S 2951APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECTRICAL PERMIT No. BUIJ,DING DIVISION APPLICATIONMERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAL C Q 1utLUINU ADDKEhh: Ur4 J/ I 2 2 2 !d q FfgrfinV D bj )WNER'S t,l PIIDNE: CONTRACTOR'S NAME: . C NO: "LoilavelitiGeoup GSD 3']7-0300 'IWE0/6RIEN 0�' (AP i":1 I3- ACELIVCTMNGINEER: Lic NO, ADDRESS: �af .D_ NWF o, aAsr Ae�u 2- 0 13 Cc¢PcuATER47A LI BEA CONTACT : PHONE: GAfLV ABLes 4Q/4v4 — 94132 ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) 1 hereby affirm mel I um licensed and ....... oa n' of Chaper 9 (commencing - w'In ScWnn9000)ofD,i,ion9ofm. roAre..and Pmm.slo-Codc,andshy hie vI,. in full force uad efle / I 1 License Cl as: a 1_ic.X �D ;11," Cannata, ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records Lirenacd I'efexinnal OWNER-RUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Commcror's License law for the following reason. (Section ]031.5, Business and Podexsirns Code : Any cilY or county which r'yntrea o Pemdt m onnswct lele, improv, demolish. or repair any wlrncmre prior to its issuance. alta requires the applicant fir such permit,, Ilea signed trammel that he is licensed pnrsuanun the provi.sims of the Contractor's License Law Whaper 9 To gra,rcing wish Section 7000) of D',on 3ofthe Bud¢... uad 15ol...ions Code) La the he is esempl therefrom and the basis Entire alleged exemption. Any violatier of Section 70315 by any applicant for a rcrmd.cubiects the applicant ion evil Penalty of I mea than fisc hundred dollur' (5500). ❑ I, as owner o1'the properly, or my employee, ,in wages ns their nine compcnsution. will do the work, and the Immune isnot intended nr offered Ertmle (Sac ]BLt, Hudoev and Prdr,mr, Calc' The Commemrk License Law lore am apply la an owner of propeny who bald' dr improve W'mor. and who does ranch work nlmxelf or Ihraugh his own employees, provided that such Impravnrcha am not intended or nllered for sale. If, however. the building or imp r..cmenl is sold within one year ofsona lotion, the ow coboldr, -11 have the harden or ...... a,(had hedid notbuildoimp rovein, mar, Q )eof al,), I f the ponportEo am exclusively contracting Isan licensed t t e stract the project (S 70,14 Business and Professions C xl ) I To Contractor', LL - cents, Law ders ma T)Tp1Y loan owner Ofp p ly n n II: ' 1 I ... ses'limem, and QTY. whae,comots mrsichprojects with a tont I rt)utero 1pursuant laimContractors tree La w ❑ 1 cor vitraijIm,dJT4v „- , B & P C farm,nman Date �_/�= a/♦/ xner WORK17R'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION and waTlinn al it Fe rtific of of Con enc of the Fallowing de worker's ns: I have pro will for b in e tion 37:rc ofConsent eCalensnre for Performance Cerof the Compen- sation, n provided for by Section 3]1X1 of the Labor Cede, for me pvrlonnana of me work In which this permit is issued. wo ❑ 1 hm'c tend will mainuit, Worked. Compemte 11, far which a, ris peed t i Fadi.. MyX1ofthes Co Celafnr The performanceoftheolid forwhich This permit i. icsueJ. Cm Workers Cooperation Inumnce cnrtienoli Policy mrmMr arc: Cartier', Policy FROM CIiRTIFICAI"E OF G%IiMPT1ON FROh1 WORKIiRS' X (This sectiannoed nal he eomplemd lfdhi.eral is fortune hundred dollar.(SI00) or les..) I certify that in me p,rforome. mf the wok for which mix perign is issued. I shell not employ any person in my manner.,, u' to nccomeeobject to the Worker' Compeer. Z 'alba Laws of Colifornia. Uan IApplicant q N NOTICE *1 O APPLICANT. If, after making this Cenificam of Exenhptien, you should a ? n.conu.wrnjmd m the Worker'. Court auen poo .iota of the Lahr. Come. you must fiuhwhh comply with such pm uums firilli, p,nmr _shall badefined revomd Q v r z CONSTRUCT ION LENDING AGENCY UO 1 serstryalfiranmother'iso tunswetiin lcoda, agency fnr the pedn.... ance of U.F+ the work mr which this permit is issued(See 31F)], Civ. C.) O U Lenders N ... c i i1a Lenders Address I certify Ooh I have mild,hi, application and ,are that the above irformariom is N correct 1 agree to comply with all City and county ordinances and sunt laws mining to QTY. U z building construction, and hereby authorize representatives ofthls city memeralon the uhnvnnncalinned pmpc ty lir... patlnn p upsa". (We) agree u, save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupenin, agaimt liabilities, judgments, costs unit expenses which may in any way acetum against said City in rvaryencvol the grouting of permit. �APPLICA T UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT RC EGUL a -IZ 99 Signalcm rf Applica m/Comma.. Dae HAY.ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE. Will the a,rdicar nr more huilding occupant stnrc or handle amadous material as defined by the Cupenina Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, and the H.1m and Safety Cade, Section 25532(a)? / p YetNa Will the applicant ,, fume huilding occupant use equipment or devices is inch emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Ray Area Air Qual try Management District) Von o I have tad the hmnrdaus macriuN requirmnmts under Chapter 6,95,,(the Cali. fomin IlcnRh Safay Code. seeuo.1, 25505, 25533 and 25534.1 understand thud if the hall''dms acmremly ¢nand, dbar it is my resprrobiliy r, madly the occupant ane r filo wh' nor I sir to issuance if a Cenir.... of Qculcn I S !7 Owner or amhorircd agent Car ELECTRIC PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCI. APPLIANCES — RESIDEMI'I Al. PANELS III" TO 200AMPS 2061000AMPS OVER ANNE AMPS SIGNS ELECT RICA(. SPECIAL CIRCUIT^ '1'I7MR MEPlitt 5E, I' .:IN. POWER UP GS SWIMMING[INE1 '1' OUTLET 'S—SWITCIIt3— Titl NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECI'R U 41 r SING PE RMIT PERMIT (SSU. CI ALTER — DRAIN & VENT — WATER (EAI BACK FLOW PROTECT'. DEVICE DRAINS— FLOOR, 1000RAREA, CONI, 17EXTURE7S — PER 'I'RAP OAS—EA. SYSTEM -1 INC.4 OUTLE'I:S GAS—EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (EA) GRIiASF/INDUSTRI. WASTE INTERCIiPTOR (IREASIi'I RAP SEWER — SANITARY —STORM EA. 200 FT WATER IT I EA'I'HR W/VIENT'/EI.1!CTR WATER SYSTEM/ REATING WATER SERVICE NEW RF.SIDEMFIAI. PLMB. SQ. F9� V BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLI'T'ION RANlJIV '1 2 19YTOD SI VI( HER 7y f 3/SQ. Ff. `71 4f E8 ' 444 q1 '-61091 0 0 <7 STORIES 11 TYPECONSTRII HON 3 PLANCHECKFIER 111-7 ENERGYFEE GRADING PER SOILS FEE PAID MECHANICAL PERMIT' "FEE SE1, h F. y/ze%9 q PERMIT ISSUANCE? O N/C CONTROL# �3 3 PLU MING PER A(RHANIPLINGUNI'T(TO IO.DIIOCIIM) BUILDING PERMIT' INFO AIR HANDLING ON[ 'I'(OVER I l CFM) RLI ELECT PLUMB MF:CII EXHAUST' HOOD (W/DUC'1) 1•LL' JOB DESCRIPTION R r: SFDWI, ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION C3 PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑MUCI I -UNIT' ❑STRUC'I DEAL MODIFICATION ❑INTERIOR ❑ CHIMN17Y REPAIR IMPROVEMENT SWIMMING POUTS ❑ BAT H REMODELEEPAIR ❑DEhfOLFFION ❑ OTHER J HEATING UNIT (OVER 100.000 RTU) PAID - Tum Itewipl# VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RP.SID) BOILER—COMP(BIIPOR INLOODELID S 'fO'AI 1 V BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLI'T'ION RANlJIV '1 2 19YTOD SI VI( HER 7y f 3/SQ. Ff. `71 4f E8 ' 444 q1 '-61091 0 0 <7 STORIES 11 TYPECONSTRII HON 3 PLANCHECKFIER 111-7 ENERGYFEE GRADING PER SOILS FEE PAID MECHANICAL PERMIT' "FEE SE1, h F. — - -0. PERMIT ISSUANCE? ELECT/I] C Pli '7-41 ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. PLU MING PER A(RHANIPLINGUNI'T(TO IO.DIIOCIIM) MEC( NICAL PI?E AIR HANDLING ON[ 'I'(OVER I l CFM) 'CONS TkCT'ION"FAX 8 I EXHAUST' HOOD (W/DUC'1) HOUSING MITIGATION FEE THEATER! UNIT TO 100.000 ITU) HEATING UNIT (OVER 100.000 RTU) PAID - Tum Itewipl# VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RP.SID) BOILER—COMP(BIIPOR INLOODELID S 'fO'AI 1 TOILER—COMI'(OVER I00.0001411)1 AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE DATE 71,0 ISSUED IS �1 NEW RIISIDEN1'IAI,MECH. SQ. P11 TOP ♦ 0 • IL� HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY INFRASTRUCTURE April 30, 1999 (--C)'f' Mr. Gary J. Ables The O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo, CA 94404-2473 Re: Geotechnical Review of Structural Plans, Lots 1-05 and 1-07 Oak Valley Residential Development, Cupertino, California Harza Proiect No.: L840 -C Dear Mr. Ables: 1-5- In ^S In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the structural plans for the custom homes on Lots 1-05 and 1-07 at the Oak Valley Residential Development, located in Cupertino, California. The purpose of our review was to confirm that the geotechnical aspects of the plans were prepared in substantial accordance with the recommendations presented in our report. A geotechnical investigation was performed by our firm for the development and the results were presented in our report titled, "Geotechnical Investigation, Oak Valley Residential Development, Cupertino, California," dated December 31, 1997. We originally reviewed slope setbacks for the aforementioned lots, as described in our supplemental engineering letter dated December 10, 1998. We submitted a letter describing revised slope setbacks for the above lots dated March 23, 1999. In addition, we submitted a letter summarizing our review of structural plans for the subject lots, dated April 6, 1999. We reviewed the following applicable portions of the project plans for conformance with our geotechnical recommendations: • Foundation Plan (Lots 1-05 and 1-07) by ATI; Sheet Sl, dated 1/18/99. • Structural Details (Lots 1-05 and 1-07) by ATI; Sheets SOI through SO4, dated 1/18/99. t 40CLTR.021 04/30/99 425 Holand Wap Oakland, California 94621 TO: 510.568.4001 Isar: 510.568.2'205 Web: wumv.harza.oum Based on our review, it is our opinion that the project plans and specifications were prepared in general conformance with the geotechnical recommendations presented in our report. We note that the slope setback requirement for Lot 1-07 has been met by deepening the footing at the northeast dining room wall to 30 inches, according to a note on the Foundation Plan, Sheet Sl. In addition. we note that our comment stated in our letter dated April 6, 1999 regarding Sheet SO] of Lot 1-07 has been addressed on the project plans. Our services were limited to the review of the geotechnical aspects of the documents listed above, and have been provided in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Hama Engineering Company . Corey T. Dare, P.E., G.E. Senior Project Manager C32948/GE2013 SAB/C'rD:ll/ch Copies: Addressee (1) Mr. Richard Hiroshima (South Coast Architects— I) Mr. Doug Eikenban, (The O'Brien Group — 1) Ms. Wendy Allen (ATI Engineering Services— 1) 2 T pry u0 99 No. 2013 m \ Cxp. 6-30.02 0�OTFChIfd�C.Pv. �P OF Chl.1Fn� 1-840CLTR.021 04/30/99 2 T pry u0 99 No. 2013 m \ Cxp. 6-30.02 0�OTFChIfd�C.Pv. �P OF Chl.1Fn� • 1i FROM : CRMSJI FAX N0. : 6313358329 Commercial Roof Management Suri Jose, lac. Residenrial Roof System Inspection Report Project: Oak Valley Homes Inspection Date: 5125100 Address: 11009 Sycamore Qriye City: Cupertino Client: The O'Brien `bir= Contact: Pat Burke/pan Roofing Contractor: Rid -Out f3cpf ng CRM Inspector: Charles Thomas Lot Number: _1-5 118y. 26 2e8e 07:50RM P2 State: CA Type of Inspection: Felt __ Final X Type of Roof. Shingle _ Tile X Other _ Underlayment: 301b. Sht Metal Flashing: OK Gutters: OK Skylights: OK Attachments: OK Vents & Pipes: OK Valleys: OK Ridges: OK Eaves: OK sH*...o*o+*o.♦ Com ments/Observations: Inspected the the installation on above referenced roof. All appears acceptable, workmanship is professional and no deficiencies were noted. The bird blocking was not installed at the ends of the tiles, however this is not critical to the performance of the roof. Left a message for Dan/O'Brien Group on 5/25 conceming this item. cc: Riq-Cut Roofing MAR -22-99 10:02 From:HARZA M h. W • March 19, 1999 Mr. Gary J. Ables The O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo, California 911404-2473 5105682205 T-099 P.02/03 Job -89r IiARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY INFRASTRUCTURE Re: Eanhwork and Foundation Observation and Testing Services Oak Valley Custom Lots: Unit 1, Lots 5 and 7 Oak Valley Residential Development, Cupertino, California Harza Project No.: L840 -C Dear Mr. Ables: In accordance with your request, we have provided earthwork and foundation observation and testing services for custom lots at the Oak Valley residential development, Unit 1, Lots 5 and 7. in Cupertino, California. We previously performed a geotechnical investigation for the development, and the results were presented in our "Geologic and Geotechnical Investigation, Oak Valley Residential Development, Cupertino, California," dated December 31, 1997, 0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of our services included observation and testing of the earthwork operations to properly prepare the building pads for residences to be constructed on Unit 1, Lots 5 and 7. in accordance with the project specifications and our geotechnical recommendations. Per the project specifications. fills and finished building pad subgrades are to be compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction as defined per ASTM Test Method D1557-91. FIELD OBSERVATION AND TEST RESULTS We performed geotechnical construction observation and field density testing for the grading of Unit 1, Lots 5 and 7, including preparation of the building pads for the'residences. The grading contractor for the work was SCQ Construction, Inc. L940CL'rR.017 3.19.99 0 425R,)1and9'ay Oak1nnd,Cn11fnrnia94621 Tel.510.508.41N11 Fim,9]11.568.2205 1L'cL: ,hvNthnn.+i.umn MR -22-99 10:02 From:HARZA 6106682206 T-099 P.03/03 Job -897 • Confirming Aeld density, tests were performed on the completed building pads on September 11, 1998. The results of our observations and confirming field density tests indicated that the finished building pad subgrades were completed in accordance with the project specifications. 0 FJ SUMMARY f,1 Based on our field observations and test results, it is our opinion that the building pads for Unit 1. Lots 5 and 7 were prepared in accordance with the material and compaction requirements per the project plans and specifications, and our geotechnical recommendations, Detailed test information. including individual test locations and results, will be summarized and presented in a forthcoming progress grading report for the Oak Valley Residential Development. We have employed accepted engineering and testing procedures, and our professional opinions and conclusions are made in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of the construction, nor do we relieve the contractor of his primary responsibility to produce a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. I£ you have any questions concerning this letter, please call, Sincerely, Harza Engineering Company Corey T. Dare, P.E., G.E. Senior Project Manager C32948/GE2013 I No. 2013 I " \ Gap. 6-300.02 / >S SAB%CTD:sj Copies: Addressrc(2) Mr. Doug Elkenbar) (The O'Brien Group - 1) 1.340CLTR.017 3.19.99 r., MFlY.1'.1999 12:23PM 2R:RN KAHG,gS FOLLK `I/ Brian Kangas Fma Engineers . Surveyors a Planners • May 17, 1999 960069-50 Chuck Schoenberger O'Brien Group p� 2001 Windward Way, Suitt 200 San Mateo, CA 94404 Subject; Oak Valley Estates—Foundation Verification Dear Chuck, NO.755 P.2/2 On May 14, 1999 we performed a field survey of the location of the foundation form for the building being constructed on Lot 5 of the Oak Valley Estates project in Cupertino. The results of that survey claerly show that the location of the foundation forms are consistent and in conformance with the design location of the building, as said location is shown on the pima prepared by our firm. This letter is intended to provide ,von with the verification of that unit per our survey. If there are any other questions concerning that location please do not hesitate to can. Sincerely, �pNO OMDLfY A pIL60 � BRIAN KANGAS FOULK W, 3/31102 Bradley A. Bilbo P.L.S. 6141 en, Iiia 6141 project Marwger qTF of C ASI Q� Survey Department 540 Price Avenue . Aedwood City, CA 94063 • IBM) 402.63DO . FAX (650) 4$2.0365 J ATI January 21, 2000 The O'Brien Group ' 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo, California 94404 Attention: Gary Ables Subject: Oak Valley Lot 1-05 Final Site Review ATI Job 01106 Dear Gary, 3860 Blackhawk Road Danville, CA 94506 T.' 925.648.8800 F: 925.648.8811 One Market Spear Tower, Suite 346 San Francisco, CA 94105 T.'415.977.0410 F.'415.977.0411 In accordance with your request, we made a visit to the above referenced site on January 19, 2000. The purpose of our visit was to review the items that were not complete during our previous site visits. During this final visit we determined that the work reviewed was in general conformance with the plans, calculations, the engineering design intent, recommendations and generally accepted standards of practice. Please note that our reviews were limited to areas that were readily accessible at the time of our visits. Our efforts to review the work are not intended to relieve the contractor of his responsibility to construct the project in accordance with the plans and generally accepted standards of practice. Rather, our review is intended to improve the probability that his work is completed in this manner. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, Samuel E. Demil Senior Engineer Copy to: - South Coast Architects/sed - ATI Project File Filename: 01106-itr-final review-1-21-OO.doe "Providing Value through Quality, Service and Innovation" July 22, 1999 The O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo, California 94404 Attention: Gary Ables Subject: Oak Valley Lot 1-05 Foundation Review ATI Job 01106 Dear Gary, As requested, ATI performed structural observations for the above referenced project on July 20, 1999. Our visits related to reviewing foundations of Lot 1-05 for general conformance with the structural plans. The foundation contractor was present during our review. Recommendations were made to the contractor regarding rebar placement. In summary, based on the observations made during our review, we find that the work is in general conformance with the structural plans, calculations, the engineering design intent, and generally accepted standards of practice. Our efforts to review the work are not intended to relieve the contractor of his responsibility to construct the project in accordance with the plans and generally accepted standards of practice. Rather, our review is intended to improve the probability that his work is completed in this manner. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, Wendy Allen d Project Engineer ATI Project File filename: O/ 106-corr-001.doc "Providing Value through Quality, Service and Innovation" 3860 Blackhawk Road Danville, CA 94506 • ATI T. 925.648.8800 F: 925ne Marke 8. 8811 One Market Spear Tower, Suite 346 San Francisco, CA 94105 _ T. 415.977.0410 F: 415.977.0411 July 22, 1999 The O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo, California 94404 Attention: Gary Ables Subject: Oak Valley Lot 1-05 Foundation Review ATI Job 01106 Dear Gary, As requested, ATI performed structural observations for the above referenced project on July 20, 1999. Our visits related to reviewing foundations of Lot 1-05 for general conformance with the structural plans. The foundation contractor was present during our review. Recommendations were made to the contractor regarding rebar placement. In summary, based on the observations made during our review, we find that the work is in general conformance with the structural plans, calculations, the engineering design intent, and generally accepted standards of practice. Our efforts to review the work are not intended to relieve the contractor of his responsibility to construct the project in accordance with the plans and generally accepted standards of practice. Rather, our review is intended to improve the probability that his work is completed in this manner. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, Wendy Allen d Project Engineer ATI Project File filename: O/ 106-corr-001.doc "Providing Value through Quality, Service and Innovation" 10.22/1999 15:26 RTi 4 916504049434 FAX COVER SHEET Irm Company: Pax NodTal. No SubjeeriPro(aot: Project No. Gary Ables O'Brien Group (650) 404.9434 Oak valley Lots 1.05 01106 h0.654 DO1 3860 aWMawk Road Danville, CA 94606 1: 925. 640.8600 P921648.8811 ono Marker Spear Tower, Suite 946 San PrwnclscR CA ac 103 T: 416.97T.0410 A 416977.0417 Date: October 22, 1999 404-9432 I No. of Fax Pages, Including Cover 1 3 ( From: Samuel E. Damil Phone Number Phone(925)648-8800 Fax(925)646.8811 Action Requested Please Review and Comment I I For Your Review I I For Your Action I I I As Rapuested I To Follow via Mail I I cor Your Information I I I Please Call to Discuss I Mmago I am Sending the letter for my second review of the Lot 1-05 Strong Malls at the family, morning ; and dining roams. I will send you the letter far Lot 1.07 as soon as I get ane missing Info from John and/or Steve, I received a fax from Rich Ewing, with the South Coast Arohitacts, with sketches for the sleeping porch, They look O.K. except that the 4x12 should extend to and frame into tha I Microllam, and the two should be connected with (4) A35 dip angles, 2 on each side of the 4x12, Please call If there are any problems with this FAX Transmission. Copies: Project File °Providing Vaiva through Quality, Service and Innovatluno • 10.2='1555 15:26 i— FTI + S16504049434 3880 Blaekhawk Road Donvlllo, CA 94808 7:925.648,8800 F.'028.945.8#11 Thr I'�� 011e Malkat 4 A Spear Traver, Suits 348 San Frandsen, CA 94105 T. 415,877.0410 +—� P• 41&677.0411 October 22;1999 The O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo, California 94404 Attention: Gary Ables Subject: Oak Valley Lot 1-05 Second Site Visit to Review Simpson Strong -Walls ATI Job 01106 Rear Gary, In accordance with your request, we made a visit to the above referenced site on October 19, 1999. The purpose of our visit was to review the installation of the Simpson Strong -Walls for conformance to the recommendatlons in our letter dated October 5, 1999. Our observations and recommendations are as follows: 1. In the family room: a. The CS16 straps had been installed on the interior side of the headers and need to be installed on the exterior side,; b. The porch roof framing and ledger was not yet Installed. P. The Simpson Strong -Wall had been Installed directly over the concrete and the two 6x10 sections (stacked) were in place. d. The two 8z10's were attached to each other with LTP4's. e. The two vertical MST37 straps (one at each end of the Strong -Wall - engaging both of the 6x10's and the holdown posts of the Simpson Strong -Wall) were not yet in place and needs to be installed. , f. The exterior side of the wall was sheathed. 2. In the morning room: a. The Simpson Strong -Walls had been installed with the sheathed sides at the canter of the wall and with 6x10 blocks, horizontal straps similar to the family room. 9 "Providing Value through Qualify, Service and trtnovaelon" 1.10.654 Dae • 10:'22.'1999 15:26 -'I + Si6504049434 Pepe Oak Valley 4of 1-05 Soxnd Slang -Well Installation Review ATl Joo 01106 b. The two vertical MST97 straps (ane at each and of the Strong- Wall -engaging both of the 6x10's and the holdown posts of the Simpson Strung -Wall) ware not yet In place and needs to be Installed. ; c. The 2x6 blocking had been Installed between studs at the ceiling level In both the exterior exterior and exterior Interior walls above the Simpson Strong -Wells, 2x12 blocking had been Installed In the exterior exterior well at the top plate height of the exterlor Interior wall to secure the two walls to each other. d. The headers above the window in the exterior exterior and exterior Interior wall were connected with 1.90's. e. The lntenorside of the well was not yet sheathed. f, The verb'cal MS760's on both sides of the trimmers to compensate for the king posts need to be installed. In the dining room: a, 5lmpson Birong-Walls had been Installed directly en tiro cunuiutw luuhdalion, A single 6x10 blocks had been installed over the Simpson Strong -Walls, b. Single horizontal strap had been installed close to the top of the header. However, a second set of straps should to installed close to the bottom of the header, ' c. The two vertical MSn7 straps (one at each and of the Strong -Wall -engaging both of the 6x10'5 and the holdown posts of the Simpson Strong -Wad) were not yet In place and needs to be installed. . d. The porch roof forming and lodger was not yet installed. e. The vertical MS760's on both sides of the trimmers at the sides of the windows to compensate for the king posts need to be installed, Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, Samuel E, Demil Senior Engineer ATI Project File fllrnaw: Gr106•lir,�tron(i:alit-!D•73.99 NO.654 G103 F- -I LJ 10i05'199S 11:01 RTI 916504049434 NO, 428 1701 �� �aedBledrAewxRoad �.t■._ L oT- 5 Darwift, CA 94608 7.' 925.046.49800 f: 926.54a 8811 One One Muer So garden. CA94 06 +� ii r.AM977..0era �� F: era,en.oerr r FAX COVER SHEET To: Gary Ablas platei Octet Company: O'Brian Group Fax No./Tel. No (650) 404-0434 (650) 404.9432 Subject/Project: Oak Valley Lots 1.05, 107, 1.01 and 2-01 Project No. 01106, 01107, 01109 and 01111 Na of Fax Pages, Including Cover From: I Samuel E, Demll Phone Number: Phony (925) 648.8800 Fax (925) 848.8811 Action Requested Please Review and Commenti, For Your Review For your Action I For Your Information As Requested Original To Follow via Mall 7 I I Please Call to 018Cuea I Message I am sending the following: 1 1. Letter for Lot 1-05 Strong Wells at the family, morning and dining rooms. 2, Sketehas for Lot 1-05 family and morning rooms; the dining is a combination of the two11 3. A roof plan for Lot 1.07 showing the missing straps and linear blocking I was told Rich Ewing with the South Coast Architects that lots 1.01 and 2-01 are on hold for architectural changes to the dining room, living room and kltchan areas. He told me to hold off on working on the plan check comments for lot 2.01. Please verify. I will wait until I hear from you. Please can It there are any problems with this Fax rransmAsslon. Copies: Projeet File "Providing Value through Quality, Service and Innovation" • 10/05/1999 11:01 PTI a 916504049434 ®r r Octobers, 1999 The O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo, California 94404 Attention: Gary Ables Subject; Oak Valley Lot 1.05 • Site Visit to Review Simpson Strong -Wall* ATI Job 01106 Dear Gary, N0. 428 3860 alarkhawk Rood Donvkd'e, CA 84806 T; 825.648.8800 P 92$.6488811 on# Market Spoor Tower, Su@6340 San Fiend= CA 94105 T.: 41S.977.0410 f: 415.977.0411 In accordance with your request, we made a visit to the above referenced site on September 30, 1999. The purpose of our visit was to review the installation of the Simpson Strong-Walls.and to clarity questions about their installations. Our observations and recommendations are as follows: 1. The continuous header above the three rear windows of the family room was discontinued after the second window for two king studs. The continuity of this header should be restored: a. Install a pair of 11 foot long CS16 straps at each side of the headers (total of 4). These straps should extend 2 feet into the long header and should continue 2 feet into the header above the porch door Two of these straps (one on each side) should be flush with the top of the headers and the other two flush with the bottom of the headers. CS16 straps should to the two window headers, the Sx10 above the Strong -Wall (see paragraph 2a below) and the header above the porch door together. b. Install an approximately 20 -foot long 2x10 ledger continuous at the porch roof level, along the rear family room wail. Also install 2x6 blocking in the wall behind the ledger. The ledger should be installed over the plywood wall sheathing and should be bolted to the wall studs with two 6 inches long 3/6 -inch diameter lag bolts and nailed to the blocking with 16d nails at 4 inch centers. c. Install 2x10 blocking between the 4x10 porch rafters above 010 headers along the rear side of the porch and install continuous CS16 strap on the blocking over the plywood roof sheathing, Edge nail plywood to the ledger, to the blocking above the 400 beam and to the rafters at the right end of the porch and the rafter In line with the left wall of the `amity room. "Providing Value through Cuallty, Service and Innovation" IO/Z5/1999 11:01 FT[ 4 516504049434 N0.428 003 Page 2 Oak Valley Lot 1-05 Strong -Wall lnstalleBon RBVIBW ATt Job 01108 2. The Simpson Strong -Wall between the rear Family Room windows and the porch door should be Installed directly over the concrete foundation stem well with the sheathed alde facing the interior. Because the foundation stem wall was not raised under this Strong -Wall, the top of the Strong -Wali is approximately 9-h inches below the top of the window headers, making the application of the connection detail on ISIS03 not possible. To correct this condition: a. Install two 600 sections (stacked) above the Simpson Strong -Wall, b, Attach the lower 6x10 to the Simpson Strong -Wall with the provided 114x6 Inches long screws. Attach the two 5xt 0's to each other with LTP4's at 6 -inch centers on both sides. c, Attach two vertical MST37 straps (one at each end of the Strong -Wall) engaging both of the 6x10's and the holdown posts of the Simpson Strong -Wall. d. Sheath the entire exterior side of the wall (including the Strong -Wag) with typo 2 plywood, type 1 over the Strong -Wall. Install a continuous plywood panel over the Strong -Wall and the two 6x1 O's above it starting 4 foot above the floor elevation and extent the panel to the header above the window. 3. The king posts In the rear Family Room rear wall are O.K. 4. The Simpson Strong -Walls in the Morning Room rear walls should be installed with the sheathed sides at the center of the wall and with 6x10 blocks, horizontal and . vertical straps similar to the Family Room. Extend the horizontal straps 2 feet into the header above the window and 2 feet into the top 6x10 above the Strong -Walls. Install 2x8 blocking between studs at the calling level in both the exterior exterior and exterior interior walls above the Simpson Strong -Wells and connect them to each other with LTP4 at 6 inch centers. Similarly install 2x6 blocking In the exterior exterior wall at the top plate height of the exterior interior wall and secure the blocking in two walls to each other with LTP4 at 8 inch centers. Connect the headers above the window in the exterior exterlor and exterior interior wall with A35 at 12 -inch centers. Sheath both the interior and the exterior of the rear Morning Room wail with type 2 plywood, type I over the Strong -Walls. Place the plywood panel continuous between the Strong -Wall, the 600 blocks and window headers, similar to the Family Room wall, 6. The king posts In the rear Morning Room wall should be increased to (3) 2x6 studs in the exterior exterior wall at the two sides of the windows. The trimmers should be replaced with king studs and the header should be attached to the king studs with HUC hangers. 6. install the Dining Room Simpson Strong -Walls directly on the concrete foundation stem wall with the sheathed side facing the Interior, Use 6x10 blocks, horizontal and vertical straps similar to the Family Room rear wall. Sheath the exterior wall with type 2 plywood, type 1 over the Strong -Wall. Install continuous ledger, wall blocking, N., U ,afttr blaeking end strap atmi!ar to tho Family Room porch. Increase the klno studs at the sides of the windows to (2) 2x6 king studs nrininrum (three If possible) converting the trimmers to king studs and using NUC hangers, 10/05/1995 1101 RTI > 916504049434 ti0. 426 1704 Page 3 Oak Way Lot 1.05 Stmag-WaN InstaNatlon RaWaw A77 Job 01106 • 7. The direction of the calling Joists in the left section of the garage maybe changed to run parallel to the front of the garage. 2x1 p at 24 -inch canters may be used in lieu of 2x12 at 24 -inch centers. The glu-lam calling beam is adequate for this change. B. The.Strong-Wall in the garage was not completely installed yet. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. 6ir.oaroly, Samuel E. Demll Senior Engineer ATI Project File.. flr i p: 071064jlmrwn.11;40•5-77 11 �l 10/05/1999 11:01 PTI y 916504049434 sloche s der -r?1MLc.Y PV.M (BAR-LJA�L U. L6 C; A Ar N0.428 DOS CSIs It9eh H�f3Ic c'fyEt�� nrt_ .s-- t"aG wx�c or— pr,� to L4 ive�, R- 4 X-6" LA I CA srio L^, U_tfn P(4 7`1PF OA V— Vr.t,l r' { t, (-4S � Page No. sa'i'l Jongw Iio6 - io/SSSS ILI -r?1MLc.Y PV.M (BAR-LJA�L U. L6 C; A Ar N0.428 DOS CSIs It9eh H�f3Ic c'fyEt�� nrt_ .s-- t"aG wx�c or— pr,� to L4 ive�, R- 4 X-6" LA I CA srio L^, U_tfn P(4 7`1PF OA V— Vr.t,l r' { t, (-4S � Page No. sa'i'l Jongw Iio6 - io/SSSS 10%05.'1999 11:01 FTI 4 916504049434 I 1 T.1. F, II roQfIC4 wti -t'e PLAr Alf to atb Lv i — 6 tic) ....d 41v 0 A4) � 41 1N/ VANIA a 1mw.. . bx -irP4 �.cNo.c., P TC,64 4AUT 31 G'ZIs.G No.4zs vo9 Ay0VC— Me (DATE CS 16 &^n+ 5ipet 11 Q!t pJALI. "A -6t'1 AL,IC'( l�0`( Ir)S -'. page N0. MsT 3� r ADO $ 44 G J1vD I, Q!t pJALI. "A -6t'1 AL,IC'( l�0`( Ir)S -'. page N0. s s NORCAL LUMBER -EL:1-9111-742-3780 h``TpTE Et IIM� AITC CERTIFICATE OF ?an 24,00 10 :24 No . 003 P .02 CONFORMANCE (HE UNDERSIGNED MANUFACTURER HEREBY CERTIFIES that the products identified below and on attached sheets Nos, are marked with the Collective Mark of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION (AITC) and were manufactured In conformance with applicable provisions of American National Standard ANSI/AITC At 90.1-1992, Structural Glued Laminated Timber, and that such manufacture has been at our plant In RIDDLE, oRE:oom , which plant has a quality control system approved by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION and Inspected periodically by such Bureau. JOB NAME:._ OAK VALLEY — Lot a 5 JOB LOCATION; MARYSV ILLE. CA CUST0MER'8_9jjZER NO. I28I 9 DATP_9. ;- X49 MFGR'S ORDER N0. 99-1065 RIDDLE LPAINATORS AITC HEREBY CERTIFIES that the said company at Its said plant Is licensed by the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION to use the AITC Collective Mark In respect of products which comply with applicable provisions of said Standard, that the adequacy of the qual- ity control system in effect at said plant Is periodically Inspected and verified by the Inspection Bureau of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION, and that, in the Judgement of AITC, said company Is capable of complying with applicable manufacturing and testing provisions of said Standard In respect of products manufactured at said plant. Conformance with the Standard In respect of any specific or particular product is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer; AITC's guarantee hereunder being that the said company is qualified to produce a product meeting the said Standard and that Its plant is periodically inspected and verified by the AITC Inspection Bureau. AITC FORM IBC `vt V S' AITC Certlflcote No. 92- 056743 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION ®1992 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION NGRCRL LUMBER TEL:1-916-7:12-8786 ?ar. 2L,00 10:t3 11o.003 P.01 NorLal Lumber Company, Inc. 4601 BERNICE AVENUE' PA BOX 2i0' 61ARTSVILLE, CA 9591'030) 1-101 # (530)12-8186 rAx FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date /. ? / o o ----------------- TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES (Including Cover Sheet) _ T0: -,— y E' ✓tr_ Are A SIA �f ATTENTION• FAX NUMBER___ SRE.---- ��.�- �- `r=-- t=_ - J' ---=------- =------------ Comments: i v ' 01,'21/,,J -'"20:25 RTI -+ 916504049434 J A— I —AMMIN. 1 9660 etackhawk Roed OWN=— canviue. CA 94506 T• 921646.5800 R 925.648 f Ono Merkark el SOeer Tower, Suit4348 Sar F166lsM. CA 94105 1/ T..- 415.977.0410 F 415.977.0411 r January21, 2000 The O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo, California 94404 Attention, Gary Abies Subject: Oak Valley Lot 1-05 Final Site Review ATI Job 01106 Deer Gary, in accordance with your request, we made a visit to the above referenced site on January 19, 2000. The purpose of our visit was to review the items that were not complete during our previous site visits. During this final visit we determined that the work reviewed was In general conformance with the plans, calculations, the engineering design intent, recommendations and generally accepted standards of practice. Please note that our reviews were limited to areas that were readily accessible at the time of our visits. Our efforts to review the work are not intended to relieve the contractor of his responsibility to construct the project In accordance with the plans and generally accepted standards of practice. Rather, our review is intended to improve the probability that his work is completed in this manner. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, gat".,� �A4-� Samuel E. Demil Senior Engineer Copy to: - South Coast Architectsiaw - ATI Project File Flwa :07106an-fiwi witw•i•7i-00eac "Providing Value through Quality, Service and innovation" N0. 304 001 IAY.17.1999 12:23PN BRIAN KANGAS FOULK BiAm Kwgaa fiwk Engineers ■ Surveyors • Planners May 17, 1999 960069.50 Chuck Schoenberger O'Brien Group 2001 Windward Way, Suite 200 San Mateo, CA 94404 Subject; Oak Valley ,lygtAtca—Foundation'Veriftation r 01 . N0.755 P.2i2 On May 14, 1999 we performed a .field survey of the location of the foundation form for the building being constructers on Lot S of the Oak Valley Estates project in Cupertino. The results of that survey clearly show that the location of the inundation foams are consistent and in conformance With the design location of the building, as said location is shown on the plans prepared by Sur firm. This letter is intended to provide you wtdi the verliication of that unit per our survey. If there are any other Questions ooneeming that location please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, BRIAN KANGAS FOULK Bradley A. Blibo P.L.S. 6141 Project Manager Survey Department 6 BRADLEY A. DIIBO I; EXP, 3/31/02 No. 6141 .r�J • ,I L 40 06,126119? 16:02 ATI 91650404943: _i " aw 3860 a(ackhawk Rood Baa Danwlde, CA 94506 T 924848.8800 F'925 649.8611 Oro Market ® Speer Tower, Sub 346 San !: Aoi=,, CA 94105 415977.0410 k 415.877,0411 August 26, 1999 The O'Brien Group 2001 Winward Way. Suite 200 San Mateo, California 94404 Attention: Gary Ables Subject: Oak Valley Lot 1-05 Holdown Anchors set in epoxy ATI Job 01106 Dear Gary, As requested, ATI investigated the required embedment lengths for holdown anchors, which will be set in epoxy. The embedment lengths with the use of 'Simpson Strong -Tie SET Epoxy' shall be as follows: • 716" diameter threaded rod anchor to be used in lieu of SSTS - 15 inches with a minimum edge distance of 1-% inches and minimum end distance of 5 inches • 1" diameter threaded rod anchor to be used for HD14A holdown m 18 inches with a minimum edge dletance of 2 Inches and minimum end distance of 6 inches Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, C;,V�t ��—/ Samuel E. Demil Senior Engineer ATI Project File ftfawma: 0/!Od•ly-wi:hor>6.78•D9 "Providing value through Quality, Service and Innovation" B -2G -9g NO. 736 1?02