S 2877 -APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PIiRMI'I N(l. BUILDING DIVISION APPIACATION/PERMIT PLUhuuNc.MECHANICAL BUILDING,PROJECT IDEM I'IFICATIOY 2877 BUILDINGADDRESS. SANDARYNO. APPI.ICAI'ION SUBMI'1'1AL MATE �oS/1 otv —zr,7rQ9 OWNER'S NAME. PHONE CONTRAC7ZFAML NAC CONI'ROLM LIC NO: _ G ./ ytf ARCHITIiCT/ENGINEER: LIC NO. ADDHIiS.: [+ C/ b __1 / CONTAC'P. PHONE: HIJ ILDING PEIdMI'1INFO �j ^ Gam, X96 L6 Q ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDGELECT PLUMB MECH C, E]_ LICENSED CON'IKAU]UK S UECLARA'1'ION QTY ELECTRIC PERMING - FEE I hereby affirm marl am ham.ed ander plavidnn,nr chager 9(commencing JOB DESCRIPTION � Z mSeelioo 7s000)o(N W o Salthe lhsincss and Poole, � � nylicenselx OOIEtMI'1'ISSUANCLIi 'DWI. ❑KITCHEN 11MODELWullu ]fed' ensCUzWLLo, A) 'LIANCFS—RISIDIENTAL []ADDITION [I PLUMBING RE-PIPEek. DECAR F 7koo PANES ❑MULTI-UNIT C3 STRUCTURAL Z O y unds shall Z I ersand my planhe and as pubic retards MODIFICATION OL—.W UP 1021X1 AhIpS I El INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR F run F"W I.IccnsW Professional 2111-1000AMPS IMPROVEMENT E]SWIMMING POOLS OWNFILBUILIIER DIECI.AItAI'ION OVER tg10 AMPS ❑BAI'llOTHER RIiMOUELR2EPAlµ C:1 DEMOLITION C 6 1 hereby.(firm mm I ren exempt Iro1n the Cnnmadoo :License Low fnr the O d U which it urns a Permit t ](131 s,Business and Pmfdemolsnn.or An it t ❑OTIiIiR X3 6 Yc Yor nm^Y SIGNS EiLECDtI AI. W LL in x'111[11 its requires a permit to ea..he alter,imptave,h per..... file repository atmcturc f"LLOg Prior miu issuance.also reyvirns the applicam for such permiuo EleasignoJ smmmcrt SPECIAL CIRCUITIA/ISC. ,E mat he is licenscApursuum to the pme,nonsof the Common's License Low(Choper9 W00 (onmmencing wire Section"IOIHIIof Uivision3oflhe llnsinens:mA Prolessinre CuAul ur 'HiMP MIUERUKIna.t)NST. F esc I Ih n he is cemnp.Ihetefman and 11th basic f r the nllegal nsmion.Any vine aioll of EW Il1.DG/A11ITION ❑DEMOLITION ..� Section]031.5 by any opplicm t for a pvnni1 subject,mr applicanuo a civil penally of POWER DEVICES not more lhon live hundred dolbns($Slay [I TENANT El FOOD S17RVIC17 F Z Y IMPROVEMENT d cep [:J 1,as owner of the property,army employees with wages as their sole compencation. SWIMMING POOL ELECT RIC El OTHER will do the work,and tom structure is not intended ornBcred four colo,(Sa._DLI,nosinesssiness 63$ and professions Cale:The Comint License Law doer not apply m un owner of OU'RETS—SWITCHES—FI%TURFS prnpeny who bull],or improves thereon,and who does such work him,elf ar through his awn empluyces,provided man such impmvenerb aronut inendeA on nµclrJ our N)EW RESIDEN9'I AL HLECTR SQ PI'. sale lf.hnwovar,the�uilding«Inlpmvenmm_,sold within nncycarnfmnlplutinn,Ola SQ.Ff.FLOOR ARRA $/SVI°I'. per-builier will hoe the mull pmving that he did not build or improve file par- �J o,eof sale.) . 3 Zo I J o '�U ❑1,as owner of the prnpeny,ren endusively commeting wire IicenwJ dlmruamrs m tlE cumwcl the project(Sec.7044.Ilusiness and Pmfesinm Co1de:)The:em.ra Li- cnseLaw Anex not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,and QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE -7,5 1'� y //'� , �77S whocormalafnr.....hpmjeeswitlutasm,coebmm)licensed pnsurm in meconn"'cnas , T If License Luw. I'IiRMI'1'ISSUANCE_ lamexcngeunder Sec. ,B&PCforlhisrenson Owner Irate AC1ER—.RAN kiAl VALUA'I ION WORKER'S COMPHNSATION DECLARATION HACK PLOW PROI'ECI'.DEVICE Q O O I hereby affirm under Ienully n(Ja,jury one of the fallwing declamtin ek: o ❑ Ihovcund will maintain a CcnihcmmdConsonuo sill'-Insure for Worker's Compen- DRAINS—FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,CONI, ST(IRIES L5? CONS'(IUCHON satian,os provided for by Seclion.1"M of dm LA.,Cndo,for ma perfommueo ol'Ihe work]or Marto us permit is issued, FIX'1'1)RES—PER T RAF' ❑I have and will maintain Worker.,Compensal inn Insurance,as reyu ied by Section 37M of the LvMm Code.fnr the performance of the work for whirlOhn,s p]erremt isissued. GAS—EA.SYSTHM-I INC.G OUTLETS OCC GROUP AI'm,orl011? IiMITION Tk(lM W NKERS'- 1 GAS—IA.SYSTEM-OVERJ(EA, (j 0 `" OBJ COMPENSATION INSURANCE GIIEASIVINDUSTIt[.WASTE INTER01719OR J BUILDING DIVISION FEES_ n1ti....llnn need not Wcnnlpicned i f the permi t is Future hundred dol tats($100) QµIIASP.'TRAP 1 m less.) PLANCHECK PER I certify that in mepensurnmm«ofthe work forwhinlibb,arad i,k,00l.I shbl SEWER—SANITARY—S'1'DRM EA.2(X1 IT. not employ any person m any mammon,sa m n become subject m the w tiers Cnmpen. ENERGY PER zsatian Lxs of Cods,ia.Date WATER HEATER W/VFWo%-LECTR 7� 0 Applicant GRADIN PG q V NONCE10APPI.ICANT:11:of ternmking thio Cenllicma ul lixemptinn,you.,I aid WATER SYSTEM/I'RIEA'fING I a t) hcdmm sohj,,l ,,the Worker's Compensation plavi,ialls nI the Lahm Cade,yen must SOILS I LkI 1� fadhwithc ly with such pro,ki...s nr this permathall he deemedoe,cked WATER SERVICE D z CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY NIEW RISEDENTIAL.PLMB. SQ.FT PAID UO I hercbyallirm that the.use o.anannian lendiag ugeney forme verfnmunecof 1 c Receipt# the work fat which his permit is issued(Sec 309],C!,C.) -32- 0()( o y C) VLender's Manu '101'AL xrolees Addrc,.a -2 l �Ls I ecnlfy the, is a I have read this and dale mat me shove ianno noon is BUILD 'I 'E L. fes/) correct.l agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and slate laws relining In QTY. MECHANICAL-PERMIT - FEE V z building mmwelion,and herchy authame mpmsenntives of this cirymemcrurym the SEI. FE above-mentioned prnpeny for inspection purine,. PERMIT ISSUANCE (Won)ogtec m save,indemnify and keep hannlcss @c City of Cupeninn against UC ME linhil'nies,ju]gnents.costs andexpense,which may in any way acemeagarill said City ALTER ORADD IO MIECH. wnsc9aenca of the gmming of this le it. PLII ,RING FEE UNUI:RSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITIt ALL NON POIN'P AIR HANDLING UNI'I'('l'O 10,000 CPM) SOURCERIEGUI.ATIONS. M HANICAI.FEE /^ '! AIR HANDLINGUNII'(OVER 10.000CF10) CO.STRUC7OON TAX cep Signamrc of App,11dtj ntmdor Datc EXHAUST HOOU(W/DUCE) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HOUSE G MITIGATION FEF. Wi111hcapplicamorfuhaehnllAingoccupant,rent nr hlmJlc hnzardnne nlmuiul HEATING ONE'(1'O 00,1100 HU) an defined by the Caveman Manic_ual Code,Chapter 9.12,and the I Iazlth and Sudety Code,Sienna 25532m)? HEATING UNIT'OVER IIXf W BTU) ❑Yes E]No VIEWILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) PAID - 1 ae RecciptN Will the applicant or fuse building occupant use equipment or devices which mi emit huwnlnus air dmwnant>as JchncJ by the Nnae Air ay Ar Quality Management N(IILER-COMP(3111'OR 100,000 BTlll Inkiricta. BOILER—COMP(OV1ER I(XfpE0WDJ) DYr, ❑No, AIR CONDITIONER I have mad me hmmdous liar,is requirements under .I and rsta of the Cali- A I-DATE bumia Health&Safety Code,Nations 25505,is my and 8511.1 understand thin if the NP:N'RGNIDRNTIAI,MECf1. SQ.FT. �� 2 N�- / building flows not cumndy have aewnt mat it is my mxrynnihllitymnmifOccthe pancy. "''/� ((( nl't�kmnena- Ich rpust �mrt prior to iaauuna nfa Crnircme of Ornlraner. i Ow auI one age Dune 11517 ISSUED BY: OFFICE