NO PERMIT NUMBER10851 I Northoak Square Lot Nok03 No. Street 1.61 CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Sanitary No. 8872 10 File No.51,273.1 Date 10/8/73 19 Application is hereby made for a permit to (`nna trni Pt. (Plan A—l) a 2 story, Type 5 I J to be occupied only as Single Family Dwelling (Townhouse) in accordance with Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith, Estimated Value of Improvements j 23,000 FEE$ 8100 Plan Check $ Owner Thtz Crane Address 2295 De La Cruz Blvd. S.C. Contr. Addres. Phone 244-2910 State License 261734 255-7050 Approved James H. Sisk/h APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Data 19 FEE$ Contr. Address Phone Dote Contr. Phone State License Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING A GAS PERMIT 19 GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ Address State License Approved APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date 19 FEES Contr. Address Phone State License Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the Slate of California P D-1 RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING DATE INSPq.QTOR AISC. PAD FINAL ' 1' FOUNDATION y 7 UNDERFLOOR FRAME LATH & PLASTER GRADING FINAL FINAL BLDG. DATE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MI$C. UNDERGROUNDR ROUGH WIRING_ FINISHED WIRING FIXTURES MOTORS- FINAL - BACK FLOW REQ._ SANITARY NO. UNDERGROUND ROUGH PARTIAL ROUGH ROUGH COMPLETE MAIN DRAIN FINAL PLBG. Ii- FINAL GAS FINAL APPLIANCE =A wr PLUMBING, GAS 6 APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MISC. n •CERThfICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO DATE �'-3 /, 19Q���BLDG./PERMIT NO. THE BLDG. LOCATED AT ! O`-' A/0)Lf OWNED BY %%� HAS BEEN COMPLETE FOR USE AS 7. /� .�LT�- (ALTERED) ,�/'BUILDING INSPECTOR vOUTE SLIP File No. - Da t; c .ocation r-�6 .,o teJ .DP^OVA' l . ate L S_ etor { OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUP ERTINO' q ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE ................... 1-9 You are hereby autho zed o--connect electrical service for /I Owner or Tenant ......lt. - ..._<__.....F..�.te.. . _...................._. At O..'..�... I h No, of Wires ........................ Size of Wires ...................... Size of S itc Motor Load .......................... Voltage ................ Phase ................... Heating Load ........................ K. W.................. ............. .... Voltage ......... Light../ 110._/New Nice.... ._ Hccunnect................ No. of Meters.................. Heat......_........ 220....... v Wrq.. ...... ?Lice Se•rvicc...... ........ No. of Add. Meters............ .Power...... .... .... . �/ ' fee asp}r.......__... \farce Mcter._ .... ELECTRICAL Bldg. Dept. Office Copy CITY OF CUPERTINO SEWER -PLUMBING NOTICE 1!:, Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No . ..... Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. Lot No . .......... zlo-3 .......... Owner or Tenant ....... �,J� ........................ At ............. & ......................................... I Date Connected ........ ........................................................ 19.- ......... DateFinal ................ ?�� ..... ........................................................... 19............ .................. ......... .............. PLUMBING INSPECTOR 403 .- , ', I CITY OF CUPERTINO COP), GAS SERVICE NOTICE To - ....... — .... .. boe-e-, . ... ... .." 19 You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant At ......... . New Service ...... No. of Meters . ....... Reconnect ................. ............ Move Service ...... — ........... . No. of Add. Meters .. ......... . Move Meter .............. 1� PLUNMING INSPECTOR 108Sr NO. STREET /'�AN A-! CITY OF CUPERTINO CITY OR eueernN0APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AACT'r- p� r n �f Building Per. No. �r�'Z 7'i• C I(Y 1 21.w� 19 (3 Sanitary Per. No. Application is hereby made for a permit to �U it, L7 a 2- tsor) rYpe M — �. Structure to be occupied only as S'Amiq F6WA,)E in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee $ Estimated Value of Improvements, $ 23, o00 Fee $ ?3 -60 X i, 6 Total Fee$ V,61 It ishereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. Dirz-CRANE Owner Do_-nn. /�Q... Address By k lh `J ' - "'nle a� Address ' Contr. or Argent. ()5A Phone 2- ` pprovetl State License 261734 Building Inspector 'STREET, 45 I LOT NO.� NO. •SREET � y a t1No CITY OF CUPERTINO %Y `ttt OF OupQ;. YD �g�q APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT LL s-i� 7 � O j Permit No. Date- WU ��7� .19 Fee$ T LL f. 1- D (:Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas 0 F appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in > F accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all a w other laws applicable thereto. ww F _ Q Use of Work to Be J LL Promisee Performed _ O y Owner Address OQ Z J By Address J Z contractor, Agent JD 3 Q Phone w N State License Approved Z i Plumbing Inspector 02 FLOG AIR CONDITIONING CO. a o —U CAMPBELL, CALIF. LICENSE #252825 APPLIANCE UNITS FEES Gas Top Gas Oven Wall, Gravity or Forced Air Furn. 0 Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Susp. Units Dwelling Kit./Bath © 0 Independ. Vent System Corn., Indust., Inst. Kit. Hood & Vent System Forced Air Under 4000 CFM Forced Air Over 4000 CFM Ind. Ventilation System ' (without Comfort Cool.) Forced Air. Mech. each Power Gravity System No. of Air Outlets No. of Flues off• Stacks for Metal Fireplaces Smoke Stacks, Misc. Equip. Under 15' High Over 15' High ' Comfort Coaling Comp. of 20 HP or less & absorp. units with input of 500,000 BTU or less Comp. over 20 HP & Under 50 HP & absorp. units with input of 500,001 & Under 1,000,000 Permit Fee ,3 C Total tj Total Fee OFFICCOP1��,� EIJCTRIC SERVICE NOTICE -.- '-� ILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE ' CITY OF CUPERTINO ' /� q... ...........tom-- ---� _......19�c You are hereby Owner or Tenant.................:.>-i...:... At .. :�.. iJ.�c . � ........ ........ems �... No. of Wires ........................ Size of Wires ... Motor Load .......................... Voltage ............. Heating Load ........................ K. W........... ..... Light ............... 110......... No. of Meters ................... t , 1Heat..... 20.....4 No. of Add. Meters............ /^- Power ............... /, for Size of Switch ... `TD.15.—. ................... Phase .................................. ............ I...... Voltage ................................ ..�lNew Service....!........ Reconnect .................. ... Threeitt.. A........... Move Service............ ................. ELECTRICAL N Q W Z I 0 Y � 0 a 3u W w F 0 0 w oQ Z U) a w w x r r a o_o 1 N 0 oa z J Z J 0 3� a -w w Z W W ¢ a 9 0 a 0 —U Q,oTNO. Nn. sTRErn' tE;ttct� CITY OF CUPERTINO 01" °F � 1�PPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT Sanitary No. / IJnte % ` 197� Permit No c73'/ Pee S—/7, 0-6 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Si ale Dwelling Ditz Crane Co. 2295ARgCehA Cruz Blvd., Santa Clara By L. C. Bohart Plumbing 167A§drefsremont Ave.# Sunnyvale CONTRACTOR,AGENT Phone 245-2323 State License, IA6579 Approved PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN Units Fees Units I Fees Water Heater / Size Water Closet Material Bath Tub To Curb Shower To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existing Kitchen Sink Not Conn. Dish Washer Waste Disposal Wash Tray STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machine Size Water Softener Material Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb.Sink & Tray To Curb Dental Unit 'Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM Hopper Size / Restaurant Sink Material Sand Trap TOTAL FEES Urinal Fixture Fee Area Drain Main Drain Fee Water Leader Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler System Water Sys. Fee Relief Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter Pool Sweeper Permit Fee Total Total Fee /oSs / 1 ." "^ '4'." LOT NO. - 700 NO. STREET CITY OF CUPECTINO ' CITY OF CUPERTINO MAR 1974 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT n� f_ A ' D Permit No { . ' Date 19Fee $! � Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use Of P remise Work To Be) O Performed A'i•—"��/ Number of Outlets Number of Switches Number of Receptacles Number of Fixtures Ranges or Ovens K.W. Size, of Main Service Number of Meters Number of Panels Signs --Transformers Dryers' Motors: .H.P. Phase 'H.P. Phase N.P. Phase Power Poles Misc. gCharges 2.00 Total Fees 108.51 I Northoak Sa. NO. STREET_ CITY OF CUPERTINO LOT NO. ' 4o3 Plan A-1 crr op cuear;ttWAPPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEB 2 8 1974 _ Permit No. Op(e — nn •-74 is— Fee$ '✓Applicatiopis hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. I Fam. Res. work To Be Electrical Premises Performed Owner Ditz-Cyan Add Phone 736-5421 State License 278674 ITEM NEW RPL FEES Number of Outlets Number of Switches % 7t 7 s Number of R.Pmcles / 9 Number of Fixtures 42 Ranges or-9vens-IE-W. j Size of Main Service �al Number of Meters % Number of Panels j Signs - Transformers Dryers — Motors: H.P. Phase H.P. Phase H.P. Phase Power Poles Misc. Permit Fee 2.00 H.P. Charges Total Fees �i