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CITY OF CUPERTINO -BUILDINGDIVUSION PERMIT €GUNTRACTORINF;ORN A Io,N, . BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. E392 HYDE AVE BEAR HEATING & AIR 08080001 OWNER'S NAME: UN PERMIT ISSUE DATE WOONIOUSE GEOFFREY R AND 1697 BECK DR 08/01/2008 NE:n IvTt SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 379-8650 ARCHITECT E GINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH uOp LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 4 Job Description C 1 hereby air,-dol 1 sec Immuc l under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing P t� wise secdan7m0)ofDi.ise,3 afros Baenxmd Pmlcadmu Code.md my license is INSTL 2 DUCTLS MINI SPLTS COOLNG ONLY ^ y in full forte and erfas rr�� j Lire C- •/'+� Lie.Y -Conumbr ^££ ARCHr1EC1'S DECLA TIO W 1 understand my plans shall he used az public recd `aG Licensed Professional 3 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm Not I am exempt from the Canuanofs License law for 0e Coo rollowing mason.(Section 103 1.5,Business and Pmlesdons Calc:Any city of county $ which requima a WEE,m.coanmmct,alter.improve.doom W,m repair any Wamure prior in its issuance.also rtquirs Nc applicant forsuch permitto file a signed summer, pp < thatheisliccosedpurmant1.ftpmviaionsofthe Co..."Uumme LE.(chapter 9 Sq.Ft. Floor AreaValuation y�$ (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and professions Cak $)or 4000 Q 5 that he is exempt tboa from and the basis far the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 703 LS by any applicant far a permit subjects the applicanno a civil penalty of Number Occupancy Type out more WFisc o hundred dollars($500). 37539009 .196, 0 1,as owm of the Property,or my=players with wages as their sok eampensadon, will da rhe work,and the structure is not intended or oiresed for sale(Sec.7064,Business and Prefrazl.ns Code The Contractors Liorre law dew Out apply in an awemr of Required Inspections propeny who bu it ds c r iso proves themon,aW who docs rush walk himself ar through his own ampl.yces,provided that such improvements art notintan ted reoffered for tale.If, however,the building ver impmvemml is mid within ane year olcompktioo.the owner- Wilder wilt have Oe WNm of proving that he did not build or improve far purpose of sale.). 0 L.,came,of the property.am exclusively contracting with licensed contrmron In construct the project(Sec.7044.Business and Professions Code:)The Conmct.r's Li- cense law does nal apply m an owner of property who Wilds ar improves thereon,and. who contracts far such pmjcm with a conmrreme(s)licensed puuuam to that Contractors License law. O l am exempt under Set .B&P C for this won owner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION - 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury,arc of The following dalaarrons: I banned will maintain.CertificateofC...I,I.self-insure forWorkers Compen. radon.an pn,ided fm by Section 3700.1'the labor Cook.fm the performance of the work for which this Permit is imaed. 0 I have and will maintain Walker's Coni mation Tnsurec,az mquimd by Section 3700.1'rhe lahm Cork.far the performance of the work far which thin Permit is issued. My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number are: Carrier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATIONINSURANCE Cron section need not he completed If the permit is fm one hundred dollars($100) ver lest) 1 anify that in the performance of the wok far which this permit is kneed.l shall WE rmplay.ype... anymanncr be esu ' the Worlan",Campew0an Laws of Cath. Applicant ' NOTICE PL(CANT:If,after making this CmE ftcam of Emmptirn.you should become mb cat m the W Mat's Cumpensidon provisionsof the labor Code-you mem .J O foMwith comply with WCA pinvlSNns m Nn permit shall be droned revoked. Z Prat CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [r Imomyaffrm tlut them iso construNnn kndingagacy for the performs cur D:> de wank fur which this permit b issued(Sec.3097.Ciro.C.) .. a0 Landers Name ] lenders Mdw U O 1 emffy dust 1 have lead this applieui et and sou that the man information is U.P cement.I agrac W comply with all city and county.Ninanv and sum laws reladng in 0 U Wilding construction,and hembyambodae repmxnulives or Nis city m enmrupnn the ;a'{37 above-mentioned property for inspection.purposes. (We)agree in save,indemnify and mcp harmless the City of Cupertinoagvmt F h lisblitiw,judgmenu.coms mdespemw which may WEmyway acme against mid City U Z in consequence of the granting of this Permit. Issued b APP ANT UNDER DS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT y; Date -d 50 REG NS. O tf Re-roofs oplinaum OfApplicatewcortussmor Dam HAZARDOAZARDOUSMATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant m fame Wilding rceupantsmre .haMle hmardoan tamely az defined by de Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.11.sed the HoaiN and Safety Code,Section 25531(a)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to an roofing material beim OYw P P Y 8 g installed. Will the licanl or uturt br ldin ocean,m vee If a roof is installed without first obtainingan inspection,I agree to remove PrP e P e.Ail Quality m dewkw which P t hevamnw air canuminsnu az derirrcd by the Bay Ama Air Quality ManaCement all new materials for inspection. mWiCR G Yo atm/wgfN,u 1 have real the bvard<Namamrialsmquimnunu under Chmaer6.95af the Califor. nb HWth&Safety Cade Sees=255(15.25533M125534.1 undvwndeM ifthe Wilding Jose not currently hate a mnant,tied its my mrporibility u madly the mMpmt of the reptiremenu witch most he mel Ep"arm antrance oCxC=rw=of Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date owm'maathmlcdagenl Dam' All roof coverings to be Class';}"or better CITY OF CUPERTINO • 6 :ITEMS OF 6 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # 1 Sec : Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN . . . . . . . . : 37539009 ..00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 08/01/2008 RECEIPT # . . . . . . . . . : BS000005653 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 08080001 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 892 HYDE AVE SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . . OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . : WOOLHOUSE GEOFFREY R AND MADEL ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 892 HYDE AVE CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO CA, 95014-4639 RECEIVED FROM . . . . : BEAR HEATING & AIR CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : JAMES VINYARD LIC # 29041 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : BEAR HEATING & AIR CONDITIONIN ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 1697 BECK DR CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : SAN JOSE, CA 95130 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408) 379-8650 • FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- IBSEISMICR VALUATION 4, 000 . 00 0 . 50 0 . 00 0 . 50 0 . 00 IEPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 1.MPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 IMRRAA . UNITS 2 . 00 122 . 38 0 . 00 122 . 38 0 . 00 lPPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 1TRAVD0C FLAT RATE 1 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT 286 . 04 0 . 00 286 . 04 0 . 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CHECK 286 . 04 #2615 --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT 286 . 04 VOICE, ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 507 FINAL PLUMBING 508 FINAL MECHANICAL • D�D�O oo/ CITY OF CUPERTINO FURNACE/AC • CUPEkTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN# 3 /j--�� Date: -? l V Building Address: v Owne 's'Nam p I Phone#: Contractor: �6-eu f /1 Phone#: 41L)E7 7 _ gl9 F Fax #: Contractor License#: / 7 31/ Cupertino Business License#: Contact: Ar✓!�S ���C � Phone#: LIGZ 77'�-jFM / Fax #: Building Permit Info: Elect D-- Plumb ❑-- Mech ©� Residential F1 Commercial Job Description: S/v �f/l/ / GL//(, �L%� cQsS f?7/!7/ �EJ ;-75' Job CZO 1 ) A 0,17 / ✓ For Residential Installations: Attic ❑ I" floor 2nd floor ❑ Adhere to minimum setback requirement For Commercial Installations: Replacement same weight ❑ Additional weight (structural calcs) ❑ Structural Calculations required for new installation ❑ New installation Planning Approval Required ❑ Cost of Project: v Type of Construction (Usage Class): y000 Stra ed ❑ On Platform ❑ Bonded ❑ New Location Replacement ❑ Project Size: Express ® Standard ❑ Large ❑ Major ❑ Valuation: Green Building: Please complete relevant portion of the Green Building Checklist & attach it to the application or if applicable, include in plan set & the sheet index. Revised 6/16/08 CITY OF CUPERTINO 'c ��' FURNACE/AC OF CUPERTINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group FURNACE FURN/AC 1MCRAA Commercial-Repair/Alteration/Add to M ea heating appliance,refrigeration unit, cooling unit,absorption unit,or ea heating,cooling,absorption or evaporative cooling system,incl installation of controls regulated by this code. 1MCREPALT Commercial for the repair of alt/add to M ea heating appliance,refrigeration unit,cooling unit,VAV boxes, absorption unit or ea heathing, cooling absorption,or evaporative cooling sys, incl install of controls regulated by this code. • 1MCSUSHTR Commercial Install/Relocate ea M suspended heater,recessed wall htr, or floor mounted unit heater. 1PGASCOM Commerical for ea gas piping System P 1-4 outlets 1BPGAS For each gas piping system of 5.or P more per outlet. 1MCAPPVNT Commercial for the install/relocate/ or M replacement of ea appliance vent installed ¬ incl in an appliance permit. 1BSEISMICO Commercial Seismic B 1MRRAA Residential Repair/Alteration/Add to M ca heating appliance,refrigeration unit, cooling unit,absorption unit,or ea heating,cooling,absorption or evaporative cooling system,incl installation of controls regulated by this code. 1MRSUSHTR Residential Install/Relocate ea M suspended heater,recessed wall htr, or • floor mounted unit heater. 1MRAPPVNT Residential for the install/relocate/ or M replacement of ea appliance vent install & not incl in an a 1 ermit. CITY OF CUPERTINO ZIP FURNACE/AC •CUPER,TINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group FURNACE FURN/AC 1PGASRES Residential for ea gas piping system of P 1-4 Outlets 1BPGAS For each gas piping system of 5 or P more per outlet. 1BSEISMICR Residential Seismic B 1MECPLNCK Mechanical Plan Check M 1MFR=<100 Furnace Syst <=100k BTU install or M relocate ea forced-air/gravity type fumace/bumer, incl ducts/vents attached to such appliance up to and include 100,000 Btu/b 1MFRN>100 Furnace Syst> 100k BTU install or M relocate ea forced-air/gravity type fumacc/bumer, incl ducts/vents attached to such appliance over 100,000 Btu/h IEPERMITFEE Electric Permit Fee E 1MPERMITFEE Mechanical Permit Fee M 1PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit P 1TRAVDOC Travel Documentation B IBUSLIC Business License B • CITY OF CUPERTINO ZeRmm FURNACE/AC CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group AIR FURN/AC CONDITIONING 1BCAIRHAN Commercial A/C Units <= l0k CFM B 1MCRAA Commercial Mech Repair/alt/add M 1BSEISMICO Seismic Commercial B 1PGASCOM Commerical for ea gas piping System P 1-4 outlets 1PGASRES Residential for ea gas piping system P of 1-4 Outlets IBPGAS For each gas piping system of 5 or P more per outlet. Comm/Resid 1BREMAIRHAN Residential A/C units <= 10k CFM B n 1MRRAA Residential Mech Repair/alt/add M r 1BSEISMICR Seismic Residential B • / IEPERMITFEE Electric Permit E It 1MPERMITFEE Mechanical Permit M I 1PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit P 1TRAVD0C Travel Documentation B 1BUSLIC Business License B • Green Building Plan Check Index of Green Building Points/Categories A. Category Example of an Index or Table of Green Plan Sheet or Page Points Building Points Categories that must be shown and referenced on the Project Plans See below at ' B. Site 9. Install H.E. Irrigation, (details/spec)' L-1 2 points 11. Permeable Paving, Note L-1 2 points C. Foundation 1. Use 15 % Flyash Concrete, (note) S-1 5 points D. Structural 3. Uses Wood I-Joist, (See Spec.) S-2 2 points 5. Use Truss with heels, (detail) S-2 2 points 6. B. OSB Sheathing, detail S-2 2 points E. Ext. Finish 1. Composite Decking, (Note/Spec.) A-3 2 points 4. B. Fiber Cement Siding, (Note/Spec. A-4 2 points F. Plumbing 1. Insulate all H.W. pipes, (Note/Spec.) P-1 2 points 5. Tankless W.H., (Note/Spec.) A-2 2 points 11. A 2500 Gal.Tank, (Note/Spec L-1 10 points G. Electrical 4. E. Ceiling Fans, (Note/Spec.) A-3 4 points H. Appliances 1. Energy Star Dishwasher, (Note/Spec.) A-3 1 point 3. Energy Star Refrigerator, (Note/Spec. A3 1 oint P. Other 1. List Green Features on Plans A-1 1 point TOTAL POINTS 40 points • • Plan Review Process Work Book Page-12-Revised 3/25/08 Green Points Rating System for Remodeling Projects Due to the diversity of remodeling project types,assigning a'total points°value to a'project to be considered environmentally friendly is not feasible.However,25 measures have been highlighted to signify that every effort should be made to incorporate them into your . projects. These items have been chosen based upon their impact on the environment and the health of the home in coordination with . ease of implementation and relative low cost. These measures can be used as a starting point for'greening'your project. A.Site INPUT Resources Energy IAQ/Health 1.Recycle Job Site Construction&Demolition Waste' 65%=1 point;'75%= 2 points;60%=4 points up to 4 Resource pts 0 2.Salvage Reusable Building Materials 4 Resource pts y--yes 0 3.Remodel for Mixed Use,Adaptive Reuse,and Historic Preservation 4 Resource pts y--yes 0 4.Protect Native Soil 2 Resource pts y--yes 0 5.Minimize Disruption of Existing Plants&Trees 1 Resource pt y=yes 0 6.Implement Construction Site Stormwater Practices 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 7.Protect Water Quality with Landscape Design 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 B.Design Resource-Efficient Landscapes and Gardens 4 Resource pts y=yes 0 9.Reuse Matedals/Use Recycled Content Materials for Landscape Areas 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 10.Install High-Efficiency Irrigation Systems 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 11.Provide for On-Site Water Catchment/Retention 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 1 mono B.Foundation 1.Incorporate Recycled Flyash in Concrete 25%Recycled Flyash=2 points;Add 1 point for every 10% • increase of flyash,up to 5 points up to 5 Resource pts 0 2.Use Recycled Content Aggregate 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 3,Insulate Foundation/Slab before backfill 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 1 1 1 C.Structural Frame 1.Substitute Solid Sawn Lumber with Engineered Lumber 3 Resource pts y=yes 0 2.Use FSC Certified Wood for framing (For every 10%of FSC lumber used=2 points,up to 10) up to 10 Resource pts. 0 3.Use Wood]-Joists for Floors and Ceilings 2 Resource pts y--yes 0 4.Use Web Floor Trusses 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 5.Design Energy Heels on Trusses 6'or more 2 Energy pts y=yes 0 6.Use Finger-Jointed Studs for Vertical Applications 2 Resource pts y--yes 0 7.Use Engineered Studs for Vertical Applications 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 B.Use Recycled Content Steel Studs for Interior Framing 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 9.Use Structural Insulated Panels(SIPS) a.Floors 3 Energy pts y--yes 0 b.Wall 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 c.Roof 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 10.Apply Advanced Framing Techniques 4 Resource pts y=yes 0 11.Use Reclaimed Lumber for Non Structural Applications 3 Resource pts y--yes 0 12.Use OSB a.Subfloors 1 Resource pt y=Yes 0 It.Sheathing 1 Resource pt y=yes 0 • 1 1 INPUT Resources Energy Mftafth I.Windows 1.Install Energy-Efficient Windows • a.Double Paned 1 Energy pt y=yes 0 b.Low-Emissivity(Low-E) 2 Energy pts y=yes D c.Low.Conductivity Frames 2 Energy pts, y=yes 0 2.Install Low Heat Transmission Glazing 1 Energy pt y=yes D 1 1 1 J.Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning 1.Use Duct Mastic on All Duct Joints . 2 Energy pts y=yes 0 2.Install Ductwork within Conditioned Space 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 3.Vent Range Hood to the Outside 1 IAOMealth pt y=yes 0 4.Clean all Ducts Before Occupancy 2 IAQIHeallh pts y=yes 0 5.Install Solar Attic Fan 2 Energy pts Y--yes 0 6.Install Attic Ventilation Systems 1 Energy pt y=yes 0 7.Install Whole House Fan 4 Energy pts y=yes 0 B.Install Sealed Combustion Units a.Furnaces 3 IAQ/Health pts y=yes 0 b.Water Heaters 3 IAQ/Health pts y=yes 0 9.Replace Wall-Mounted Electric and Gas Heaters with Through-the-Wall Heat Pumps 3 Energy pts y--yes 0 10.Install 13 SEER/11 EER or higher AC with a TXV 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 11.Install AC with Non-HCFC Refrigerants 2 Resource pts y=yes 0 12.Install 90%Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency(AFUE)Furnace 2 Energy pts y=yes 0 13.Retrofit Wood Burning Fireplaces • a.Install EPA certified wood stovestiinserts 1 IAQ/Health pt y=yes 0 J. Install/Replace Dampers 1 Energy pt y=yes 0 c.Install Airtight Doors 1 Energy pt y=yes 0 14.Install Zoned,Hydronic Radiant Heating 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 15.Install High Efficiency Filter 4 IAQ/Health pts y--yes 0 16.Install Heal Recovery Ventilation Unit(HRV) 5 IAO/Health pts y=yes 0 17.Install Separate Garage Exhaust Fan 3 IAQ/Health pts y=yes p 1 I 1 K.Renewable Energy and Roofing 1.Pre-Plumb for Solar Water Heating 4 Energy pts y=yes 2.Install Solar Water Heating System 10 Energy pts y=yes 3.Pre-Wire for Future Photovoltaic(PV)Installation 4 Energy pts y--yes 4.Install Photovoltaic(PV)System (12 kw=6 points,2.4 kw=12 points,3.6 kw=18 points) Up to 18 Energy pts 6.Select Safe and Durable Roofing Materials 1 Resource pt y=yes LL 7.Install Radiant Barrier 3 Energy pts y=yes 1 L.Natural Heating and Cooling 1.Incorporate Passive Solar Heating 5 Energy pts y=yes p 2.Install Overhangs or Awnings over South Facing Windows 3 Energy pts y=yes 0 3.Plant Deciduous Trees on the West and South Sides 3 Energy pts y=yes p 1 1 1 • Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 ' „+ Telephone(408)777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408)777-3333 S�UPEI�TINO Building Department JOB ADDRlSSS: -0— PERMIT 19 D k06) / OWNER'S N e p ,Ce PHONE #y0 z3Q 91 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Eecr FAX # I am not using any subcontractors: S -)-OFD Signature Date Please check applicable subcontra ors and complete the followinginformation: 60 SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum/ Wood • Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date