27032°-APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY 9 CITY OF CUPERTINOBt,".1 'i -.11TTRICAL APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING MECHANICAL BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJECT' IDKN'I'IFICATION PERMIT NO. 27032 B171�NG ADDRESS: � 1��� /5 3 (I7\ Arm UNIT# LOT* SANITARY NO. APPLICATION �SU/N`MH SUBMITTAL DATE' l JJ ) ERS NAM IONP _ / UM J'1 C R'SNAM ): N/C CONTROL# HCHITECr/ENGI .ER: LIC NO: `J mN cf: solemn:E QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PIiRMl9' INFO HIAG ELECTPLUMB MECII � PERMIT ISSUANCE 1:1 El ]Kz LI E,NSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed underprovisions of Chapter9 (commencing with APPLIANCES - RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION 000 tW U C'y � Senior ]000).( Sof the Buainna:mJ o Cale. and mY license is in license Class vlslon Lie# on fiecor" and ct PANELS UP TO 201t AMPS 201-l(M AMT'S 9=o, =_ 0 n F W ii',J CLQ )aU ' W c,, ]O'5 JY7to Q p =� � C� J—w .7 Q ;_� ,3. Dam Cnmmctor ARCHITECT -S UEC 1< I understand my plans shall be used az public records. SQ. PI'. 4100R AREA 8/SQ FI'. OVER I"AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 herchy affirm that 1 um e#cmpt Item the Contractors Liccnsc law Emilie tollowing taxon. (Sce ion 7031.5, Bnsincar lmd Professions Code: Any city ., county t which requires a perminoconstruct, alter, improve. demolish. or repair any 9ruct., its issuance. also lards the applicant for such 't to file a signed sentiment prior ray PP peso:: gn that he is nci ngM promardSectio to the provisions of the theContractorssinLicense Law (Chapter 9(conuncncingwith Scnion]iNplof Division 3ofnc� Business and Prvfessions Code) or that he is e#empuherefrom and the basis for thealleged eAny violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of .t more than f ve hundred dollars($500). n❑ I, asownernf the property.ormy employees with wagesastheirsolecompensation, will Ju the work, anJ tM1e mm�ure is nm imcnJCJ ser offcredfor svle(Sec.]044.Business SPECIAL CIRCUITIMISC. TEMP. MITER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION Lxemption. /�. 7 %��/�/ /1/1 /si f OUTLETS - SWITCHES - FIXTURES NEW RESIDIiNT1AL ELECTR _SQ. Ff. STORIES TYPE CONS'IRUCI'ION and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does no, apply to an owner of propeny w hn bu it ds m i .proves thenomr and who does sac h work him ad f or through his cmpl.yus, prnviJedthm such improvcmcntsaren.rim<ndedur.ffemdfor sale. IL OCC GROUP RES. UNITS TOTAL: however, the building or improvement is sold within one yearofcompletion, theowner- builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOODZONE APN sale.). ❑ I,asownernllbcpmperty,mmexulualvelymnirectingwithlicenscdc.soman.. in consumer the project (Sec. 704q Bminess and Professions RNie:) The Contractor's LicenseLawdresem apply madownerofpropeny who mildsofimprovestharon,end PERMIT ISSUANCE whoemounces far such pmjecuwith a conoadoes) licensed pursmnnaabec.nmcmr's License Law. ALTER - DRAIN&VENT- WATIik (EA) FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE OUTSIDE FEES ❑ I am exempt under Sa. , B & P C for this reason SANITARY YN Owner Date DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND. RECEIPT# WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑ Thereby efErat lhatlM1aveaccnifcme of<onsemmself-insurq oraartificme of takers'Compcnsudo�9,ln�su c .certi%fied�c�n`B'Y�*h#(/of(Sec. 3800.Leb Cd which rovers all employclNfitFkrd seO Policy II�S'r-�f 77 ��WWII SCHOOL TAX YN RIiCGII"1'# FIXTURES - PER TRAP PARK FEE Y N RRCISION GAS-EA.SYSTEM-1 INC.40UfLFTS BUILDING DIVISION FEES Cm any GAS - EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4(EA) PLANCHECK FEE Cmified aspy is M1erc seJ. GREASEANDUSTRL WASTE INTERCFPfOR GRADING FEE ❑ Cenilied copy is fled with the city inspection auto . CFR'1'IIICATE OF EXEMPTION WORKERS' GREASBTRAP SOIhS PIiG COMPLNSA UR'NCE SEWER - SANITARY - STORM EA. 20IFp. ENERGY FEE (This section need nm ecdifthe pe- is for one hundiond dollars (SHO) or less.) I WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELEM PAID Date Raceipt# lecolyrhatinit,tperformance offhe work for which this permit itinsued. lahall nm employ any pert, n in any manner so as m become subjem m the Workers' ComPpdlpensmion Lawer C.Homoia. Dnm a NOTIGE'fQ API'LI ANT: IL nod, nmkiIrg f ate of Exe iia hoaIdj WATER SYSTEM/REATING NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIL SQ. FT. TOTAL: .N. 1 [� becomesubjecnnth Worker's Compensation oftheh you must/ forthwith comply wi isue pm,' : this is dee o CT NL P/ ( BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE 7r ) O d11\fll I hereby affil than como o I ding a en to a peffamance the work for which bis per vsued (S � ], Civ. Cd IsndcA Name n TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE Lenders Addmsa z z 1 certify the I have read this epplicmion tate tM1ai the above information is nut. IagreeIt earn ply with all city andr yoNinances moisture laws relating.. build; onamcion,andherebyamhod epresentutives nidus city menrerupon the props pec none onmionr ny for ins PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICALFEE ALTER OR ADD TO MECII. CONSTRUCTION TAX AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO IH,UN) CPM) keepmes. (W) a Inde y sandes keep hmmless the Ci of Cu nine st Iia lit; ss costs expenses which may in an ay ecrue wins rd City AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,000 CFM) mttll. ' EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCq PAID Sig:mmreof Applican./C.n.rector Date HEATING UNIT (TO 100.000 BTU) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE ,aid Receipt# HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 B' I' U) TOTAL: Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hazardous material m defined by the Cupcnino MwiaiPal Cidc. Chapmr 9.12, trod ibe Ilwhh antl Salety VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RESIDE Code, Section 2.5532(a)1 ❑ Yes ❑ No icanmrfumre herrat BOILER - COMP (3HP OR Im'" BTU) ISSUANCE DATE Area it Quality air c.ntvmin.nfa ss defined by the Bey Area Air Qualify Mawgcmen. ousWill air co RdfimJ by the BOILER - COMP OVER 100.000 ITU) Distdn�' SEP 251995 NEW RESIDENTIAL MECII. SQ. Ff. ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 halo revel the hazardous mmcriels requirements unJcr Chapmr 6.95 of the GI I i VF 1#Ur" ti�t�Illjh/l�/% California Health & Safely Code, Sections 25505, 25533 and 25534. 1 understand that if the building Jas not currently have o mnani. that it is my responsibility m notify the cupied of he requimmenis which must be me, prior 10 issuance of a Cenlficare of Occupancy. V ISSUED BY71211F?T� Owner.. vmh.rivcd ageed Date TOTAL: OFFICE