32569 7562 Normandy Way 5 Building Permit Confirmed ❑ Not Required 1:1CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING and/or GAS PIPING PERMIT 11 Permit No.--.-- Z�� Date:J-- 7'.L-�,n........ ........... 19. ll--.-._... The undersigned here�b�yribm�akes application to the Plumbing Inspector of the City of San•Jose fore permi} }o install sP /✓ �f' urea ipefi aid JnJ}�I','��-�+�verse side. Exemption from regwrem�t� r�5} tem alio niacLon�iecfor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: s owner ❑ statement filed rT Undersigned attosfs that his State���///ppp���...f J�c�±�lifornia Con fJ ny�q is in full force and affect and prop Ylhori:es fhjs ,_ tm� San Jose City Business License 1{{4//// I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in an neer so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNE (5�'I�7i6 nJ ADDRESS 7 D Lot No. USE OF BUILDING Signed . - ... - ... - . o 4oin 7562 Normandy Way Ace Plbg � � o6 E to sc o S T p otna a c a -- o Taa a n + +a -1 0p f E o N a N O a O O 6 7 N a T C O > a N a. H N N O aO 1 c ITT Z 0 T m m �aD W9 0: m D - N o :* � ; T HZ >; N -1 v, IA V 9 R c a a 'VI a - r O O' N O wO < N 2 K O 2 A M O. m n m m T 9' tn p p 'm a S T ' '1 1 m p T Na °. T w p x E Tpr ' n T2 N T m '° 3mT ; I. • D _. A a m a ry T m C) T a a ry G m 2 o = nN N m A Dm0 111 2v. " 2a " 2v mm v as ° D T m y m D Z A4 0 z ; � .