1560 o s-s i& ,�,eIra D�f I, NO. STREET LOT NO. 1 APELICA :I. N FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT ® C OF CUPERTWO DateJUL 121962 S6o — 195_ Permit No. � Fee S I� Apel ffilnQferVJPF ' ��City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wising and/or I�tures as Iste on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Elul�ofthe City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. u Use of Premispq C OwnCL B : "ed caAddressy /� tCONTRACTOR, AGENT Approved Phone: I °/// k/�7�� E✓ECI CAL INSPECrOl i NEW ]FIRE FEES Size Service Conduit----------------------Number of --es........_..------ --- ---------- --------- ---------- Size --- ------- - 04"' Size Service Wires------ ----------Number of -s -------------- ---------- --I------- --- ---------- .......... S""' Size Service Switch...._------------------Number of Rcept c ---------- ---------- -------------- Size Sub Feed Conduit------------------Number of Fixtures.............._.. -JF-- ---------- ----- Size Sub Feed Wires-'------.........Ranges..------------- KW........._... ....._... --- ------ --...-------- Number of Circuits...._... ........ Oven .............. KW...---------- ---------- --- ------ -------------- Number of Meters------------------------Signs--------- Transformers...----- ---------- ---------- -------------- Misc------------------------------------------------Dryers--------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- --- .......... . Motors-------------------- HP---------------.... Phase-------------------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase------------------- Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase------------------- H P Charge.---_..__..--- TOTAL.FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS RoughWiring.--............ ---------------------------- Fixtures ---------------------- ............... ............ DATE INSIECIORMotors DATE .IN-5,I,r,CT"a,R-------- Finish Wiring ---------------- ---------------- ..... ---------- --------- ....... -- - " ' DATE INSPEO-0. OArt INSPECTOR final -------------------------- --------------------------- DATE INSIZU01,