607 0-o7- CL. `� ' LOT NO. � ' NO. ISMEET APPLICATI , ',R'BUILDING .PERMIT CI CUPERTINO 1 Date =�' � P 195— Permit No. - v� Application is hereby made foermit to d / a story,Type - Building_ at " 'YIRf' � u• to be occupied only as - in accordance with Plans, Spec cations and Plot-Plan filed herewith. p O Estimated Value of Improve ents,$_�T CIOO Fee S v It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other I. is applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertinoill be complied with: Owner Address By / Address CONT�ACTO AGENT .Phone aC— Q' Approv " . Y 1111 No 1NSPECTOR i W VI 1 d a I, z ryryry��� a I LL. \ Im V F a z P "• ] e F z z z `z w .6a w w w w I. ' CERTIFICATE 0-F ' COMPLETIO:IVI BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE t CITY OF CUPERTINO r t /Date ......✓... .`.'.'� ......... .............. 19.`.%�. .... �Buildin Permit No. .Y.=' ,:.. ....... The Building Located at ----:. .. ..7.�-. :, .... .............. ".............. �+ Owned b S.-6'��l!�.J 7!✓......t� .q—,-:'.�. J ' . ...r.' .•...... s + Y ....r....._... . . ........................ ....."^:�1. ........................ Has Been ((Altered) j +! For Use As: (Altered) --------� ........._................_--....... eta � .......... . .............................................................. ........... ----------------- ---- ----- - - -- --- -----------.... ..... . . .. ............................. ................... .. ......_......... _..._...... ........_.. .. ..................... .. - ........ ... .... ..... ...... , 702 7/59.500 18UILDING INSPECTOR i