S 3293APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT, PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING. RLECpRICAL PLUMBING. MECHANICAL PE I'I'ND. 3293 BUILDING DIVISION . APPLICATION/PERMIT BUILDING PROJF.CP IDF:NI'IFICATION BUILDINGADDRESS. 4 SANITARY NO. APPIJCAHON SUBMITTAL All 5 I L3F(01Tt__L040 r OWNS STA.1 N' rn / _� PH NE: -I-e "�N{I1 CON'[NACI') :SN E: _„I.LICNO:. .G>_f�'tW}}_yy N/C ❑ /� 1C(INFRO7/L p/ '`"I 12'V AI{CI'ITI I I;exNC�Ii^: 1? -..J e,A " I,, G) 10. c/i'r ......- V`r ! �]iNw/'YD/ K', I hereby affirm that 1 tun hexeseJ under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing OCZ, withSSection 700Bof DlvAinn 3afthe Enunciator] Professions Concand my license is E� W G in lull force and effeel. �UU Liccnsc Class IJn# I. z W Dare Contract ARCHITBC'PS DECLARATION ~,nZ I u demand in, Tdoe,roll be used as public records OZ—O P:4 L W Licensed Pmfesional �.�N_a OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION ti C Q I thereby affirm thm I am exempt from the Commcarr's License I.aw for me L �a. V fallowing reason. (Section ]Oi 1.5. Business and protecsxlons 6da: Any city or essunty F LL LLO h rmbn which reforms a peil to nnuel, alter, imprm eve, demolish, or repair any structure nations i .... race, also1 Ih ppl , haunchpe ,all, to file .,iiinadmationeral tlait he is licensedp the provisions ofth Contractor's Acenw, Law (Clmmr9 OW �� (commencingwith S t 7000) ol l 3 man, litalint,,noulI f,. .Code) a, d pal he is c.iiam mimhom o all am had, Far (]in alfe,d nwarplant. Any inflation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permil mlijems the applicant In a civil penally, of iSGnal more than five hundred dollars ($51XB. ❑ I. as owner of the Property, nr my collisions with wages as lheirsolc compensation, F., will Jo the work, and the wouclure is not intended or offered far sale ViceJBW, Business and Professions Code: The Committees License leave dins not apply m an owner of d 3 property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or though his own employees, powided that such improvements are not itncaded nr oteted for salt If, however. the huilding or impowcmetm is sold within ane year of emindetor, the potenbuilder will have the harden of proving that he did not build nr improve for poo - w ofxafe.). 1, in owner, of the property, out ui,lo,ivdy eonnacting will Iionnnd caalrumars to n .Ire the protect (Sec. 71144, Bulinus and Profcseiom Calc:) The Counsi ofx fi- xe low does not apply o nn owner of property who builds or immroves therwm, and .it,, contmcta far such pojees with a nmwmags) licensed pursuant at the Coal... nfs Liec w Imw I am exempt under Sec. .BY 1' C for this reason Ow Doc WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under Penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: Ilmvve unJ will maintainaCenif¢are afCanxem to worpoll-insurelnrWnrkcr'xCnmpen- woiokforr f ) provided far by Section 3]1111 of rhe LnM1or GWa, Inc rho pcdinmancc til the which psis permil is ;,sunt. ❑ I of I and will atmmmn Worker's Con r ofthe w Insurance, h his Isen by Section RANI tilthes Co Cute,fon thec,furane cemnofthework far whir are pcnnil is iveued. My Wnrkcrs Compensmion Insurance center and Policy mm�M1er arc: CERTIFICATE Olt IiXEMTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed it Ne permit is Rome hundreddollars (SIM) or less.) 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, l shell not employ any ammo,, in any man.am,u men become subject m the Worker; Comma - 0 %. radon Lows of California. Data Z APplir:an 1 /L.rn N0,11ICE'1'0 APPLICANT: 11, fact making this Certificum at H.cmptina, you should benmm subject to the Worker. Contperomian pnom.ro of the Linen Code, gnu must LkI fonhwith comply all each provisions or this permit sha111w dernmd revoked. A CON hSTdLENDINGAGENCY U l herebyrhi thelte, is.comelending sency home peRnrmance of L2 + the work foe whichhis pemtl is issued (Sca. TO], Civ. C) 0 V I.crdc ,Add � 1 �ndcr's Address I certify Thal 1 M1 ova read lh ill and Ilion and dine Ihul the ubnve vel elmulinn Is ta/1 ..... v 1 cone m l many with all city;emd county ntain� ecce and crumb hmwe r'chnin6 e Z hui Wingcnnaauction. and hereby mbon E representatives mrve nr Dari city to emrr apmm nm uhnvc (We) ogre 1. errysave for inspection keep lea (We)agreecall, Indemnifyand keep may City 'if Cnpcninaud City in of costsung expenses which may in any way attme ugainn said City Aconsequence of Ne granting of permit. APPLICANT IINOERSTANfISiND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT HAZARDOUS MA'PRRIAI 4 DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or Julian building nu:upvm store urhondr huc:ndnus rnumrivl ax defined by he Cupertino Munie'mal Colo, Crime, 9.12, and Ira Health and Safdy Core, S25532m)? 0 EA Will the applicant or fmure building occupant use equipment or devices which emit hmafdnus air cminam... I, as deli tied by the Bay Arca Air Quality M.... marim Disaicfl ❑Yee , I have read the hazoduns nwturiul, ,,,are ... en. under Chuptcr 6o5 of the Cali- fbrnlu flcullh & SetnC:aa, L55115, 25533 and25534.1 axdcmtund dna If Ile ngdues 34.1lndenlalhuon i mr �nwl friar In ix,;Lff a Cyril -oft mnlOwner `,��` l/ !'/(/jZ=Data ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) IT'Y I71.ECTRIC PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE 3.7 APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL PANELS UITO 200AMPS 201-1000AMPS OVER 1000AMPS IIihI I'. Mlil'f?I 'I 1'UWlia DIw ICIiS SWIMMING POOL E (TUI LEST -S W ITCF NEW RFSIDIIAL PLUMBING PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ACIER - DRAIN & VENT- WATER (EA) BACK FLOW PROTECL DEVICE ORAI NS - FLOOR, ROOF, ARI?A, COND. FI X'I'U R IS- I'HR TRAP GAS -IiA. SYSTEM -1 INC. 4 011'11.171'5 GAS -EA. SYSTEM -OV 1 E-) GREAS1IINDUSTRL WA ITN I'hR GREASF.TRAP WATER 11 HNI14R WIVEN'(/1 WATER SYSTEMGKITiM III WATER SERVICE SQ FIT NE W RESIDENTIAL PLMR. SQ. IT. TOTAL QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT ''77 �PERM1t1'f ISSUANCE J \ISSUANCE J s �) 1 F..CH. AIR HANDLING UNIT CTO 10,060 CI'M) AIR I IANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CPM) FXIIAUSIHOOD (W/DUCT) I IHA'I'ING UNIT (10 U)0.Qa0 BTUI I I HATING UNIT (OVER IIX aph bf-C) VINI II.AI'ION FAN (SINGI.R RfiSID) BOILHR -COMP OFF OR [00.010 BTU) BORAX - COMP (OVER 100,1X13 If TO) AIR CONDITIONER NEW SQ, Em BLDG 1_7 D�IGG E EECII PLUMB MELD E3 T ❑ Li§' FEE JOB DFSCRIPI'ION RESIDENTIAL CSPDWL C KITCHEN REMODEI. ElADDITION El PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑ MULTI -UNIT C STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION RIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT ElSWIMMING POOIS C BATH RF.MODEL(RF.PAIR ❑DEMOLITION C OTHER R NFLU DITION CJBMOLIfIONHNA ❑ FOOD SERVICE ROVEMENT 10 ❑OFHER 2 J SQ, FT. FLOOR AREA E/SQ. FT. FFE VALUATION /0 00 1t, STORRIIESy IYPBCONSTRUCI' N OCC. GROUT' AIN 31wa1u r BUILDING DIVISION_ I_TiLS_ Q__ .ANCHF.CK FEE 2- ( s" 13ROY PEG ADING ITE In S ITE. PAID Omar wipl a SalTOTAL: BUILDING F . FEE SHISMIC':F. (^� r / 0 S L IT I.ECTRI ZO O PLUMBI "F MF.CIIANICALP.E o CONSTRUCIH TAX I IOUSING MITI TION FRE, PAID Date Reecipt a TOTAL: 2 - ISSUANCE [TAPE