NO PERMIT NUMBER a/�/� 7�/IAS�/✓l/ - �W ADA-4, &at No. 71 No. Stre APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No. L� � /�Q d Sanitary No. DataI6W-7196 lL� pF V--/V— Application is hereby made for a permit to -T FI ae: a - / story, Type 1z �v to be occupied only as St • in accordance with Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith, Estimated Value of Improvements $4RZ 1000 FEES �eO 0 Plan Check $ Owner �� ji I Address Contr. Address CgA/J 004 94 015L 9 Phone State License Approved �PPLICATIIO'N FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date 196' � �[' FEES Contr. /�7/�`T `-^�`� Address / Phone ^ �` _ `f SS[U-4 State License i Approved WILLIAM D. BENEVICH APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Dote a 1 196 GAS FEE $ ��✓t �//fin_ PLUMBING FEE $ 1 Contr. / ate/ . q Address � Phone 2//-�- 2��'^t-` 3- State License Approved WILLIAM D. BENEVIC64 APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Data / 2-- 196 Y FEE$ Contr. t/✓C�t'i-/ Address 14,j Phone d y j X State License a.s .AT r Approved WILLIAM D. BENEVICH Applicants agree not to violate any of thr. Workman's Compensation Laws of the State,of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS _ FOUNDATION ^ 6 BUILDING . UNDERFLOOR —Dqq bop /Y FRAME l O - 11t% d Ins Date q Insp c r AT 8 PLASTER 0 " _D at ,0_/ p P c r FINAL AA�� l/ Date Insoactor ELECTRICAL ,OUTLETS SERVICE 5 SWITCHES UNDERGROUND RECEPTACLES ROUGH WIRING •Q� ,D7a/t Inspector Z FIXTURES FINISH WIRING v Inspector l to Inspector H.P. CHARGE FIXTURES =+a— PERMIT FEE Motors Inspector' I 'elnspector TOTAL FEES 11-H FINAL I v �(�t-o � ' Date Inspector PLUMBING & GAS MAIN DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL STORM DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL WATER SYSTEM SIZE MATERIAL TOTAL FIXTURESUNDERGROUND FIXTURE FEE PARTIAL ROUGH MAIN DRAIN FEE ROUGH COMPLET Date 9-et or Dote --W770, STORM DRAIN FEE MAIN DRAIN Dp�e 6 I WATER SYSTEM FEE GAS PIPING X2—/7-Y. gate or GAS PIPING FEE FINAL ' }✓ Date Inspector PERMIT FEE MISC Date Inspector TOTAL FEE - MISC Data Inspector APPLIANCE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE CIRCULATING HEATERS REGISTERS BLOWER FURNACES COMBUSTION VENT SUSPENDED UNIT MISC GAS RANGE MISC GAS DRYER •FIRM1T FEE t FLOOR FURNACE ly jTOTAL FEE INSPECTED O _ Dote Inspector CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ... ............/I..... ....... Building Permit No.,57'11.4 -25�!I The Building Located at .C7.4....... ....................... ............ . .... ..... .. ... ........ ............ Owned by .... ..... .q ............................... ... � Has Been (Completed) For Use As: ....... ............................................. (Akere&Y—� ..... ..... ... ......... ..........................................:.....................................................:................................................. .............................................................:...........:................................................................ ... ........................................................................................ - I---- ------------ TAU"- ------------------------------------------------------------- .......... BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 12/66-1M OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTINO -I ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE f, You are hereby aut or et to,co ect electrical service for Owner or Tenant ..... ........................... At ...a..�..b. .. ...._�.-. / _._- ..................... No. of Wires ... .............. Si(c-of Wires'....... ... ..... Size of Switch UO Motor Load .......................... Voltage ..............................- Phase ....................... :.......... Heating Load K. W. ............... Voltage ...........................:.... W 6 ` I' Light...._. 110._../New Sen'ice....0 .e:'..... Kemnnect._........... ... No. of Meters........---.. Heat................. 220...... l re ote Service...._...... No. of Add. Meters............ .Power............... ttre P ,,r Mcter........ I I ........................•.......................... .. ......... ... ' FLECTMCAL INS'FCTO. GAS SERVICE NOTICE 01TICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO/ ....../ ...—... ..... .......... 196.? You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant At New Service ....... No. of Meters ... Reconnect .............................. Move Service .......... ............. No. of Add. Meters ........... Move Meter ..................... ........................... PLUMBING INSPECTOR Office ccpy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO F1 Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ..—6✓............................ H-'Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. ........ Lot No. ;71.................... Owner or Tenant ------- -- --- - -- ----41::.:4 . .............................................. .. .... ................ . At - -- -- ----------------------- -------- ---------------- -- ---------------------- Tract ........... ----- ........................ DateConnected -------------- ------------- 15)--------------------------------- ---------------- --------- Date Final ................................ ------------ --------- ------- -------------------------- ----- --------- PLUMBING INSPECTOR III 7/63-1M Fila No. / 16 7 . 2 Datel2 P?-- _ Location �2 w 4c 2 �� 7f Subject Notesi �z _ut_ JXY unw. � w Approved/V - /15"-6(e Date Inspector EET '4). LOT NO. NQ /i20 w APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT T Q r o CITY OF CUPERTINO S R o Sanitan No. sa 01962 7 i W Uatc_ 19 Permit No. 5/1 o �' p<C ion i,s he eby a for a permit to L/Lwl iU) a �llsto(r]y�Type /IJT Building Building a W V L /.r ,/ 19 l - r tube occupied only as�8 in accordance with 0 o CP�ans, SpecificvATt���rand Plot-Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee p F ; Estimated Valllue of InjgXjements,$oZ 0 — • Fee 7f ill iJ it is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and * = all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of O Cupertino will he complied with. DITZ-CRANE 3Q _ b Owner Address _95 CRUZ 8t". Z Y—' Address 5 a o Phon Approve y State License IS-1117�/ ILDING.INSPF.CTOR