00120085CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT . BUILDING ADYK 88-90 MAXINE AV L ANGELES ROOFING I'ERMITNO. 001.200135 OWNI?R'S NAM1i: WANG STANLEY TRUSTEE & E r AL 15310 CALLE ENRIQUE APPLICATION SUB DATE? 12/J4/2000 MONK SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. 40$7794688 ARCHI'I'I.C'I diNGINFIiR: BUILDING P17RMEIINFO BLDG F,LECT PLUMB MITCH I_I LJ I_I I_I 1.ICIiNSI'.p CONTRACI'OR'NDIiC1,Al1AI'ION - Job Description 1 berehy mfrs thin I um li en,el under pmvislons oI Chapter 9 tconllnencinp withseetit„Jap)ufIns om3ofhelosire.. undrld!..ior,rnde.nndn,yfanse TEAR OFF SHINGLES/ 1/2” PLY AND PUT AS in hB fora and effect. nil[".w spun Con �T 30 YEAR SHINGLES actor ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand np, plan. shall be used m public mord, I,feemed professional OWNER-BUILDER DECIARA'I'[ON 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the ollowiny mason. (Section 7031.5. Business and Prore„iom Co& Any city or county which requires perolit, n t ,. alter improve, demolish. (it repair say,, Imre Emi to it,I:n rester-he ppl ant lot Suchpc it III life a signedstatement hat he N licensedp :.; I the P o f he C , e ', License Law, (Chapter9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (eotmnvoicing w rm Secret, lap) or Divi,00 9oche Bursitis-andProt iot,Code) or tem Ile i, cse,npl thec rant and me nazis roc be mllcgcd exemption. Any violation 111 Section Tans by roy om'Im To nl I pemtit nubjcax Ilse :q,plicunl Io n eiv't1 "a ty APN Number 1" - Occupancy pe olnotnlor, to five to,dreddopm.ta5om. 01,aeownerol',hc propmy,ormy eo,pwyeea w its wage-, Iheirn,le.... inion. quired Inspections wd1 do its, work, and the ]moms i, ma imend l or Mfured for sale (Sec. 7144. 'rhe Bu.mc., and Ptnressim,.s Code: Commalor4 License Law does not apply to an owner of pmpcny Who build, or improves hereon, ami who does such wort, himself or though his own c doyee,. Pm,idcd It., such improvements me or intended or offered ,de. lf,how ever, one year of is sold he or odes 305 — FRAME / / milefor will Ifn,ros did improve forEben,cofs.adm,dl nave he btrrden urproeing rose, he did int build o, 707 — INSULATION impose for pu,po,.e of sale]. 5 01.a% owner al the progeny, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF O / unane, the pmjwt (Sec. 7144. Business and Prnrrsstnns Cmic:)'Ihe Contractor', License n r / 602 — ROOF F I_ YI400D Law does not apply to as owner of propen, to, hold, or imp rnhereon. ern. and well contracts Tor Inch projects won a em,Imetod.) Teemed pursuant h m` 603 — ROOF BATTENS Cm,..actor's License Law. El l,ttn esemp, under Sec, B,v P C hr this reaxnn F04 - ROOF IINI—PROGRESS Dwne, Dom .UB"""COMPENSATDON DECI.ARA'I ION ,- Ihereby of1h order[woolly of perjury nor of the yellowing declantionn: ] 1 have cold will flaimtell a Certiliva¢ of Cmnenl to sell-insure for Worker', Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code. for the redonnance ill he work for which his penin, is issued. 01 have and will maintain Worker', Con,remation Insurance, as required by Section Pal of the Labor Code, for be performance of the work rill which this permit is ,wed. Aly Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number arc: . Camcr:.s%%/1�Policy Nn.: D� p0 V-OOD y CHRrIFICAf1ON(IF EYEMPTI INMOM WcRkpRS CUMPENSAI'[ON INSURANCp Mis welon need not he completed it the permit is tin one hundred Jolla, . is I Ial)of It,,.) I eerily thaf In ,he lerfomuraa of the work lot whirl, lin, permh i, issued. I ,Lull uuI empby xny porxmI in city Iran Ill so us w become subject to ,Ila Workers Comprm,uliun Law, of Cul ltornia. Uare Aprim t NO[ CI?'1'fIAI'IIUCAN'I:If, mffurmaking this Ccnilicle of i?xcngmim,, on I old becnnm,uhicct to the Worker'., Compensation ...... siun, or me Labor ales you must hoth will, comply with such provisions or this pemtit shall he teemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm that here i, a construction landing agency for the pe forma r of the work Rn which his permit is issued (See. JUG. Civ. C.) Lender, Name lender', Address I ceni ry that I have read this appl isatin sort state that the ab,c infom,ation is ,ionco. I .gree ,, comply with all ci,v and county ordinances and stare laws relating m building onvort nI and heresy amhoriie representativclot his city to enter upon the ubrvemanioneJ Progeny na msrec,ion purposes. (We) ni,me it, me.indemnity and keep ferrules, lee Co, or Cepenino against hithilows, judgments, cues mod expr se, which may in troy wry accuse ugaim„ said City In .......hien', at Esu, cuing of this perm". NON-POINT / ' -%•_\C l'— API'LICA N" NDI?RS'I'ANDS AND WILL COMPLY WUH ALL Issued by: Date '12— S, URCtI' .ULATI,QN� li �JJ GD,rm Re-roofs sign: pplicun Comuseoror[ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will ,heapplicant nr fume building occupant ,acre ar handle hirattlnu. meormil Type of Roof az defined by the Cupcnino Municipal Code, Chapter 9. 12. and the Ilealm and Safety Code. Section 85321x1:' O Ye. KNo All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will hearplieadorFuture brilding',ectpamuseequipment nrdriceswhich If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection. I agree to remove emir hvardou, air contaminanec:u defined by he Buy Area Air Quality Management )alMcft all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ores _KNn all non-point source regulations. I have and ,he ,gni under r fi,95 ill the ration, Coon. 14. 1 understand Cuile Isliaile,ee Pa Soley Citic.Sectio,,ral, thn" is anal 255,.4. it,tomd that Safety 2 5. 25.533 a thebdl the i,y,ow,ate iEn toy reyusle w.cnot enrre,which q ♦ 9_ /-C.',� DO first helmet of of cnrmn of ihu rttµtirumm�m which moa bt nm, prior to is.nancr of a Cenifaum of If the V' _�—�/ (iaEtl+an' Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owner or aud...7, dxgca, True OFFICE