01040090 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS; PERMIT NO. 11220 LA JOLLA CT MIRACON CONST 01.040090 OWNER'S NAN1I7: APPLICAI'[ON SUIT LATE ON DR 04/18/2001. PHONE: SANI'T'ARY NO, CONTROL.NO. 408264209q I o s z ARCHITECT/ENGINIiER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO I° O LD EI.ECIPLUMB MECH F�Ro O y LICENSED).CONTRal rade t'n URC r,of CON Job Descrip ' n _ hien 70alumoo I.3ofl1w dmNcr anviromald,arter Code.o(mmmeaense F'_tw ilp Smtio.andd of Dlvision3Ofthc Rusinans mol Rafesiaro CMevnd mylirenw <y..� nrnrcaneelreyr� 1y :21 c, REBUILD BRICK CHIMNEY FROM ROOF. s a C last.(') ��— Lic,p a j LL V iaalcn�'_ _= Canlreelnr F-a ARCHITECT'S DECLARAi 1 undcrsemd my plane shall be used m pnM1hc renndx ce ce Y ti O II Licatwd Yralc....... OWNER-BOILDER DECLARATION w oi I hereby ufrrn Lha I inn coodp,Rom the Cnnimetor'x License law far the t Z� following mason.(Section 111.115.Buslnco and Pr)fceainnh Code Any city ur emarty O which reemms a permit to aommuct,after,improve,demol on.or repair any nhuaum ce ce, prior it)ns issuance.aim)requires the applicant ba such Permit o file a signori stimulant Ibar he is licensed punwnllo the prooion,of the Connectors License law(Chapm,9 Sy. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commencing with Section 11X)(0)of Division t of the Business and Profession%Cale) or that he is c¢ntm therefrom oral the basis for(he alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7011.5 by any urdir ll IDI a pernut subjenn he applicant lin a civil penahy Of ant more than Eve mmdmd dollars Mail. APN Number - Occupancy Type ❑Las owner of the pmlxny.or my cnoploycos will,wages as their mole Grunts motion. - 00 will do the work,and he sI,ucturc lu not me lad or ollcted liar,ale(Sec.144. - r Room—and Profession,Code The Contractor:License Law does not apply to as Required Inspections Owner arpropeny Who builds in impmvc%thereon,and who does such work himself or through hi,own employees.prodded that such improvements ate not intended of 101 — FOUNDATION offered for%ale.If.nosrever,the Wilding or improvement is mild within one year of imimpletion.the na'neobodder will have the burden of proving that he did not Wild or 312 — CHIMNEY REBAR & STRAPS prove for purp:ne al sale.l. ❑.I.axawnc,nfin,pranenr.antm esela...at,commchhgwirans.duumctm more514• — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS msa'a,,tic project(Sce.9144,Busines,z I Porexvione CoduO'The CunhrmhnY Liccm'c Law dues nm apply in an owner of prnlwny who build,or Intpooes thereon. - and who comma,liar such p,,,jet,,with x ainmavartq roc..cd pursuant e,the Contractor',License Law. ❑1 um aiming,under Sea. .R&P C bar this rcmnn Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby ammo ander penalty Of Iw ay One sone following declaratimoi F ^\L p 1 have and will raina i o a Cenireau uI Conwal ,,sclf-inxam for Wodsi. Ep Compchsalion, as provided or by Rection 1901 of the Labor Code, lin the Y MA perfimnance of We work lin which Thi,permit is issued. A 0 7 O 1 have and will maintain Worker',,Cumpersollan Iawmm ,as myuired by Section 2001 31M of the IaW,Cade,for the pee orreare of the work far which this permit is - - sued.My Worker',Compensation Insurance comer and Policy number am: BUIL Lrricr: ensaPolicy No: TNG 06 CEO IFICAI'ION OF EXHMP'I'ION FROM WORKERS' (IOMPENSA'I'ION INSURANCE (Thi,section head not W completed if the,wrnit is for one hundred dollars ($101)or less.) I cenify that in the pednmmnee of th�eywinkIyfor which this permit is issued,1 ehxll nor employ any re,at in any manner?��S noco ye,abject m he Workers' Cntnpensaliatt 1.wa of Car Ennis.Date_ S LL pbcam / Ooov vah I',,11he ..or,s ober makingn l'mon, of of Labor inn,yn oa it i nu,imp y the Wa ker'u COnymmr don provisions of e d Luber Cada.You onuxt Q O Emthwilh ,imply wit....h poovisiom or❑tis penult nhn11 he JcaneA revnkcA. Ftz)= CONS'I'RUCI'[ON LENDING AGENCY � 1 hereby uflimt that thea is a connmetion lending agency for the performance of he work for which this pemtit is ism.hd(Sce.3M1,Civ.C.) ❑ lender's Name 7 Lender's Address - U Q I certify that I have rcud this application and state that the above inhrruutlon Is W F correct.I duce on comply with all city and county adboadcas load state laws relating O tobu'ddiagcnpmcltna.naUocrobyuudtnd.e minrla entiva,nl(history toat eer upon . y (m abmonwmi I prala'aty to now,inn pu,pncs. (We)agree loore.'indemnify sad keer,hanalesa the Citral Capennto aquina ' / 'n liabilities,judgaen,o,coats and expenws which may in any way acerae against said / p—ol U 2.VSIRCE nwquence of the granting of this permit. 0 11 ANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date REGULATIONS. Ally'r rettmlCommuor Dae Re-roofs I I ALARDOUS MATERIALS HSCLOSURE win me arrl,adtn tar nttammtnemg:a.,mattt stn�e or ltanmel,mardoox tmnedal 'Type of Ro u darned by the Cupenino H Mormipal Coir.Charter 9.12.and nhe eath still sarety Cole.Rection 255)2(x):' ❑Yes ONo All roofs s all be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or future building occulrutlt use e9aipment or da,;eea ashen If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit haannlom air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management . D;sn;etn all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 0Yva °No all non-point source regulations. Ilav::read Thu ha/al'dnns materials mquimmalt.under Chapter taus of Ilse Cniu I1emh ye Solely Code.Sections 255115.25517 and 255 34, xtu 1 undetod ata rbc Wilding docs nut currently have a tenant.That;t In my m,onmhild,m nilly the aupam or the occloircruch,,'which nium W met prior m issuance of a Cenifcute of Occupancy. �� y ��� Signature of Applicant Date Dwr orm,,r::a.gcnI Data /-- All roof coverings to be Class`Blit or better OFFICE