060501414 a'ffi 6F ]yU 3 40� t000n -2< O r L 0C zC W� a 2 UC W F Er 0. U2 CITY OF CUPERTINO �axw.axwr (�' WWI - "T, ('y'`,' " m'NopT' '10 BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT x ra.9;0Si�a .,..�.6a'.x-Sw.' BUILDING ADDRESS: C.T. AND NANCY• CHENG PERMIT N006050141 1(0038 JUDY AVE OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE C.T. AND NANCY CHENG 9 7 12 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL 340. ARCHITEC (ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH = LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lb Description oe P I hereby afore that I am fico d under pr e,um n¢ of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of DMdon Sof the Business and Professions Code. and my Immune is InflllfOmerdaffec. RESTORE A NON-COMPLIANT ATTACHED 2ND DWELLING B License Class Lk. Is Date Contractor TO ITS ORIGINAL CONFIGURATION -COUNTY LIEN-6Mt*8 DECLARATI ARCHITECT'S ON recordsON 1 understood my shall he used el CONVERTED TO LIVING SPACE -TO BE PUT BACK TO �_ plena Comic Fr -7177//y v`-//1 Licensed Pmfcemnal DECLARATION OWNER -BUILDER 1 hereby i accept from the CanuanCo License Law for Me . (ffiromS% m 1. uta Calc: Any city car county meson. (Smuan ] Business and Proove. construct, aper, improve, d. tere wuctuse which requku •permit re c which h permit a sig ed Prior wits issuance. also requires the spilled For wen permit w Rk a signed ares ft Ft. Floor Area Valuation (unement this he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of Ne Conwcwr't Liansc law (Chaper9 Sq. (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Pnfessiau Code) or $1000 this he k exempt therefrom and the bells for the alleged eumpdnn. Any Wolatlon of APN Number Occupancy Type Section 7071.7 by arty applicant fa a permit subjects the 9pPlicrm0 a civil penalty Of net man thr five heudred dollars ($5(107. ❑ I. u mw of tk property, m my mploym wi h mlm u dwp tole mmpe=don, 375± 00 Required Inspections will do the wart and use Mmum is matntended oraRered fsi(Sm. 7044, Badness and Professions Cade: It. Comarmfs L' use dm mt .pply to an owner or q P property who buildsmimprovexO n,sed who doessuch work himselfcar Sunugh his own employer, provided Natueh improvements Are net tevMW araRered for sale 11. however, the building m improvement is mid within ane year ofcompleuon, the owner- builder will have the buNrn of proving that he did net bald or improve for purpoa of / e ssleJ. ^J I, as Owner of the property. am exclusively contracting with liceued comacton in ` !� sums tie project (Sec. 7044. Business and Proleeadans Cade:) The Comactofs Li• C/ octal law does mt apply m an owner of property who builds car imp. ft.. sed, who convects far such projects with acenumor (s) licensed pursuant to the Convector's Liranac Law. ❑ l am "c"9�S[_ �w P C (or du. mssm Owner 2 L� 0 WORKERS PENSATION ATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury nm of use fallowing declarations I ham and will malmin aCeNOmm of Camni m ulf-blurt fm Wmkefs Campen- _ arum, el provided fm by sruan $700 of Se labor Code, fm W arfomana of do weds for which this pcmit ts issmd. 0 I have aud will maintain Worker's Compensation Insuranm, as required by Section 37M of the LaborCode, for the performance of the work forwhich this permit is issued. My Worker's Compensation lnmrwa wrier and Polity number are; Curie. Policy No_ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPI70N FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE rlbu=ton need not bccomplewJ lithe permit is fm ane hundnAxBars ($100) or kis) 1 certify that in the perf per ave of the work for which this permit is Wood. I shall not cmployanypenaninany in7rAbject w Se Workers• Compensation Laws of California. Dam Y Applicant t T AAs `-'- - NOTICE TO APP .NT: I , artir makiry VIA CeNRc ec of Facmption, you should become subject to the Worker's Compenaadon provisions of Na labor Code, you most forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be dimmed minified. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 lenity am. this alert Is. comroctlem lending agency for Se perfmmarce of Me work fur which this permit Is Wood (Sec. 3097, Civ. Cd ' Landers Nune l.cndeh Addmu 1 cenary Suit I have read this applkadon aud was Sec the above )promotion U cancer. l agree in comply with all city and county oNinuu:es and sum laws relating to Wilding construction. and hereby authofire rep,ocntarivu of Nis City w enter upon the snow-mcmioned p.,,Iy for inspection pu,poma (We) agme to elve, indemnify and kap harmless the City car Cupertino ag¢inst liabilities, judgments, eats And eapen¢u which may in toy way amus against said City In consequence of the growing of this permit APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE NU� �� /� 7-m0, Re-roofs Type of Roof Slgnaturc orApplcanUConv.cmr HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the spplkwtor f num building aauprtaton or handle hum ous maaial As de0ned by the Cupe tim Municipal Code. Chapter 9.11. W ole Health and Safety Code. Section25532(an Yu All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed Without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will the applicant or future building Occupant use equipmentm devices which at huamnu air cmuromms As defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Mansgmc it all new materials for inspection. District? / QYes '94 1 have mad the haraNmarmou lab requirements underompwrb.95ofthe Csllram m Hul"SalmyCodc. Secxns25505.25533 and 25534.1 understand thulfde Wilding dm net cunemly lure • Iran. that It u my rupmrdbility w notify the oaupmt of Se ngmnmcnts sen IDI priarmissuwaofaccrti0c. rp �' Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class 'B" or better ' Owner or Authorized agent Dale