02050088 CITY OF CUPERTINO '" - '=• -BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMAT ION: '12,1192 ORES PERMIT NO 2`192'g HYANNISPORT '_DR '. WING' S ROOFING INC 02.050088 DwJ NWA.NG * 561 RUTGERS ST HONE , SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. !S NE (510) 481-3818 is Z 'ARCHII ECT/LNGINFFR:. ,.,:" - t r - - - BUILDING PERMIT INFO 1 Od BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECIi rat< r -.,LICENSEDCONTRACPORSDECLARATION ' fob.Description Z. Ihercb}.�idfnm thetlaml eryaepdrprm Bonsor Chpte9(c mencng RE-ROOF pith Bee 7d10jof� i b3 ftheP sia dPrmesii Code dmy license ,'n u ! fY IsIn f1 ar6e' dec :j�• ... rcN Chem in.. 1 .__ . ..:... ..... _...� e._. .: v,.. . . Ong ,Oats C I a Q Iii , r ARCHITECT'S D. RATI i -t y 5 I uiMersmnd my plans shall be ussd es public rtcords t '- - — " - 3 E:O O 'Licensed Professional _ i ' .. ..OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION y of ` 1,herebi m that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the y5`8200 which l fella ng lessor,(Section 7031 5 Business arm P fe.s oni Code Any city or county .. .. O ich mcm rea permit t construct,alcor,matter,demolish m repair any stmeand IB than to its isintaude,iihorequires the ppla nt for such permit to file o signed statement e. _ 'that p i,hct-wdpurrint tolhepinavelonsoftheCauddroduchors License Law(Cheger9 ' (commencngwlhSau n7000)ofDiviion3afibe0 sine ane Professions Code) r +' '1' 3 �ff15�m�r} a-, i -'Valuation• ix . :.y:'• to - r . . ) t,t _or Nm he Is exemPf ihemfrom and the basis(or Ne alleged exemppnn.Any violation sl .1 3, of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the upplicvnt a civil penalty c . .6r nm morer,annvehundreddollars(55W). m 3054P�*I?$iR�@SE ,. P:w,t`.". Occupancy Occupancy Type 307 - INSUL ` 'OI{gs`owner ollM1e propenY,ser my cmpinytts with wages ns.,heir cola campenwtinn, ATION " —will'da'the'worK nad'the stmnure'Is net Intended'or offered for sale(Sec.7094;' - 6O 1 — ROOF TES , ' S.:is'Cif 'Busincie'and Professions Cade:The Contrector's License Law does not apply mon J� nspectlons:- ownerofpropcnyWhobuildsorimpmvesihcreon,anJwhndoessuchworkhimulf 602 - ROOF PLYWbOD NAIL w or through his own employees.provided that such improvements are not intended or ' rofered'foisale:If.however the'building or improvement.,cold within one year of .-.. -_-._ ..-6.03.._-'ROOF" BATTENS... .,.. _ _ __' ci-ompl( n ,im ae Wla 'nn to lmmn (pro mg mm neaa tbaua ar ROOF IN , PROGRESS p Trp .,taxa Hale) - `pI �,�r.LYh� nn 7 r C _ win f the p npeny lits cly sera t ng,,,ith «n ed c i tors In — cz: s S c o w t the project(Sec 7044 B sine and Prof"ons Ced 7Th Contractor's l Llcc seLa does not pply t m her fpr perry who bit Ida o mprovcs thde r - f,v. ., d ha co irpCii.f6r such protects with a co traefor(Q 1censed:pursuant to." N Connactor L u Li I ameWxmpi under Sec I l B&P C for his reason t �!'nn.,i1{£..• ORKER SCQM,PENSATION DECLARATION.,5i;,i WILDING 1 hereby uffnd underpenalty of peri ryode of the following'declaretioos: .1, - .. r0.1"hove nnd'will'meimain'v'Cmifcem of Consent lo'sclGinsurc for Warker'a r mrapensmian, as pruvided-for by Section-37W of the Labor Code, for the i performanceof the work for which this permit is issued.. ' - )t ❑1 have and will nivintairi Worker'.,Compehseiion Insurance,ei sequined by Section of ih LaborCore fo fl perfmart c th f work for which this permit is ?e W d My W k pe I x vwec e vnJ Pal cy a nh CAT[ OF E%E ION i~4Lti — ll sit 1. •^b' ` '''COMPENSATION INSURANCE r ' -'-`9^"fUrs"u`ciionneed not be completed ifthe pemiitisforonehundreddollars .u •. i. .. i' I It .I 1 1,.:.. . "s Ic nfYd ai inheninan eBnitIre'Ivor' to become l' issued,1 Cmia not employ any person m any mune vs to became euhlem m the Workers CnmApplicant'' Lawsof California.Dau'." rNOTICE TO APP LICWaikie's Commrsafidng his Certificate 6f of Labor ion. .yond must ;- •bccumesmm1 to ythe Works/s Compensation provisionstinthe eemed revoluyou maxi Z.Q O �fdntiwitb comply witti such provisions or this permit shall M deemed rtwked. s ... .. __ .._.-.--.. .. .. -__� �' ns'CONSTRUCTIONICNDINGAGENCY ' "" 't' i..A''. timidityff int that there s a c.6t ct ae lend' gg agenby(r the pe form ncex' , t{ a" sof the ark far whteb this petmn ig inuea(Sa 3097 C v.C) 4t .� A .... ..._ ._.. _... tti. Z Uri Addrte. 4 y V Q. �'t'7rn IumfJ thatlhas r4dthi'appli�ml avid sWC that the aboveinformation oing �— tL Ir meeq 0 egrcety comply w th all c ty and cnunty.o d n ccs and ate¢le s relating -' — 0 U sin bmldtng co nmction and hereby author ze rcpresenmtives of tht8c ty to her upon """' r — ^• - ' r� .rhe alio a minncJ p pony f r inspca nn pit po es.,` :y (W)agrc<los dem fy and keep harml the Cny (C`perltnd against .. V] liabiluie 1 Jgme,ns, ¢and a panus h ch y.n vny y accrue against said 1 C,7 Z City m c seq encc of the grant e f thi pc t - ,\J Vy "" 'APPLICANT UNUFRSTANDS AND N'ILL COMPLY'W7fH ALL Nb POI s uxcF E<m toles 5_ 610Issued by: Date r Re-roofs ^ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCCOSURL. :(f wul me pph t r t b la' g p m't rc'n dl h aaaa material .Type of Roof.. .... ...+ , .. --. os def ed by th Cupen n Mun¢pql Code Ch pt 9 12 a d th 11 hM1 and Safety Cod Se tio 255.12d) ❑Y v N 1R fh 1 1 Sll a r. T .. 1''3 �" All roofs shall_be inspected poor to any roofing material-being installed. mu inw11 the ii limo t funme building occup t se equ pment rde a. hich vIf a roof is installed without first obtainm an ms ecnon I-a res to'remove .1h s a c ntnm n rats as def ed by the Bay Area At,Quality Management g P iatnet all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with ❑Ye r No 'all non-poi I so rce regulations p a 1 have rcudlthe hazardous named.I requ ramems under Chapter 6.95 of the 'Cnbfomia Hevlth`k Set,, Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 understand that i- -- dihebtolding don not cem mly have.tev t Chant is my responsibility to notify the' - U- --- cupant fthe regaircm is h ch man be m t pd.".- isxua ce of a Cenificam o : V ^`nP y)� ignatureofApplicant Date Olne mimmite Sea, ID;te All roof coverings to be Class B" or better t , , OFFICE ii -... . .. . 'd ,.