887 1 LOT NO. A. O } S E Aye A LI $101 FOR BUILDING PERMIT �� 3•l fiMY� ts �f CIT OF,CUPERTINO CITYe (�(� _ l9J6@ Permit No. - A�plic-a^io' ' h e j taBe for a permit,to a, vKC. story,Type Building _ at to be occupied only as i1 in accordance with Plans, Specificati ns and/plot-Plan filed herewith. is / Fee$ DSO . Y - Estimated Value of Improvements, $ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all iaber laws app cable t the co traction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Caper will b lied Owner Address 3 ko N By Addres COACT GPNT Phon Approved BUILDING INSPECTOR n I . r iv J o 0 0 0 0 0 0 z z z z z z z d , IL Z '" Z 0 0 0 0 0 a W C A w CERTIFICATE .'OF COMP;LETIOtj 0 ;c';:BUILDING,r`INSPCCTOR•S OFFICE. fb' CITY OP,CUPBRTINO '; Date ............1! ./..`}:. ., 19 (x..... ""'- Building.Perrfro, No.-:..°=.'*_.,� . . The Building .......... Ir Owned by .... 12/f'1'/ 1 Ca ''G i¢ `J �✓ f!2'.G/ ..'.'.. .� . . �. d Completed.) � � i Has Been _(Altered)- For Use As •�' ............. ...........- ----.... .::..... ................................. r+ F 1• r........ _« .. _. __ t l- . t Y BIJILDINC INSPECTOR 1 102 7/59-500 ^k8Y