21381APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification -. Building Acidrena: O T ,12W til l—. J- PERMIT NO. /"1 al /� n a� G 13 lei( I ere aces: one: V 2N1to Z)3'41q CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/ PERMIT . BUILDING-ELECTRICAI.PLUMBINGMECHAMCAL p Contracter'a Name: Lie. No: CATEGORYCONTROle - �P R3 Anehlted/Engineer. Lle No: •'� Address: I2_5S KEe.3rq ClOO AVE S�, 9SIz QTY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLUG ELECT PLUMB Mh�rli PP PEIMAFISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under provisions ofChapter9(commene. Ih,cran irthAl Imecof Dlvlslon3 ofthe Buslnemand ProfessionsCods, and my license lain full force and effect.: License Clam Llc.p Date_Contrador ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plaru shall be used m public records. Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION owing reason. twit] 731.5, Bhat I am exempt usiness he sad Proldoh License Law for the followingichenq iredloernatto Buslnem and Pimprovns Code:Any city or countywhich require. a permit to corutmct,alter, Improve, dens W h, or repair znystmcmrepriortoiwiwance;aboregrimsiheappllcantforsuchperMtto file a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to the provisloru of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000)of Divi- sion 3 of the Business and Prafesslora Code) orthat he is exempt therefrom a nd the basis for the alleged exemption. Any, violation of Section 70715lay any NappEmnt for. pereatsubjects the applicant too civil parody ofnot more than (Iv hundred dollars (ISM. ' I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compenaation,will dothe work, and thestme um V not Intended or offered for sale (Scc. 7044. Business and Pmfemlmx; Code: The Conlredofs License Law does not apply town owner ofpropertywho Wilds orlmprovesthereon,and who doessuchwork hineselforthroughhlsoweemployees,provldedthatsuch improvements are not Intended oroflered forsale. IL however thebulldleg or70 Improvement la sold within oneyearofcomplelbn, the owner -W Ilderwlll have that he did not WDd or Improve forpurposeofmkJ. tben oowner _Wenwner of the property, am exclusively ce-railing with licensed contractors tocorotrud the project (Sm 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contmea Llmnw law does not apply to an owner of pmperty who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such p(ojecls with a cgg((ador(s)Iloon eed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law._ {]Ji am exe pt under Sac. B A, P C for this reason Owner De Y'0 l 4 Ot f EFISATION DECLARA ON ❑I hereby affirm that L have o ceMfkate of consent to oelf-Insure, ora ce00,La a of Workers'Compecoatlonlreurance ora certl(ted copythereof 6ec. 3NOJ, lab CJ Polley Y APPLIANCES. RESIDENTIAL OBDESC ON �.�;� IIIYYYOOOIIIVVV!!! ' - PANELS U13 TO 2DO AMPS 211-1000 AMPS OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA 2 ♦� yl . f/SQ. FT. %� 4 Z SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES _ 0U�-� � VALUATION O rte{} Y �ITJ 1. NEW RESIDENTIAL ELEC STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION p QTY. PLUMBI PER FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER -DRAIN &VENT- WA OCC.GROUP RFS. UNITS - FLOODZONE APN , FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PR01T.CT. DEVICE OUTSIDE FEES DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, CONTI. SANITARY Y '4N RECEIPT Y FDCURES PER TRA SCIiOOL TAX Y N RECEIPT 0 GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 INCA PARKIg Y N T N RECEGAS EA. SYSTGbOVER 4 Com ray BUILDING DI VISION FT. VS DING DIV] Certified copy Is heed with the �Certi(ied copy V flied with the city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thus section need not be completed If the permit is loran hundred dollars (310(d or less.) I certlfyflem m the performanmof the work (orwhich thle permit is ]awed, I shall not employ any person In any manner so v to become ad ject to the Workers Compeneatlon Laws of California. Date NOTICE NOTICE TOAPLICAtote aftermakingthis Cedlflcro o(En. ftha L you shwld becom subject to the Workers' Compenwtlon provisions of the Laher Code, you must forthwith comply with such provlsloro orchis permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hercbyafflnnthatthere ta a mrutmction lending agenq for t....... rry arm of the workfor which this permit is laged See 3097, Civ.C.) I.ender: Name LendeYSAddress I renlfythat l have read this application and statelhatthe .hove m(omation Incorrect. I agreeto comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating lobullding cmwtrudlon, and hereby authorlee representatives of this city to enter upon the above•mentioned property for inspection purposes, (We) agree to save, Indemnify mi and keep harew the City of Cupertino agamstllabllitles,jrdgmenI costsandexpenses whi hmaymanywayacerue lagala said City tare lee �nce oflM grantingofthlsperrent. Q /` 77pate GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE I TO PLANCIIECK FEE PAID Date RCLCI I# , .L� 7Q UOr-v GREASE TRA '' SEWER SANITARY STO WATER FIFATEt W/V aLEC ENERGY PEE Y N PAIDAppli Date Reeei t# 2QE� 'K WATER SYSCEM/Tlt[ATI NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. Fig TOTAL: I �aa ` T ISMIC^FEE - Y ' 4 ELECTRIC FEE { `W QTY. MECHANICAL P IT at FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMITISSUANCE FEE -PAID, ALTIRORADD7OMECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO IO,000CFM) 'DOIC ReCCIPf# SUBTOTAL: AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX L ®mreof Appdb Contractor HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will theapplle"d or mture budding occupant store or handle hazardous meted.) as defined by the Cupertino Munidpal Code Chapter 9.IZ and the I ealth and Safety Code Sedlon 25537( a)' ❑ Yea. - No Will the epplieam or tore building occupant use equipment or devices which emit hacardous air contaMtonts as defined by the Day Area Air Qua Iity Management Dist rict7 4 Ym No have read the hoer ours materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the Callfomla Health&Safety Cod, Stolons 25505, 75533 and 75534. I understand that if the building does not=mly have a tenant, that it is my mporulbady to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be en t prior to issuance of a Cedtficate of Occupancy.10 E%HAUSTHOOD(W/D(KT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: / la HFATINGUMT(T0100,000131U) Date Reeei b# HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: rl VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RESID) _ 1$$UANCEATE / 16� 9Qa1 JAN �✓N ISSUEDBY _ ^e BOMEER-COMP MIT OR 100,00k) BTU) BOILER-COMP(OVE4100,000 BN) NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT Owner or authorixedagent Date TOTAL: OFFICE COPY 4 21 /9� ,��jj,jNSpFf.TiNN pf.TfU1TV FfIR PFRMj,j� i7 SS6 Pdpa 1 20596 KIRNIN LANE INSPECTION CATEGORY 104 K DATE DONE TYPE OF INSPECTION INSPECTOR CODE P/F COMMENTS 5/27/93 PRE-GNNITE JJ P INSPECTION GATE6DRY 107 DATE DONEOF INSPECTION INSPECTOR CODE P/F COMMENTS' TYPE GRD-ELECT JJ N 6!09/93 ELEC W6ROOND JJ P i ;8!02/93 POOL,BDNDIN6 JJ' ; ' ;XP.. ?B%20/73 `' DECK BONDa`: INSPECTION CATEGORY 304 tti1 , (TATE DONE= TYPE OF-INSPECTION INSPECTOR CODE P/F COMMENTS b� 7/12/93 BONDING'--�P INSPECTION CATEGORY 507 DATE DONE TYPE OF,INSPECTIOM';, INSPECTOR CODE"v yrP/F COMMENTS -S/09/93 "." AWAY) v P. ,�­GAS-R000HfDOGGIE JJ .,.- r . 1. • r I L-A a TYPE OF;;,INSPECTIGN,, INSPECTOR VDADONE '6/03193 0—GRD" E' 6/09/93 ELEC U/BROUND ji P 8/02/93 POOL BONDING ji x P 8/26/93 DECK BOND P 1A 1,14 Yll DATE DONE TYPE OF INSPECTION INSPECTOR CODE P/F COMMENTS 12193 BONDING LH P 7-7777 INSPECTION',CATEEORY 507 1 4 DATE DONE TYPE OF INSPECTION INSPECTOR CODE PIF COMMENTS 6/09/9,3 OAS—ROUGH(DOGGIE AWAY) ii P "J