27535 AYYLIUAN1 1u PILL 1M 11fruT11DAf tuff fOmut acv Lrrfco•xaoc un-r n v—r BUILDINGCITY OF CUPERTINo PLUMBING-MECIIANICA6 I'GRAII I'NO. BUILDING.DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT ,pats!aRU1LDIN0 PRO F.CT ID IPIC TIONox+;+a++'ani�' B27535 UILDING ADDRESS: �� SANI I'ARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMDIAL DA'11' I //SILa UNIT'0 LOTN —' 1; OW ERS AME � PI IO CO ACTOR'S P{y{F.:� LIC NO: NIC C(1NIROLN ci CHIIFC`F"UINF,ER: LIC NO: AD ESS: CONTACT: PHONE: W. NI ap""�Ea(Wiry1RI �PHZRylM�I"'� �,h}{t �}elf" ,A-� 'S=iBU1LDING PERMIT INFO ' _ qrc }-N:fq�.. .-rera+lv�^"'Clq gel',' Cr BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECII PERMIT ISSUANCE / - LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL JOB DIL9CR11'IION Od'Z IM1m ebyaffnnlnal l am Licensed under prnvisiom of Chep¢r9(mmmmencing with µl00 Sectirm IlxxB mf Division 7 of IM1e Business end Pmfessiom Code,end my licenseE in PANELS FmC fullforceandeffect. t Y'fA W i� F,Zua ,Lions,Clo.as Lic.N UP t0200 AMPS I—fWFw\I PaQy Dam Commnor NI-I00OAMP5 SO.FT.R.WRA0.1iA SIS0.19'. ZF yZ ARCHI'IF,CTSDECLARAIION OVER IOW AMPS Iunocmtamlmyplainshallbe..d as public reco is ty SIGNS ELECTRICAL QyE� Leaned Profecsirmal 'KYfr-( OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC. px�j,OaU 1 lorehy affirm Nat 1 em exempt from IM1e Contractor's License Lew For IM1e 'ta73 arra following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city m county TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. t�'oo which requires a Permit to constmn,slier.improve.demolish.m repair any structure POWER DEVICES S;!fYf prior or its issunnee,uborequires the applicanffor such Permit file a signed statement paaQO that he is licensed Pursuant to the Provisions mf IM1e Contractor's License Law(chspler SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUA'I'IUN dao ff 9lcmnmencingwiN Section20n0)of Division 7mf Ne Business and Professinnscods) W^y arthar he iscaemNdrerefmmendthe basis for the alleged ascription.Any vlonmel of OlffLl!TS-SWITCIIES-FIXTURES C Z 2Section 10715 by any applumn rte•Icrmiuubjecta Ne applicant a.civil penally of inn norm than Bvc hand ed dollen D5W). 5 O NEWROIDFNIIALEL.ECfR _SQ.M. SIORINS TYPE CONS'IRUCIION ,�:L ❑ oche wr ttof Neprnperty,orm of intndenwiNwegcusNeino 704,1.minion, y3— will Prfesions end Nemru Contrapues,in notintended Law ffered does applySee 704,1.Business of aro PmfasMm cndr:improves Contractors License law docs rot apply lf m owner or prnpertywhmhuihovi improves Nereorovements weell Nmughhis IaCC.GROUP RIi..UNITS employees,providednoonversimpmvld wit inanns e yimOndcomplfttaf rte sale. r. MilderwNe bvetie burimprmemOminmt he withinonebuild of annotation,the owner. N Fuildcr wJl have the burden or poving Net he rid tax buik m imryove for puryox fQTY .A. RAxIDZONIi npNI,asowner ofNe proprty am exclusively crminethngw N licensed conic eto m Iconswet Ne project(Sec.7W.Businw end Protest Cde:)The ContractorspERMIp ISSUAI.icen.alawdmexnmapplymanownerofpropenywMWildsmimprovesNemm.endvhocrmvocts fmxucn pnrjects with.co mensgs)licensed pursuer,to the Contractors RAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) FEESUMMLicense law.❑ 1emeaemmuderSec. ,D&PCfort1dx rt DEVICE SANITARY k' N_RECEIPT'X Owner WORKMAN COMPENSATION DEOA0.AT1 DRAINS .AREA.CONSCHWLTAX Y N_ ❑ Iherbyoffinn Nnt l have.certificamofconsem toselbi m,maceni0cateof RXTURFS-PI RAP RECEIPI'N 1 IIB Leh C, which PARK FEE Y N_ Wudm'Crmperamin.Insurance a cenifed copy thereof cc. ) RIiCEIVIN \�- nett emloee'suMer Nis t. GA STT!M-1 INC.xO✓II.EIS Polv P Y Ix^n' BUILDING DIVISION TEES coir,N Cmmpmry A -CA.SYST:M-O IIA) PhANCIIIiCK IIiL• ❑ Cenill,denoyi.sherehyfurs, . ❑ Ccnifted ropy is Eld with Necity innpmtion di isimn. IiASFII WASTE IN GRADING FF.f; CERTIFICATE Op EXEMPTION FRU WORKERS' GREA ETRA .OILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURA E (Thinumion red nal hecmnrpletd if Ne permitisf onehundrddollan(SIM) -SANITARY-STORM FA.200FT. t IiRGY FEF, m less.) -reify slut in the performarxe of Ne work fm which th -limit isinud.lshell WATER IIEATER WNENT/Fil.cm employ any perms in any manner ar n�m beermx 'ct to the Warkcri P D nmpenati of Celifomia. Dole _ R- WATF.RSYSI'E!'I'TREA'IING Dam ReceiptN O Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL PI.MB. SQ.FT. TOTAL: 7 NOTICH TO APPLICANT:IL afro makin Nb Ccnifrnm of Emmp nays sMntlJ L--iN flUI VINO FEEhcaanesuhyw. ,,be Worker's Cmmpensation Provisions of Ne labor e,you must FF"" �"" fonhwiN emmply with inch govinionam Nlo permit nhsll be deemd rev eJ. . a > CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY $Fa. IC IFF. r:j z I hereby affirm Nm there lee construction lending agency for the pcRrmm f TOTAL: Ii .CIRICITI: rM1e work An which this pe.it is isao (See 157 7 .Civ CJ U d laodcrs Nam- rJ r a a + v'+{...-, r, t - . •".' W "'' 3ti hI6CFIANICAL PERM a lir PLUMBING nsE O Under e tifyflAddress— (y i4y< { ,..m. ry ktl�.dlkas' 1.mite that 1 have rod Nis ap anal- u ty sine Nat the stove iws rmning r MF,CIIANICAI.IIF. D.s neer.lagree to<mmply with all city and county ordinances AM stale laws relating to PERM RISSUANCE building con.ahudion,end hereby inNndm rtpresrnutiven mf Nle city to enter upon the .0.O OMECH. CONSTRUCTION TAX U Z atnve-mcmiund pmperty for inspectim purposes. (We)-gree m save,indcmniry sod keep harmicss the City of Cupertino against liahili'es,judgmenn.costs end exoenuswhichtwyin any way accrue eg id'ily AIRIIANDLINGUNR'(T010,000CFM) sequexe n(@e gfamingof Nix Permit. `lgb AIR IIANULING UNIT(OVER 10,f1(gl CIM) CZit,c�c. Signature of ApplicanVC'onimcmr Dam EXIIAUST II(>nDfwpNCtl PAT IIAYARERI DOUS MATALS DISCLOSURE BEATING UNIT(TO 100.0011 BTU) lame Reacipt X Will the it,livam or lame huilding occupant stem or handle bcrmulle,material IIf:A'I'INO IINII'IOVIiR IWJxKI Ill U) a drflnd by the Cu,s,mor Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the IIca1N and Safety Curie.Section 25532(.)1 VExIIIATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ❑Yea 0N IS ADICIi DA Ili Will Nee licamor lmurt huildin Luse mrdevim wM1icM1anit BOILER-COMPp11POR 100.00 BIG) N'i D pp gnby the Area inn M1aenrJnus air contaminants n AcfirreJ by the flay Area Ai.Quality Mnnegcment flfID.ER-COMP(GVER I0(1,(KD BTU) Ui.ev n1 ❑Ven ❑Na NEW RFSIDFNDAI.Ml-XII.—SQ,IT. I have rend the Imsnrdous mmerials rcyuirenmnta under Chapter 6.95 of the Ga r Up - 1995 Califmmia Ileahh&Safety Cde,Se<tiom 25505.255E end 255Jy. I uadcmend Net LV f rNe.�t� ifthe huilding Jrnxnotarremlyhaveatenet,thenh Ie 1. is...crof. cramify the lR1�1y/y/moi warpnm of rhe myuiremcma which mint he met prior m issuance of a Certificsm of G4eupency. Owner or emhoriseJ-gem Date TOTAL: ISSUCD BY: OFFIC