TELECOM 10-26-06
Technology, Information & Communications Commission
Special Meeting
October 26,2006
Andy Radle called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Commissioners present: Andy Radle, Bill Allen, Eric Klein
Commissioners absent: Charlie Ahem, Steve Ting-Resigned
Staff: Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren
Guests: Leon Beauchman, John DiBene, Michael Wolf
1. Klein / Allen moved and seconded to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion carried
The Commission took Item # 8 (AT&T - Review proposed interim agreement to offer video
services to Cupertino residents) out of order.
8. AT &T - Review proposed interim agreement to offer video services to Cupertino
residents. Leon Beauchman said that AT&T would like to begin service in Cupertino if
they could fast track an agreement. Leon Beauchman, Michael Wolf and John DiBene all
from AT&T were present to answer questions. They said they were targeting Comcast and
satellite customers. Right now they were looking for a gap agreement. The commission
asked when the service would begin. AT&T said the launch date had not been announced,
however, the plan was to turn it on before the end of 2006.
The Commission had a number of questions that AT&T was not able to answer at this time.
AT&T planned to have answers to the questions by the November 6th Council meeting.
The questions were:
. Will U-Verse in-home equipment be leased or sold?
. What other language programming other than Spanish will be available?
. Will customers be able to buy single services rather than packaged offerings (e.g. do you
have to buy phone service to get video? Do you have to buy DSL internet service to get
video? Do you have to buy video to get phone or DSL service?)
. When will AT&T provide to the City product information such as pricing and specific
feature offerings?
. What percentage of the City will be included in the initial launch ofU-Verse?
. What is the battery life for the Lightspeed cabinets? (In the event of a regional
earthquake, how long will batteries last?)
. Will AT&T provide a list of the installed Lightspeed boxes?
. Will AT&T offer a senior discount?
. How will AT&T connect with the City's Emergency Response system?
. At what rate will PEG be supported? (1 %,3%)
. How will Cupertino connect to AT&T?
Th~ commission questioned why they should recommend approval of an agreement, if AT&T
couldn't provide all the information, and if there was uncertainty about what actual services
would be offered.
Oral: None
Written: Commission reviewed the following written communications.
2. Comcast monthly service report for August 2006
3. September 27,2006 - Comcast letter regarding TiVo Series3 High Definition Digital Media
4. October 6, 2006 - Comcast letter regarding channel lineup (Fear Net - channel 166)
5. Comcast monthly service report for September 2006
6. Graphs - Comcast customer service
7. Update on Wireless Master Plan Action Items Subcommittees
1. Meet with Mayor (key players) Eric/Charlie No report
2. Survey Charlie/Eric No report
3. What is the reasonable aesthetic Bill/Colin/Rick No report
standard for towers?
4. ConsistencylUpdate Wireless Master Bill/Andy Bill reported that City regulations
Plan & Ordinance and ordinances are out of date,
especially in regard to wireless.
5. Review State & federal regulations & Charlie/Andy Andy reported on the Assembly Bill
new bills 2987 (Nunez) -- cable & video
service. He will wait until next
month to see if the bill is signed
and then go from there.
He also reported on the status of
Senate Bill 1627 (Kehoe) - relating
to wireless telecommunication
facilities. The League was neutral
on this issue. (Legislation was
changed to collocation of wireless
antennas. If there is an existing
antenna, you can't add antennas to
that location.
6. White paper/Study Session with the Will be assigned
City Council at a later date
The Commission asked what the progress was on the recommendation for funding for grant money,
particularly the request from The Better Part Senior TV group. Kitson said the mid year budget
adjustments will go to Council in December. Rick said he would check into the progress of the request
and get back to the Commission in December.
Reports from:
12. Mayor's Meeting with Commissioners - Andy reported on the Mayor's meeting with the
commissioners. He said the Mayor would like the commission to write an article for the
Scene on How Does MetroFi work?
13. City of Cupertino - No report
14. Com cast - No report
15. Activities Calendar - The Commission reviewed the activities calendar. Bill Allen will
attend the November 1 st Mayor's meeting with Commissioners.
16. Action Item List - The Commission reviewed the action items and added the following:
a. Write Scene article - How does MetroFi work?
Klein / Allen moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 p.m. The motion carried
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Andy Radle, Vi e Chair