S 3976APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERNIIT BUILDING - ELECTRICAL PLUMBING -MECHANICAL BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION PERMIT NO. S 3976 BUILUINOa DDDR ILS.S: 'ft4s Lai �NC'�i ' ^ e 61 as 1 SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE OWNT•R'S NA P_' CO CTO N E: LIC NO: NIC CONTRGLN ARCHO'ECTiTNGINEER: Lit N DRESS' . U. ❑ CONTACT: PHONE' BUILDING PERMIT IN FO /n� F_(4`n� Y ❑ Cauvl ant Fos Paid by Appll ant (lNHa) B❑x EO uMB iro❑x / '• '911T ❑� LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby amen float am 11mnrN si c prorLbas orchal9 (I.ecing QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE JOB DFSCRIPTION with Seetion 700,1 of Dirivan 3 of the Bwnan e,W Pmfasims Code, and my liceme is in full forte atd cIT Gmnsc Clan Tic. N DateCn,or —PANELS PERMIT ISSUANCE RR FSIDENTIAy ❑ SFIDWL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION XLUMBING RE -PIPE APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL THEM I ,mdera,ud ney plans, shall be used a Bomic records ❑MULT-UNITC❑ STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION UPI 02- AMPS ❑INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT (]SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMODEUREPAIR ❑ DEMOLITION OTHER Lice.—I Pn Is...] OWNER -BUILDER UEC, Contr ON 1 lercby ¢(Sero Chet 1 n.5 exempt fnm the Cnn,rtttor's Any,c law forco the 0dlrwing.i.. (Batton 7031.5. Nurinas lob Pmfasiotn C't Any my x cdtnty 201-IIWAMPS OVER I"AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL which n permit ,c cdu,rvn, eltcr, improre. y s,mcturt SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC. hittilensefi-S its i n permin n a>Late memrn, prior m'nsissueneanlsn«91i provotIcn—fineuch slut be is littn.H Wntunmt proviaiomn(thc Ent 'n Licc law hap¢rY Lice TEMP. METER OR POLE INS(. COMMERCIAL: (rommmeingwith Scdien7 q)dlNvisienrlthe Busi sCNOor ,het he is acmpl 111crc(10 a,d tM1c M{is for the M c violation al ❑DEMOLITION ❑TEN POWER DEVICES M eve7ol LSve hu u cantforaprnnit 'cuntn ocivil penaltyM tort,wsc Jeno five c dollws(S30t El Las uwscrt,f Ue pr ny. nr my , ryes it gcx a, their role cm,pcnvtim. wd1 Ju U,ewurt, end the tin oRertd fm sWclSs.)DW. Busina'a ccnrr's NDCJAOUITION []TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑OTHER SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC a,td Rofasiom Cale: The Co 1 w tba tot apply ,o an Dover of Ol1TIFT5-SWITCHES-Il%'IURIS pnrycny Opt Ml,dr. car iminov and wl,o diver each work h,or Eor Orvsgh nimlwvorcnu his o+n empkryas, povidN uc rot imenkJ m offend for NEW RESIDENTIAL ELEM SQ FT. a BBQ. FT. snk.ILhmx.enthe be.ldingmim ,cmm,ie roll wiUtin arc year of am,pleliun. thl rcr-huildcr will huso the burden n proving that he did rim Wild or improm for par- pose of vk.). ❑ 1, its owner of the pmler,y ern escludwly comracting with GcrnrN ccinlrocrou bt D TOTAL: aol al the Project (,S.c. 91114, Bwinna aN Profession, Co.., The Cmo-x,m6.... taw law docs,a apply,o an owner of progeny who buiWsor i,opmva ,Mem.aN QTY, PLUMBING BERNET FEE JUN 1 6 1999 whomntrvc,for wch projc,e with acnnlrenm(» liccnvd punua,I nIheC,naO1v PERMIT ISSUANCE Liver. law. ❑ I am Bump, url Ser. ,B& PCfar Ibis realm ALTER - DRAIN & VENT - WATER (EA) Owner [)are By VALUATION WORKERS COMPENSATIONen DECLARATION BACK FLOW PRtJRiCf. DEVICE 1 thereby oW eny amt nr 1cnry nr ��gory nD encol he fnu;twing du.Jwadma: DRAINS- El ROOF. AREA. COND. ❑Ihave aunt will maintaio. Ccnifctic d'CuhTnto self-imurt for Wmketa Coapen- morm or Calc for the of the on, as pvidN lim1E for by Sec37of the labe Ierfm,u,u' STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION ,.A On which Nis Per 11 is iarucd, FIX'I USES- PER'HIAP ❑ 1 hate eN will mwnudn Workc(a Compclvation I... u rtqudN by Section 37M M the Labor Coda, for ,he feafOmurceof the wort for which this pmnit is miner. GAS -PA.SYSTEM-I INC.4 OUTLETS OCC. GROUP AI'N My wo"cke Cana"'. oe Imumnce cvner arJ Polity numher art: Camey: Policy No.: GAS - EA. SYSTEM OVER4 (EA) CERTIEICATIi OF BXEtMPT10N FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GRF,ASEIINDUSTRI. WASTE INTF,RCEPIOR BUILDING DIVISION FESS (This sessfon,cd not be comPletN if1he, permit u for one hu,bredddW IS 100) m las") GREASF,TRAP PIANCHECK FP,E SEWIiR- SANITARY-STORM EA. 2(p FT. I ccnity,h., In the peel Ni pc,mit is iswN.I ,boll ndempbyanypma Y. eW sefybf.�N��the W. ENERGY FEE WATER HEATER WNEI.T/ELECTR cation lax — / AOGICE- �'�{ GRADING FEE ri NOTICET6 APPLICAYT7L niter-p-G9ri.n rCMt tat f oil,or Coo vowatmust heconm mhjca m the WixkcCr Compensation Pnrvisian, afTabar Calc, yiw mutt wpT1:R SYST?M/I'RFATINC SOILS pZ'E WATER SERVICE fmhwi,h comply with wch pmvuiwu or,hu pcmdt rhell be dccned rtvotN. NEN' RFSIDEM1TIAI, PI -MB , SQ, FT. CONS'IRUCDUN LENDING AGENCY I Lereby affirm Uw dere is a emwec,ion boiling egcrcY for ie perfmmarce of PAID ecerpt N the work for which,hie permit is issued ISee. 11NO. Cls. CJ TOTAL: I<nJcr'e No. I<,ak(.Addrtse TOT BUILDING ITS 1 cer,Ify That 1 huvc oeaJ,M1is o,hee,ion and one Iles, the wine infonnatlm is 'orrcl lagrzmcomply withal, my mJ roomy dJinuecsuN vert¢ laws rtW,ingm er uMn, buikling com,rue,iora aN lemhy aultxwizc repeaeewives of thio city to enter he QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SEISMIC FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE ELECTRIC TEP, ahovonsntioocd pmpcny tin in,lec,ion pe,,, (we) wee to nive. indemnify awl Leer, hwmles the City of Cuprniro apiw ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. PLUMBING FEE Iiebili,ies,juJgrtewa. rnua arW caprnva which racy in unywayaccwcagninu said City nocquence of the gmming of,hn Penni,. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10.0011 CFM) MECHANICAL FEE APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCB REGULATIONS. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER ILAY) CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX of A,PricenUCmnrvcmr D E fIAlARWUSh ATERL\IS DIS OSURE EXHAUST HOOD IWMUCII HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HEATING UNIT(TO IW." BTU) Will heapplicso, m future Wildieg eccvpen, mute le heearel matmi.l us dednN by the Cupcnim Municipal Ode, Chuger 9.12, and the Ilmlth adl Safety Cork. Saaim 25532(.)9 HEATING UNIT (OVER I WTO) BTU) p Yt, ON. will ,he applicant car fmurt Wilding occulnw use, or R ics, w'hicb rympmrn rnut hazaNma air contaminations as Jcf nal by ,bc Bey Area Air Quality hle,ugrment District? ❑Ya ON. PAID Date Rcciq N VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE REI BOILER- COMP CLIP OR 100,0,0 BTU) T AL: BOILER- COME (OVER 100.0)0 BTU) AIR CONDITIONER have read Ise hvvUw, nutcrink,cquire,rcms udlm Clupttt 5.95d1M1C Cad i- forr,e Hcehh & SsfnY Code. Scctidn 255(15. 23333 atal 25534. 1 u,tic,sum,M, if tk building daes mn whiliry to naify theeoaynt ort ,rclpdo na,�crtli bade of pvmy. ISSUANCE DATE //ff �/% �• / �-g� / lr NEW RESIDFMIAL MECH, SQ. Fr, ISSUED BV:� nmhnrirN ngmlI Its tws, US, TOTAL: OFFICE