02030209 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 1107 KENTWOOD AV CUPERTINO PLUMBING 02030209 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE BARBARA MORGAN 10297 S DE ANZA BLV 03/27/2002 PHONE: (408) 253-0618 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. G ARCHITECT(ENGINEER: - BUILDING PERMIT INFO K BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH s.Z e, r_J oN 3 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description i i-qq 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing P m.l_ with Section 7")of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code,said my license COPPER REPIPE is in lull Tone ane eB«t. i y K 6 License Class Lic. '�n 6 Dae Q 62 Convenor I - gu.ti ARCHITECT'S DECLARA ON g I understand my plans shall be used as public records i r 3 i 0 o Licensed Profeasionvl ca OWNER-BUILDER usDECLARATION i I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from(he the Comontructor'a License Law forth,' y ? followinguires a(Section]construct, Businessand improve, demolish, emob Co le:Any city or rnunry O which ts Pamir t c .t t Iter.Improve demo) t or repay any structure $5000 -prior u nee,also requires theapplicant for parento file asigned statement. Ihi he S heemed pdrsuue t Np Amyx bas of the Conlmcmrs Ural¢law(Chapter 9 (commenangw Nset ]000) fDnialon3of the Ru;loess end Profemlons Code) t �i�.�? �,y .U[T3 r,'O,®a +• `4 Valuation or that he If exempt thesefmm and the basis for the alldged nempao l Any violation t �" l�. •`1 I i t}_ -or Section 7031:5 by any applicant fore permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty 7� ,y of not mon than five hmmnd dollars 15500) 106�PNiL� #n & WATER ""''" '" Occupancy Type 01.es owner of Ne pmpcny..1 my employm with wages as their node compensation, _ will do the'work,,and the""income'is nm"intended'a,offered for sale'(Sec.704,[" - - 'Busincss ted Professions Code:The Conncmr's License Law does not apply to an 301 - ROUGH P$hiI41BW%s0eetions-..at of of property Who builds or improves Narcan,end who does tech work himself or Nrou h his own cha to as.provided that such improwme is art not intended or 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER. .__ _ P-.y- ._ _..._....-.-..._..__._...._.... .._._._...._,_____.._.__.._.._..1._. _.-_- 6 P Yend of ._______..____.___ ,n offered or sale.If,however.Ihe buildin or im-ruvementiiFold wdAin�un` 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY 'completion,the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or on Prove fm parpoae of,It.). _506 _-_ GAS TEST . ., ._. '_507_-___ I co L as owner of the property,am exclusively ssa d Prucsag with licensed contractors m - FINAL' - _ PLUMBING- contract the a Iso ]044,Business end Profess ons Code.)The Contraction's 0 — ' PLUMB ING - License Law project apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, '.:: ..and gconwcsuch projects wih.¢conuucmrs.lcemed pummt.to that. Connecmr'a License Law.. 1. _ i - ❑lam exempt und<r Sec.• "f BdkPCfor Nia mown r. :`[`;i'vi ' Date" ' ' WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ']a'' -IherebyafRrmuMapenalty of pc juryoheofibefollowingdeclareticns: Y�..IN ® L�.® h ❑ 1 ave tend will rotation.�a Ccnificme of Convent to nl6insurc for We&,,'. v-� Compcnsmion; as ponAdad-for by Satinn-3]00 a the Labor Gude, far the APR 17 2002 - performance bf Ne work for which tho permit is issued. ,. 1 have and will'maintao Worker's GSlnpenvut on 1 Science,as ropori by Section p� TWotheLabor Code:for the Infthe,work'fwhichN's permit is issued.My Worker's Compensation Insurance camer and Policy BUII.®ING number ere: CerAer.Jrr�T�Ft UN UP Policy No7�/U/J/rKtO.7 fs' •. 'N YI tr"CERTIFlCATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKP.RS Y{ I Ai9 tf .4 COM PENSATIONINSURANCE' ' !'•""''(Thii uiiloa need not be cofbPlacd if the permit is for one hundnd dollen ''r •' \'lI''' ''-" ;r 1. t r!I"i: ;.`t. ;fi'''r: I certfy that in the performance of thework for whichthsperirut ii issued ! '- "- _ -- � � - t;7LV ` Tc shall not empleyhry,eirsom in any manner so to'bccome subject to the Workcn Applicant., of Calfmate` "•'" -CPP�safnn Lawa. . :D ,. .. __............ __ . _.._ .. ._ .----. _. NOI'ICETO,APo the Work:IL after Compensation sCemfcat fth Exemption,you you hold �- Obecafnel romp to the Workers Compenuuon pa n,alis of the Lind Cove,you most Yohlt uh c I with such s or sba t sM1all bed d rev coca, ~ ... Y .CONSTRUCTIONLFNDINGAGgENC Y ..�._... - .. ._. _... _. .... _ ._.. I. .... .. ._. ..,_ 1 hercb R th t th e s a cenawct on le d o a enc f the rfunhante ;! .( [ail of shework for Lender Name, hsh this perm t Is issued 'Cia (Sec.309]'Cry C) ' .._ :,. ..i.:-.-. .•.<:. ,_..., . .. - ._. ..__..__ -_.. ._.._- ,. ._ ...___ .:.-..__._ - - _ _ !sodas Address ._.•... _ _ _..___. .. -__ I anify that I have Dad this application and sun that the above information is - v=[ coven.1 agree,to complywithallcity anti county,uordiam".hand!state laws mining on to Wilding cswction,aM ' o . authorize nepnmatives ofthis'city to enter upon as the above-mentioned pe for in tion purposes., F.L (We)a e't' e d Steil ,'nd kap hsum le sthe C tY-4 C.'Pia eisiaaI ,r V] city u j ten s,ic ted Loses which ma toy ey accme egvnst cid V city n quell a ren I g of this p t - DS W WIL MPLYWITH'ALL"NDN-POINT I' APP 1 F j u r s 2 a Issued by: ate Will the lican o future Wilding occupant 0f Tepe OTS DIEee Applicant AZAR OU TRIALS DISCL SURG Da Cadapp S pa handle hazardousmetenel Type OLRoof _ ¢fined i. the 32(n,n Municipal Cad Chapter 9 12 end the Health end Safety OOf .. _.+._ --:. e Saton 255J2(ao . ❑Ye11 ) All roofs shall-be inspected poor to any roofing material being installed. Will the appl ronin f t re Wilding weapons useact ipmeatordevnces w-i If a roof is insfalled'without first obtaining an inspection I-agree taremove emit h tratd s a r can defined by the Bay A Mr Quad ty Menagcntem Mahout?, - - all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with l ❑Yn,s.l ,-,. 1 . - _N try '.. ' all non-pointsource regula ions - !,(1 havelread the hazWoas materials ngmrementiuunder Chaptte '6.95rof the Caliromn Health,gs Safely Code;Sections 25505;25533 and 25534,1 undersand Net iftheb ilding, Sf no uertoiln haven tenant that lis mYrcsponslbduy to notify the Inecu IPf In'requi mel Ash muss be metp or to issuance of a Certificate of Signature of A plicant Date otmore 3 a Da¢. p All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better „I _ '...� .. .OFFICE-. . 4 _ _