P&R 01-09-97CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone (408) 777-3200 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION City Hall Council Chambers January 9, 1997 CALL TO ORDER 1. Regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission called to order at 7:00 p.m. SALUTE TO THE FLAG 2. ROLL CALL 3. Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Staff present: Buhler, Hopkins, Shukis, James, Lohmiller None Stephen Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Linda Lagergren, Recording Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 4. None ELECTIONS 5. Commissioner James made a motion to nominate Commissioner Hopkins for Chair for 1997. Commissioner Lohmiller seconded the nomination. All in favor. Commissioner Lohmiller thanked Chair Buhler for the wonderful job he's done in the past year and for his wonderful guidance and leadership. Commissioner James thanked Chair Buhler for being extremely helpful. "He gave me a lot of insight and guidance." Commissioner Shukis thanked Chair Buhler for being so helpful to him because he was knew to the area. "He was very professional in the handling of the assignments." 6. Commissioner Shukis made a motion to nominate Commissioner James for Vice-Chair for 1997. Commissioner Lohmiller seconded the motion. All in favor. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. None NEW BUSINESS 8. None. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 9. Commissioner James moved and Commissioner Shukis seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the December 5, 1996 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting as submitted. All in favor. Commissioner Lohmiller abstained. Motion carried. p~ #1~g Approved 2/6/97 Call to order Salute to Flag Roll Call Election for Chair Election for Vice-Chair MORON WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 10. None. It was requested by the commission that they receive copies of the Scene soundoffs regarding park maintenance as well as recreation programs. If there are any letters, copies will be included in the commissioner's folders at the monthly meeting. MONTHLY REPORTS 11. Director had nothing to add to the written report. 12. Commissioner James commented that she had been in contact with several of the little league people who are getting ready for registration and in the winter months who are working with the parks and recreation department quite frequently. "I consistently hear really good things about the level of communication and response time and the kinds of services that are being provided. It is something that is discussed readily in this community. It is a very active group of people." Chair Hopkins mentioned that in years past the commissioners were assigned different areas in the community as our area of expertise for community contacts. "I don't know if we want to do that again. There were a number of other items that we used to do, like we used to have a work plan for the year. I would like to explore that possibility so we can talk about what kinds of objectives we would like to meet for the current year. I would like to put that on the agenda for next month." Director suggested that he get together with Chair Hopkins and put a preliminary list together and then the rest of the commissioners can bring to the meeting suggestions and ideas. MISCELLANEOUS 13. There was no legislative update. 14. There was no Mayor's Breakfast meeting this month. 15. Director reviewed with commission the 5 year capital improvement program in preparation for the commission's discussion at the February meeting. Director will provide Commissioner Shukis with a copy of the report that lists the buildings that need to meet A.D.A. compliance. Director announced the date of the commissioner's dinner and also that the city had acquired the Plato house at Blackberry Farm. 16. Commissioner James reported that the Teen Task Force Advisory Committee will meet for the first time on Friday, January 24. She stated that the letters have gone out and she would be following up with personal phone calls. She also stated that Martha Kanter would be providing space and food at De Anza College to have a meeting with the kids that hang out at The Oaks so that they can elect a representative from amongst themselves for the Teen Task Force. The schools are going to have students on the Advisory Committee and the Task Force as well. 17. The McClellan Ranch Task Force did not meet, so therefore there was nothing to report. There is a conflict with the April and July Commission meetings. The April Commission meeting will be scheduled on April 10, 1997 and the July Commission meeting will be held on July 10, 1997. Commissioner Buhler announced that he would be resigning from the commission because he has accepted a new position as Deputy Secretary for Economic Development at the California Trade and Commerce Agency. This position will require Luis to move to Sacramento by the end of the month of January. Commissioner Buhler stated that "it has been a great pleasure to serve with all of you. The last three years and particularly this last year has been one of the most satisfying activities that I have been able to undertake. To come on a commission with the combination of having the experience of two former chairs, and to have the chance with the two new members of our commission, each of them has had their own rewards. I think this commission is blessed with the best staff of any city commission." Page 2 Monthly report Community Contacts StaffReport Teen Task Force ADJOURNMENT 18. Commissioner l~uhler moved and Commissioner Lohmiller seconded the motion to adjourn at 8'.00 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission on Thursday, February 6, 1997, 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers. All in favor. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Linda M. Lagergren, l~ecord~ SeCtary ATTEST: City Clerk P~e ~ MOTION