02030172 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR-INFORMATION: " BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10096 IMPERIAL AVE TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES 02030172 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION UB DATE AYLOR WOODROW HOMES 2300 CAMINO RAMON 03/26 /2002 (925) 365-3100 HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, (In 9 0 ZO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO C s (- BLDG ELECT PLUMB MELD iu`i <n LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Z`ey- Job Description O Z I hereby aRrm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing NEW TOWNHOME Fra(: with Seninn]I7W7of Uivi,ion Jof rhe Business anJ Professionv Cade,and mylicens9 g,, < LicenselClas.°werr"` ro 1589 SQ. FT. LIVING SPACE 3t a.u °°'° canna°(., 492 SQ. FT. GARAGE : $12619 . 80 lh Fe ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION O 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records F 1 N A L E I y. P'� syo i O O Licensed Professional Ce OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION n 'I 1 q 9 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt(tete the Contractor's License law for the APR 2 2003 F Z following reason.(Section 703 LS,Business mad Professions Cade:Any city or mum, I F 0 which requires a permit to consumer,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure- u°13 o prion.its issuunceisherequites theapplica,Purism .it art[...ig oriplamem_ that hq is.licensd pupuhnl to Phe,nisi a of the Contractors License Low lChigq9) S Sq.Ft. Flopr.Area, $ UMBI @G (commencing with Section]IX10)of DivisionJof the�uF,iness aqd Professions Cwkl i.:(3`+� I =i.i.'i. 1 sJ 6\ al r'.'s ?�l'!!^sT, l� art that scathe li exempt theisfrom'and the breis for the.11 St elaempdod.Any violation of Sot on]031.5 by any applicant for a permit r.bj""the applicant to a civil penally of non more than EM handled dollars SNPI). 3 5 71Fptb 1d8m� , . .., Occupancy Type 01,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sale campensadon, Bmin,N an Professions structure C not Contractor's r' Licened or OfferedLicense doe sale apply to an 101 - FOUNDATI Nuired Inspections •"''' ` ' � ownerof and Ptofeuionb Cale:The Comactoro License Law does not apply ms an ownerofhproplay, ow emploho yees, who does renwork himself 102 - PIERS ,rthrouIM1 his own howevems.provided that such vernatemend ore not intended of air d f I lf.n.. .. m b m' a -atop, emelt" la-within ineyearaf ._ 103UFER . 'aa°plea To;theowoe,bulderwill have me battler of proving that he did not bale or 104 - REBAR improve lar,uq,asc of sale.). ...... _ ,._._. __.. ...- ___. . ._... _.,,.. ,_. - ..- -- .. .-_ -'--ANCHOR-'BOLT ey ,asownerof@ct(Seeny,am xdusiandProfeisions Cade:) Contractor's License 1 S ' S t . - _ mnewct me project(sea.]loan wnrBusiness and erty who code:)The Contactor', 10 6 - SEWER & WATER 'License Law does nal apply m an owner of property who builAs or improves thereon, and who contacts for such project,wire a.contractorfs)licensed pursuant to rhe. __. _. --2 02--- .UNDERFLOOR--PLUMBING—_ coa"mapenre w.. 203 - UNDERFLOOR' MECHAN'PCAL am exempt u Sec: B I t &P C for this reason o Bate- ' J ' -Z 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME WORK MPENSATION DECLARATION 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION Ithereby inti filled,of perjuryan eathe following dedarelimic 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING (. 0 1 hove and will mamuin'a'Ceniricae of Consent is selpinsum for Worker's 3 02 - TUB & OR SHOWER Compenation, as provided for by Section T]W of the Labor Cade, for the - performance of the work far whim this Permit is issued. . 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL 01 have end will msimain.Waiker x Compe6smion lesuranee,as required by Section 3 04 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL TIM of the Labor Cade,for the performance of the work'for which this Permit is 3 05 - FRAME is a My w ke ,Cc,n,,n,.Iion Insurance carriern I Policy be _. 306 -= HOLDOWNS.-._ . ;Irpol yNo " 1 t , 'sCb.R'I'IFICATION OPE%EMPTION FROM WORKERS - t.11N , 30.7. '. -0..TNSU'LATlON! sl)�'': .., . COMPENSATION INSURANCE'. .. .. .. ....... .. —_3'0 B-,7n� SHEETROCK_.,._. -._.... .. ...,_ .. .' -(This I on need not he,completed f the perma i,for one hammed do lam 309 - EXTERIOR LATH lS I W)or less) __.._. '..L ' _ 310 — -INTERIOR LATH _ -.-. - _ 1 entry that in he perfommnce'of the work for which this Mrmit is issued:1 — 's et not employ any person in any manner so rec to 1, me oleo t workers 311 - SCRATCH COAT= Comarmmnrtjy _ Celifo Date_ .Appiica - _ _..... _. 313.-m--.ROOF AIL _ NOTICET APPLIC NT.IL after making t en de of °,tion.you should - - becomesubjectmtheworkersCompensationprovisionso ,rmewe,yea(.rent 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY ZOforthsvithcomply with such previsions orthis permd deemrdrevoked' 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY -4 ..`I " -%CONSTRUCTIONLENDINGAGENCY 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY`• a � Ih rear which this sai,nmdl eon lendingogency to, performance 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY' Lf the work for which mare,erten is ismed(Sec.3091,Cie C.) Lender's No me .....•__ ... _....._ .. _ :c..._._sass.._. .._._ LenderSAdn 505--_ FINAL` ELECTRICAL - - - -- - VOreal fythat lhave Maidthisapplct and nurethat the above information is 506 - GAS TEST ' consM L gree to comply.,wib all city and cmalv ndmme ad alone laws relating 507 - FINAL PLUMBING i O..f� in budding dannor.and bembytatnbmnze...re,cmefNex afmtx city toeme,upon 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL >s:W the movotocul cd property Tai ,,retia.Purposes.,,, . F4 (Wtag to, d nfy and kepharnm meL tyfCp .lm e,.in,i t. m liabilities pd,arraft.r t. a co,ames, M1mm) ' anyway against said 509 — FINAL GRADF C:> z City <9 'e of theg t gof thisPermit. , ' APPUQA'sr UNDERSTANDS\ND WILL COMPLY WITH ALI NWPOINT ' S1� 1 F NA NG CF"jrlleAA�lULIN, P —� Issued§g: Dale St alone p,GnCcaa:narro , . .. - t � Re-roo '02' - ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL fiA].A Irwin hI� ISCLOSURP. - _ i "!WlitheapplicantorTut ngmmpamaoreorhandlehaivdousmatedal TYPeo f BA NS ROOF TTE 'as confined byth C peon r pal Cad Ch pter 912, dth Health and Safely !'ice 1 .604%1. .ROOF CoJe,DY n255321a1 t / 'r 1344'^� {-• ` r� •,'i G s: , , All roofs_sfiall be Inspected prior-to any roofing,material,being installed. Will the pplic nt orfuture building occprem use equipment or devices which If a roof is insfslled without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove em t hazardous ter contaminants s defined by theBay.Am ,Quill ty hlanagemem District all new materials for inspection. ,Applicant understands and will comply with t ❑Ye, z -all non=point-source fegulations. : I have read the hazardous materials re"amar cors under Chapter 6.95 of the CaliforniaHealth&Safety Cole'Secure,2550525533 and 2551) I nde_smndthat .�--.- - ' Signature of Applicant Date ' iRheonzn at nt'tlh ten nt tht it re nsbltt u,- .? O r7 __ _ . building Y Y tH Y Y he a"�— L7 G�— bd pm fm a ns which must he in ,lot tots t.¢ f Cenifcme of co y ow.e °ratan ge - 7— Dole All roof overin e to be Class B, or better OFFICE _.