02040023 (2)ram CITY I BUILDIN DIVISION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT N0. 1075 MILKY WY 02040023 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION 5 B DATE 'ZAMLICH JAMES G AND GWENDOLY 04/04/2002 "HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITEC ffiNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT' PLUMB MECH I� r_I C._I 1_._) LICENSED CONTRACTOR' S DECLARATION Job Description 1 hereby O)of Division 1 nm of licensed vines provisions of ns Codex (commencing mmccense r a �..a �p,y s�z.a,.�an with S herbyoffoerthatIoamm(InunerandPlonsofCsaptera(cmmencing FIR+{Y�B�tl.Ij�CI!'Nl��+t1YbLaQ1161.'�.a��iMENT. full �rryc a flea. �. an Lie�nse Cell. _ =. sec I • �/ 3 1 mwerxtana mr vlo� �n�li he o ee s a'manomdd rcI°aa APR 0 8 2002 Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION BUILDING I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county $3000 which requires a permit to construct. alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure ..prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit 10 file a signed statement that he licensed pmmbal to the PC mouser he Corinctolx License LswChapin9 ` 3Aq,.FfS,plasasI:F Valuation (commencing with Sect ion 7WO)of Division 3 of the Bupinexa and Professions Codd (;f4 x1 or that he is cxcmpl therefrom :and the basis for the allege) cat minIbd. Any violation - - of Secure 703IS by any applicant for a permit cubjcers the applicant to a civil penalty •mfrmmorethan fivehundred dolLtn(5501)). 10IAPNPfll f(1DATION Occupancy Type 01, as mricrof the propcny, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, PIERS - -wlu do thfwmrk. and the stmotom N net intended or offered"mrsole Sec: 7ou:- 1 O3 - LIFER Required Inspections •Busimus'm l Professions Coal The Contractor's License Law does not apply m an q p ' owner f property Wim Wilds or improves theater, and who does such work himself 104 — REBAR ore ggh s: win employees e mJN that such improvements 1 intended or _ o@rcdf' l lC Aow the bildmg' 'p fix IJ 'ih ywr of .. ._.. .. ..____ ..-BOLT completion, the owenobmlder will have the burden ofproving thin he did not Wild or 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS improve fm,mpxxaofxale.). 106 — SEWER & WATER __----- -- -_li-ccs.__.._.. .._.__._..-_.202'. _UNDERFLOOR"PLUMBING. ❑Lasowner ofthepnpenPam Btoinis,; and mnerngns Cocc:) The onnorslo icelmetthe does (sec.7toanowner o ceraerty%hie builds cine:)Thevemn neon, 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL' ."T '.1.:.Le er,a Claim law does nml apply m an owner of property who halide tu improves thereon, _cera wnm.xmrgaax.rmr.xaanvroiecu.with.a=mttnenrfx).B=emud.pmsu,mt.wme _ ._. --2'04----UNDERFLOOR FRAME--------- —_ ._...._---._.._--_—. Conmanols License Law. ❑lam eaetppt mrger secs'' ';';"I""' ".'Br&;PC for this max°° 205 - UNDERFLOOR'" INSULATION ower' Dare 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING ' WORKER'S COMPENS1.ATION DECLARATION _ 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER Ihereby afnrmunder venahyorperjury,oakrfther°Bowingdecimations: -303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1 have Edd' wiil mai ntaid'a'ccnmcale of CdnserPto sall-irare for workers 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compcnaeticr,-ax-provided for by section 37W of the Labor Code, for the 'perfmmmce mfm� work mr wnicn thix pmmit is itiona, , 305 - FRAME ❑1have 'una`will maintain Worker?Coinpensmionlnsumnce,as"eired by Section 306 - HOLDOWNS 31W or the Labor Coder thePerform c of to work for which his wm+i 3 07 — INSULATION mitt rc ' issued.MyWorkers Compenwt do In�,rane e an ,qlPoIiry 3 -308*:—,'-,SHEETROCK' „ • _ .. ..__ ._. _ _ _ .__._�... _..:. .a. _,. m �t�CC CAT10 OF EifemY N FROM wokKERs � -0,it• 3 0 9 � - `xEXTE12IOR� � LtATH'• amu, • ��. COMPENSATION INSURANCE 310,-:--INTERIOR--L-ATH---' --- - — "o obs' timnndearmbacompleted one Permit is for one hundred dollars .I _ , ,,, alW3mrlexx.) 311 SCRATCH COAT .313--' ROOF=NAIL- I nfyd 1"n the perfom eof lM1 ok'f "Arch the pernft. .aJ1 t shall net employ any Teri In any ma are, so as, in W6me ;mblect on the Workers 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAE ENERGY Certification. „bv 1 mlawxmrcmr al= _ - .. 502 FINAL_ ENERGY...._..._. NOTICE TOvolhCANM If. after Com along this no __.-. o_,... _.. ._. .._._ PP ficmf the mpr ori you should 503 - FINAL MECHANICAli"ENERGY " ' wear mar m<Labm erode amu 'n rnnnwimrcoiplywnnsuchprovisionsorthispermitshanxdeemedrevoked. _504. _-. FINAL -,BUILDING ENERGY'...._..._._..._._.._ its: "'' • `CONS RUCrIONLENDINGAGENCY - •” '• 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ' 1 hereby ulRnn That there is'a cdnstmciion lending agency funhe performance of the' kf which his pciml is issued is 3097. Civ. 506_ - GAS TEST _ Leede N 507 - FINAL PLUMBING•.. .,.__---- Lere er s Addresx' 'I cenily that l have mad this application' and steta that Be above inrorraamn is 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL coved. I agree to comply with all city am county ordinances and state laws relating 509 - FINAL GRADE orienting conm9ction, and hereby autheiriu«presenndvu ofthe city to enter upon 510 - FINAL PLANNING the above-mcnliomed pe,pcn, for inspection puryouv.,,. (We)egme to...c:indcnmI`y and keep hamlesi Bit, 6iy of ClwniriAiamet 514 - FINAL PUB IC WORKS liahilitiex.judgmenea costs and uwrsu,which may in any way accrue ugalnsl said City in cams,uence ofthe 'grnntrig of thix pcimit;, ' "•'• 11 . AP NDERyTANDSANDWILLCOMPLY'Wfm'ALLNON-POINT' Issued r Date ( RCE kEG ONS., , . ,. �e „i...•... ^l�.D y' Srgn, t of Appliban✓Conl ctor •' -, ', Re -roofs HA]ARDOUS MATF.RIAt S DISCLQ SUITE( "1' L Wlldc ppl'cantm f tw<W IJmgoe w rr' drhandlehiaard wnal Type Roof -,. _... yp .. ,. ,. as Crdc( dbYthC N) Municipal "Cod Ch pl 912 and the Health and Safety t. Si. [ 1 fa ...i vas• •. IPI:-. . Cod 'S t 255J2(e), : v tt' ❑Y e -': < v. "° ;y t 1 ...... ' 'i _ All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material,being.installed.- _. wpm applicant r 1 n ilmgg p t ,seequipment or devices If a roof is installed' without first obtaining an inspection;'Iiagree'to"remove ithnrdos irimnte - 1 sdeffned by the Bay Arca Air Qualdy Management Diair<t all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with 7 Y<x 611 non -point source regulations,"_.,-, I" I tin a cad the hmuNovi maledals regal mxmis and Chapmr 6.95 of me C6lifomio HeabK& Safety Code: Sections 25505;25533 and 23534. I understand that _ if di FIN, Itling dots not currentlyhave a krait, that it is 'bilis to notify the my Y Y .. • q Ira LexaerC[ of a CNlficele of ` Ocupari of me re airtmenls which must be met prior , r _ • s,r_aL Signature of Applicant Date Ih camed agrnt to OFFICE - -._ .. .. .. .._..... All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better .. ram CITY I BUILDIN DIVISION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT N0. 1075 MILKY WY 02040023 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION 5 B DATE 'ZAMLICH JAMES G AND GWENDOLY 04/04/2002 "HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITEC ffiNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT' PLUMB MECH I� r_I C._I 1_._) LICENSED CONTRACTOR' S DECLARATION Job Description 1 hereby O)of Division 1 nm of licensed vines provisions of ns Codex (commencing mmccense r a �..a �p,y s�z.a,.�an with S herbyoffoerthatIoamm(InunerandPlonsofCsaptera(cmmencing FIR+{Y�B�tl.Ij�CI!'Nl��+t1YbLaQ1161.'�.a��iMENT. full �rryc a flea. �. an Lie�nse Cell. _ =. sec I • �/ 3 1 mwerxtana mr vlo� �n�li he o ee s a'manomdd rcI°aa APR 0 8 2002 Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION BUILDING I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county $3000 which requires a permit to construct. alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure ..prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit 10 file a signed statement that he licensed pmmbal to the PC mouser he Corinctolx License LswChapin9 ` 3Aq,.FfS,plasasI:F Valuation (commencing with Sect ion 7WO)of Division 3 of the Bupinexa and Professions Codd (;f4 x1 or that he is cxcmpl therefrom :and the basis for the allege) cat minIbd. Any violation - - of Secure 703IS by any applicant for a permit cubjcers the applicant to a civil penalty •mfrmmorethan fivehundred dolLtn(5501)). 10IAPNPfll f(1DATION Occupancy Type 01, as mricrof the propcny, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, PIERS - -wlu do thfwmrk. and the stmotom N net intended or offered"mrsole Sec: 7ou:- 1 O3 - LIFER Required Inspections •Busimus'm l Professions Coal The Contractor's License Law does not apply m an q p ' owner f property Wim Wilds or improves theater, and who does such work himself 104 — REBAR ore ggh s: win employees e mJN that such improvements 1 intended or _ o@rcdf' l lC Aow the bildmg' 'p fix IJ 'ih ywr of .. ._.. .. ..____ ..-BOLT completion, the owenobmlder will have the burden ofproving thin he did not Wild or 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS improve fm,mpxxaofxale.). 106 — SEWER & WATER __----- -- -_li-ccs.__.._.. .._.__._..-_.202'. _UNDERFLOOR"PLUMBING. ❑Lasowner ofthepnpenPam Btoinis,; and mnerngns Cocc:) The onnorslo icelmetthe does (sec.7toanowner o ceraerty%hie builds cine:)Thevemn neon, 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL' ."T '.1.:.Le er,a Claim law does nml apply m an owner of property who halide tu improves thereon, _cera wnm.xmrgaax.rmr.xaanvroiecu.with.a=mttnenrfx).B=emud.pmsu,mt.wme _ ._. --2'04----UNDERFLOOR FRAME--------- —_ ._...._---._.._--_—. Conmanols License Law. ❑lam eaetppt mrger secs'' ';';"I""' ".'Br&;PC for this max°° 205 - UNDERFLOOR'" INSULATION ower' Dare 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING ' WORKER'S COMPENS1.ATION DECLARATION _ 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER Ihereby afnrmunder venahyorperjury,oakrfther°Bowingdecimations: -303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ 1 have Edd' wiil mai ntaid'a'ccnmcale of CdnserPto sall-irare for workers 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compcnaeticr,-ax-provided for by section 37W of the Labor Code, for the 'perfmmmce mfm� work mr wnicn thix pmmit is itiona, , 305 - FRAME ❑1have 'una`will maintain Worker?Coinpensmionlnsumnce,as"eired by Section 306 - HOLDOWNS 31W or the Labor Coder thePerform c of to work for which his wm+i 3 07 — INSULATION mitt rc ' issued.MyWorkers Compenwt do In�,rane e an ,qlPoIiry 3 -308*:—,'-,SHEETROCK' „ • _ .. ..__ ._. _ _ _ .__._�... _..:. .a. _,. m �t�CC CAT10 OF EifemY N FROM wokKERs � -0,it• 3 0 9 � - `xEXTE12IOR� � LtATH'• amu, • ��. COMPENSATION INSURANCE 310,-:--INTERIOR--L-ATH---' --- - — "o obs' timnndearmbacompleted one Permit is for one hundred dollars .I _ , ,,, alW3mrlexx.) 311 SCRATCH COAT .313--' ROOF=NAIL- I nfyd 1"n the perfom eof lM1 ok'f "Arch the pernft. .aJ1 t shall net employ any Teri In any ma are, so as, in W6me ;mblect on the Workers 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAE ENERGY Certification. „bv 1 mlawxmrcmr al= _ - .. 502 FINAL_ ENERGY...._..._. NOTICE TOvolhCANM If. after Com along this no __.-. o_,... _.. ._. .._._ PP ficmf the mpr ori you should 503 - FINAL MECHANICAli"ENERGY " ' wear mar m<Labm erode amu 'n rnnnwimrcoiplywnnsuchprovisionsorthispermitshanxdeemedrevoked. _504. _-. FINAL -,BUILDING ENERGY'...._..._._..._._.._ its: "'' • `CONS RUCrIONLENDINGAGENCY - •” '• 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ' 1 hereby ulRnn That there is'a cdnstmciion lending agency funhe performance of the' kf which his pciml is issued is 3097. Civ. 506_ - GAS TEST _ Leede N 507 - FINAL PLUMBING•.. .,.__---- Lere er s Addresx' 'I cenily that l have mad this application' and steta that Be above inrorraamn is 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL coved. I agree to comply with all city am county ordinances and state laws relating 509 - FINAL GRADE orienting conm9ction, and hereby autheiriu«presenndvu ofthe city to enter upon 510 - FINAL PLANNING the above-mcnliomed pe,pcn, for inspection puryouv.,,. (We)egme to...c:indcnmI`y and keep hamlesi Bit, 6iy of ClwniriAiamet 514 - FINAL PUB IC WORKS liahilitiex.judgmenea costs and uwrsu,which may in any way accrue ugalnsl said City in cams,uence ofthe 'grnntrig of thix pcimit;, ' "•'• 11 . AP NDERyTANDSANDWILLCOMPLY'Wfm'ALLNON-POINT' Issued r Date ( RCE kEG ONS., , . ,. �e „i...•... ^l�.D y' Srgn, t of Appliban✓Conl ctor •' -, ', Re -roofs HA]ARDOUS MATF.RIAt S DISCLQ SUITE( "1' L Wlldc ppl'cantm f tw<W IJmgoe w rr' drhandlehiaard wnal Type Roof -,. _... yp .. ,. ,. as Crdc( dbYthC N) Municipal "Cod Ch pl 912 and the Health and Safety t. Si. [ 1 fa ...i vas• •. IPI:-. . Cod 'S t 255J2(e), : v tt' ❑Y e -': < v. "° ;y t 1 ...... ' 'i _ All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material,being.installed.- _. wpm applicant r 1 n ilmgg p t ,seequipment or devices If a roof is installed' without first obtaining an inspection;'Iiagree'to"remove ithnrdos irimnte - 1 sdeffned by the Bay Arca Air Qualdy Management Diair<t all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with 7 Y<x 611 non -point source regulations,"_.,-, I" I tin a cad the hmuNovi maledals regal mxmis and Chapmr 6.95 of me C6lifomio HeabK& Safety Code: Sections 25505;25533 and 23534. I understand that _ if di FIN, Itling dots not currentlyhave a krait, that it is 'bilis to notify the my Y Y .. • q Ira LexaerC[ of a CNlficele of ` Ocupari of me re airtmenls which must be met prior , r _ • s,r_aL Signature of Applicant Date Ih camed agrnt to OFFICE - -._ .. .. .. .._.....