293-9901 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. 0,-6 0Z ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO <U BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH <i GI r= IJ CJ LICENSED CONTRACT'OR'S DECLARATION 5„? Job Description Sectionhemla, that REPLACE ELECT. WATER HEATER. p�F_w is in full ho eu 0).fDivision 3 onhe ensure:sand Professions code,and my license m S j is in full forte and effect. z NNa Liccnsc Class SIGN K O eclat Dare Conn.,,.,w 3 u u t; ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION F� O¢� 1 underswntl my plans shall be used as public r¢ords 6 p Licensed Professional 7 OWNERBUILDER DECLARATION w I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Commoner's s L' La for the 1 Y�0 following reason (Section 7031.5,Business d Pr fie.i m Code A y ',, county $1 0 which m,a res a permit t Consumer,t erlilt approve.demolish p y dominate Print-it , cera also req ' th eppl' tf n ch petmu file.st,rodlicampartthat he cams witormardh tdthe p ivisinftheContractors Le . Law masC(Chapter 9 tW� �,�P.',1�,y. a Valuation or mmnc a th Se lenom and the basinooRhelegd es IUP fAny vi C°del Q, 1 ,1's'7 r3-T.g -C Z.C, anal i Tf''' or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged uemant to any violation of not 703 n v any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty 502APNI��IL PLUMBIN ENERGYOccupancyType ❑h as owner hewalk;and property. my employees intendedth orwages fe edfar compensation, 506 GAS TEST will ne hewalk;lsters ode:The is no, s tl e offered for snot(Sec. toa n - 507 - FINAL PlJ(�I>pi&MsPections', Business property Who Cale:The ori the is License Law does not apply to an owner of property Who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself i or hisfa his own l ply provided tom such erient improvements are not intended or t 'sale IEh in bidding us sold within one ear of offered f gorurden of pro y completion,provthe owner ba Iden will have the burden of proving 0a be did not M dd or f ' improve for purpose of sale.). � 41 of the p peny a.exioas lyComputing with licensed ontnwt r a + Y' , _ License the oejcet(Sec TBaa,Busies and Professions Codd:)The improves Contractor s _ License Law does not apply to an owner with pinata who builds ar.prous r thereon, - i _aced who comrsns far such praJects wth ac°mmnogs).ticenseJ.pursuam m.the. .......... ..._....._. . - _... ... - ..... _ _. . . 7 .. _. _._.—__ _-___.._.. _._. _._. ..____. Col a. Contractor's it under Law..,., 1 ❑lam exempt under5 i.t �,B&PC,6nhis mason .. OssncrqDate l , 'WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Phereby affirm underpenal,y of pr,my one of the following declarations:- _ ❑ I have and willmaintain a CeniGcdie of C°nietn to selhiasure for Worker's Compensation,asprovidedfor by Section 37W oftheLabor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. °I had,and will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance,as requires by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of tM1e,work Car which this permit is issu d MyW kis Com peiso tion'In mer and P I y be,amt s: Camerrs CIN OMPENSAehey NN5URn, ., s , Yr , .,n6 .. - -_.... ... ........... CERTIrICAT10NOFEXEMMON FROM WORKERS',.” C •. s is.i.l .' s a.,l.vj. of secilnn need ndt be complet d if the permit is for one hundred dollars is (SI W)or lean.) I c rr FY th ny tM1 pert din ce F th! k f OM1 a th' pe t s kern' _ 's• C u not employ any permn m any manner co as m;become tablet[hi Worked , Compeacution Laws of California.Date; , .Applicant .n .__..- NUI ICL TO APo the Work ryf.afteNor mak nio this Certificatesof f Exern o al,y hould t become subject y the Worker s vii ions or ti is provisions of the Labor Code,you must Q O forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit snail be deemed revoked CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 h by. F that there - -t t lending YfthPerfor_ n ce of h k I which tM1 permit ss.d(S c 1097 Ci,C -Led cNu _ ' , o Z Lend eall Address - .. I certify that 1 have read this application J tam that are above information is V � ycity and nt s correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and vac Imvs relating O.V tab Id g t"u sadh by' th p t i es Of fl City to ter upon rW theb Ay l r p t pp T . 0. (we)."' t a J rify and k hamleathe a fC pe t aga Vi liabilities,judgments,costs d pence which may, any%sy me against said ^ City nfin,g t g°f thisa tat ' PPLICANTUNDERSTANDS �L�`-p✓,k/`f`//y v,pI` vy AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT` SOURCE REGULATIONS Issued by: Date SIB at f Applic'{aZARDOUS1Mn ...7. ' Dater Re-roofs TFRIALS DISCLOSURE Will theapplicant or future drifting a pntstmc of handle tradition,it I Type of-Roof, as defined by the Cup Imo M n cippl Code Ch pt 9.12, lid(he Health ad Safety s x 4 ` ,' ❑Y. ❑vns roofs shall be.inspected prior io..any.roofing material,being installed. ....... _..._. w u.th ppl' t or farm building mcu,ma use eq ipment or de rocs hien: If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection;'I agreerto remove ei th d ,r cot a t as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management: D t t ng all non-poinr all new t sou for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ❑Yes " „-°Na . - - - rte regulations,- s 1 , 1 have lead'he Incautious materials iequiremcnti under Chance,6.95 of the Califomia Health At Safety Cnde.Sc,,ions 25505.25533 and 25534.l undemmnd that= _ ' _ifthe building does not Currently have a tenant.train is my responsibility m notify the - Ocp y i Of a Cenifcam of ,°c p lit nM1r�rr < tents wmrn'act b t t s Signature of Applicant Date qu m p,or .. ... _- -_ .. .. ... Owner or.ipm0(1)Ld agent; Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better. OFFICE _ ..