663 LOTNO. L 0 ` APPLI '. FOR BUILDING PERMIT J J\ nr ` TY OF CUPEItTINO ;. Date` 1. 195— Permit No. 3 Application!.;hereby maile:for a permit to 1214 r /f � a story,Type S .� �� 6uilclinF f Ss at '• to be occupied only as •'• in accordance with Plans,(Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. Estimated Value of Improvements,SZ 3•fit•a a Fee$ �Ik 07 N -It is hereby agreed that the requirements of-the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and a all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of u Cupertino will be complied with. in Owner - �. • -•- Address BY r �.� , r } Address - L.1— CONTRACTOR, AGENT. J •Rr. •��� Phone _ Approved It111LWNG INSPECTOR 1t RECORD OF INSPECTI N COULS FOUNDATION —'� ' DATII l , INSPECTOR FRAME DATG INSPECTOR C TI�.nnd PLASTER l — �_ ' DATE. . NNSPGCTOR , FINAL BLDG. DAT INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. DAT n INSPECTOR . FINAL PLBG. S ' �� ' Ag(��r DAT y � DA INSPECTOR ' I'INAI-GAS s- 6 /� INSPECTOR E s CERTIFICATE OF C2 'PLETION v BUILDING INSPECTOR'S FFICF CITY OF CUPERTI II 6Date ...........IP,�.......................... I 9A-�... BuildN Permit No....44./,c ........... The Building Located at . .".,( -p.w ... ............................. ................ pit.:.' Owned by ..............:.:.....•.:'........ .......... .......... ......... ................................................. (Completed)' Has Been For Use As: ........ (Altered) ............................................ ................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ........................................ .................................... BIJILDING INSPECTOR M2 7/59-500 LOT NO. NIT f STEM •:•J -4: APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT/sr) CITY OF CUPERTINO /w �]//// Date �� y 195 Permit No. �_ Fee $ �r Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises S i K I" E R E'51 i e a C E a • y y Owner ''r':!- Address �• r By C111"f11r: ::.i,G rC Address IC742V ' A I.-IC G C'r CONTRACTOR, AGEN Phomai Appro PLUMBING INSPECTOR TI$IORES UMBER bf IN DR IN UNITS I FEES IUNITSI FEES Vater H c / ��Coll Size l/ Water Closets i �9 Gp�� Mate❑al (�; 9ath Tubs To Curb ihovkrs f To Prop. Line yr _avatoriesn �•,O�� To Existing <itchen Sinks �� / OO�� :.Not Conn. ;�?. '' " If Dish Washers /.pp �� SEWER Boxes') Wa e Disposals / �/ 0011 Wash A rays I I il. STORM DRAINAGE Washin Machines I 1/ cSize Water fteners Material Bar Stns To Main Drain _ Comb. Sink s Trays To Curb Dental Units Drinking Fountains) 1 �_ Floor Drains �� WATER SYSTEM Hoppers Size Restaurant Sinks Material Aace - Sand Traps TOTAL FEES Urinals Fixture Fee /.UO Area Drains Main Drain Fee / „p0 Water Leaders �� Storm Drain Fee Vnii lcr Valves Water Sys. Fee /. 00 Permit Fee TOTAL TOTAL FEE /fL,GC RECORD OF _INSPECTION Partial Rough S �;/1"Z.r�y� % Rough Complete Final a� p� i y '= ,f Cupertino S;mitnry �e Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. S- 1 Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. ... ............... Lot No..%..#.. ................ Owner or Tenant ..... .... At .......r t.Z.C? 52 i.........^-�}�-^y-c .' 7.�.,.-- .. .-._'.....___..-.............. Trait __......__----- .. . . _.�L.es-X ..K..fy...�^ ..... .... .... ..._._......._...-. o / Date Connected _..--- ' ---.....�..�_.�-�..�..Q...-....._- � -----...--=--- ------------ ----- 19_l;..C1 . Date sinal ........................_....--'--r.__ .a " ...... .. I , `..... ..... PLUMBING-INSPEC R III 7/59-500 NO. CT LOT NO. APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date 195JL- Permit No. S FCC S /o. r Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 9 wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. o v Use of Premises n �} "J Owner Address �� C-A-7 '..� By �- •i.,/ lLn-4) A Address 1 , CONTRACTOR, AGENT R1 Approve //yy�i�- •�--��'• Phone: A/ EEECCRICAL INSPEC10R .NEW RPL FEFS 0 Size Service Conduit......................Number of 0 Cts..._...._ . . ..... ------ ------ Size Service Wires-------------------------Number of Switches---------------- --/,�-- ------ -- --- Size Service Switch..- -----.Number of Receptacles------------ ----?A --------- Size Sub Feed Conduit.--------------------Number of Fixtures------------------ ------ Size Sub Feed Wires...................Ranges....--....... ------- KW------------ r" .....-.. ......... Number of Circuits------------------ Oven ------ ...... KW........---- ---------- ---------- M,-r"r b. Number of Meters------------------------Signs---------- Transformers-..----. ---------- ---------- - ------------ misc-------- ---------------------------------------Dryers------ ------------------------- ------ ---------- -------- - ------ Motors------q----------- HP----- -------------- Phase................... Permit Fee $1.00 Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase------------- ------ ------------- ------ Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase H P Charge-------------- --- TOTAL FEES -?/- RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS X Fixtures ---------------------- Rough Wiring------------ ....../. ----* I---- --- ---- --------- DATE IK5PECTOR CTOR Finish Wiring��'?- ---- Motors --G--- -------q DATE Yr aeJ"l Final --- DA7Z AINSPKCTOR ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE o COPYE 41= `1 BUILDING INSPHCTOf-S-OIWeC CITY OP CUPLRTiNO � L To You are hereby aufforiie to connect the electric s ice for - - Owner or Tenant _........��.SFI.a:>tr.,y�....... ,..� '-�- - '--.......--`1----- •: At ....... .>-_...- '-q...........- Size of SwitcK w.. ..`. No. of Wires ......._ �S' e of \K/ires� �' _ MotorLoad ........................... Voltage ............................-... Phase .. ................................. HeatingLoad ........................ K. \V. ................... -------------- Voltage . '�Light....__ . 110_.._. _.._Nen Serv¢e.................. Reconnec...No. of 1,[etere...... _.-_.._- /1HeaL..-.._ .... ...... .-1'hr '' e.. .._...... Move Service..._...._- No. of Add. Meters..... .._.../ / Poner............._ Thr P t................. hfor Teter-__..._..-. 104 2/59-250 �., LLRCI'RICAL INS "7R C r �S � G4 fZ LOT NO. / NO. fSTRe&i, r APPLICATION FOR GAS PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO ',GF,''.i4��,:: -" �_••. � • ' , rte, ( Date • •� 9 , 1951-0 Pe,rmit No. i lt, r h Fee S / $j ,Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes `and%or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes V� and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City 'e. of Cupertino, andallother laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises `•' %�((���o �G kES! ti q'i= 'C E 0� Owner 'AI AR I-lf; Bo-?L' -- Address t By �fut- R IG:nA%A*C Cc Q41ft Address I Ga "✓}RiE�/A LTi I CONTRACTOR, Af.F.NT Phoney" Approved -iG'_'�- a ,/ PLUMBING INSPECTOR Remarks'(Check 0 Type of Appliance I Units Fees II New Replace Relocate Gas Ranges Wall Heaters Gas Plates Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers W3r�ning Ovens Percoors �_ i 1 bles Gravit Firrnaces 3usp ded Unit _ Eloor Furnace Miscellaneous NAME TYPE) ' pp Bance Fees � � Inspeae,; and Approved ._............... ---- --- - DATE n:SPEGTOR HOUSE GAS PIPING Number of Outlets I X I Size of Main Gas Piping Fees /r$01 _J Tested and Approved ......._............._�. . .. . . .... .. .. .. . ........... .. .. ... . . DATE INSPECCOR NO. S APPLICATION APPLIANCE ?ERF90T CITY OF CUPERTINO Date JUN 1 0 1960 / 15—q t96..,.., Permit No. L_- o Fee S Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing r:ode of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. • Use of Premises J Owner Address BY '+ Address Qt nS 180 E. SUNNYS ANf B , CAL, Approv Phone PLUMBING INSPECTOR Remarks (Check ✓1 Type of Appliance I Units Fees � New � Replace � Relocate — Wsll Heaters Gas Plates Cirorlating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens f tors Gridd a �� Ste es Gravi nacos, Sus 'nded Unit-11 — ,Floor Furnace' ' Miscellaneous NAME TYPE) PP Lance ees /.,.(d Inspected and Approved .._......_..: DATE INSPECTOR RVIC�.--Nll T-W GAS SE OCOPYFFICE BUILDING INSPE 0 -FICE CITY 01'C ,p To You are hereby—T—Aarized to connect the GA ic& for Owner or Tenant -- ------------ GA At ---(--5)0 .............................. New Service .. .....✓' No. of Meters ........................ Reconnect ....... ....................... Move Service ---------............. No. of Add, Meters ----- Move Meter .......................... ----------- 110 �PLUM ING INS R