23795 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY BuMin Project identfiation ' PE MITNO. 1 f Bulldir,g Address: & Ilf 3 G- =%:Is c't�cls E � �L rC'3 23795 ¢ one: A=CA'iiON SUHIMII IAL DAm gf,lhprL. JLIG Nv. CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Cm'traeor'e Name; APPLICATION / PERMIT l9'-lLr"l V'Q' /Kn BUR.DING-E DCTRTCALPLUMBING- EC NICAL CATEGORY C Ited/Englraer. IJG No: �� "` I 2-y QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT I'EE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Tnd4.SC) PFRIATISSUANCE LICENSEDCONTRAC1`0R5 DECLA TION I hcmbyaBlrm flat l am licensed under pmvW«aof Chapter9(arnmenc APPLIANCESREEDENITAL pBD N I.le;Ikon forean DlWect. Ne Butlreseandlhofe®IoneCode,and ory Manx b In n force and R,a PANES . Lloeue Claw LIG1 Dale Contndor ARCHHECTS DECLARATIONOVER 1AMP' q�q�uu nOit z ]urdershrd my phroehaBhe used wpubllcrtmrds 000 AMPS- SQ.F^f.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FI. !i o� Licensed Profenbral SIGNSELECTRICAI . O 1-Q,, OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Pathe SPECIAL CIRCUIT 111 J Z O' a Thereby afRrmtFatlameaemptfromtfa Corrcnnor'elfoerue law (t (S - Z qqqq following maeon. emon 70115hsmi ,BuseaProfewloes Code:My dty or vy muntywhkhrequb apem tomsbud,Otenimpm ,demo h,ormpsir TZ1W _ < anyst Mmpdortolla arc,alearequBn eappBrant/«such p, rmdto CIS O O 04 a signed statement than he b horsed pursuant to the provb In.of the ww{{�� Contract/.L.Icerae Law(C apter9(mmmencingwithSedbn70W)ofDIW- F,3oJ sion3ofthe Buslnew andP mfe Code)orNsihebeaempt NeremmaM Lfl.ECIRIC VALUATION .•33 the buts far Ne al4ged eaemptbn. My Wolatlon of Sedbn 70115 bj any O Swt.IrF)FSED,T,MU, 1 applicant for.permit subjects theapplicant to.civil penalty al not mortthan �� l O. flue Farlandadlue . I,as ownNEWRESIDENTIALELECTR SQFT. `STORIES TYPECONSIRUCFION �n ❑ owner of the pr.property,or my employes with ended u their door 1-. mmpera dlon,700 Bo1l do iocthewwkanathewude:The ormmed for Law ' 4 p6 n4 CSapply to an owner df property Cade:The CoManora uarae law dmnotapply tock 11 ofpropertywho WRds or ploy ,ovdted that �S^ who dce.such wohhlmxU«thrwgh wownemplgees,provided that such OCC.GROUT' RFS UNITS Improvements art not Intended oroHcred for.ale.If,however,the building or improvement bald within oneyearofcom Idbn,theowner-bullderwBl have tl�-+urdenofprovingthathedldrotbuBorimprosef«purposeotsale.). QTY. PLUMBING,PERMIT FEE I I L u owner of the Property,am esswNcly ox�trxYing with Iberued HOOD TONE APN mntradon to mrWrun the project(Sm 7044,BuaNewaMPdewbu e: PERMIT ISSUANCE The Cordndor.Llarm Law don not apply to an owmer d property who ALTER-DRAIN k VENT WATER(FA) builds or Imp.Neca on, d who mrmadn f«..ch p5ojecL wd - - h a - �VL1�de(d Bceneed posuant to the Contndo:.Llan.Law. BACK How PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY L,J 1 im eumpt urdcr Sec B &P C for Nb reason . Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RECID'f ❑1 hereby•/llrtn that I have a certificate of cansnt to xB-Nesrt,«a EXTl1RES l'FR TRAP SCiBOIX.TAX Y_ N . •oert PARK RECEIPT fWorker'CompeuatlonluuruaoraanBled ropy thrrmftsec. — N ' 3800.Lb LsbCCO GAS EA.SYSIT]d-t INC-4 0VILE15 FEE Y_ N_ policy If GAS F.A.SYSTEM-O E 4 CIA) RECEPT I y BUILDING DIVISI FEF9 Cedltied ropy is hereby furnished. GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE IN]l]GII"IOR PLANCHCC E CeNtleO mpyb(fled wlN the city lnpedlori division.- 1[ I I CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' CREAM TRAP PAI V /y. COMPENSATION INSURANCE S4 co (hlseedlan need not becompleted Bthe permit leforom hundreddouars SEWER-SANRARY-SHAM EA.W)FI. 07 Recel !N �.' (9100)arlesJ WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR EN FEE _- I ll not employ anyhe pcoroo in of the weaneer forwto bon pertNt is to the (5q I stall not empty uy peroan In any manner w u m bemma subject to the WA1TR SYSTEM/TREATING `i w«ken'compeuatbnLawx err Cabromla.Date PAID = Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB.' SQFI. Date Reoei tN Z 2 NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of EumpOan,you . should become subject to the Workcri Corr motion provisions ofthe Labor TA ~ N Code,you moat forthwith comply with such provisions or this pertNt shall be Wj deemed revoked. L DFNQ 11CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hereby.Ulan that there b a mralrudlm LendNg agency for the perform ELECTRIC FEE Z ance of Ne work for which this permit b beued lSee 30Za,CN.C.) T Q0 IcMcr.N. - - PLUMBING FEE '. IL - Lender.Addreu QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W 1om fythvd at I love mad tate that the,.bove,befornaRon bmrrtd.LagrtetocomplywhWdlyaMd ntyord n¢s dAatelaws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID I,r N relating tobullding construction,and herebyauthertre repnncntattvn oftw Z cityto enter upon the abov rmntbnbpurposes. rad property for bupen ALTERORADDTOMEM.' Dale Recei tH (We).gree to sale,Wem fy.n d keep ha m the City of Cupertino V agaWtllabBltb,judgmerda,men and nperan which mayN any wayamue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: d aga fret said City in mn.eqoi ens of the grant ing of Ni.permit. i,, ALZ L-IAErDI.I,NC UNIT(OVER 10,000CE10 CONSTRUCTION TAX Sigtaturtof Apphant/Contrador Date EXI IA HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE O/ WIRthe.ppli Mr fuWmWldingoccupantetomorMndkha dour I-EATINGUNIT(TO1W,000BT'U) Date RCCCI f)t I materLd.,cleRrud bythe diro MuNdpal Code,Ch.pter9.11,ud the f - I Icahn and Safrty Ion 25532(x)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) RiftYn NO iftthe appBn tore bulldingoavpent use ryuiprrcnt ordevbs VENTRATIONFAN(SINGLE RE-%D) ISSUANCE DATE whichemithavrdw ism 'mivrR...de0ned by the Bay Arca Ah, Quality Mewgemer ast 7 BOILER-COMP OI-N OR I DO,"BTU) F Yd No PAID F 1have read then .matedw req.irerrcnts u nder Cha pter 6.95 of MOILER-COMP(OVEt 100,030 BTU) d 1 D the Califoenla Heabb&Safety ode,Sections 15505,5533 and 2-56M. I understand that if the buBdl don Trot mrrent haveatevnL that itbmy NEVJ RESIDFNTIALMECH. SQ-Fr. 'July ((a� '/ rcaporalbBdy to ratify Ne pard o[the mentswhichnr.tbemet N "' 8 19. 4 per a Cc to CITY o nt Date TAL; ISSUEDBY: -i RSV kOFFICE COPY