27037IrrrLwNns sv nLt.m mrvnmMssVn rrss Rln nCv unto-IJJC OMu rvnv s rCn vnL1 CITY OF CUPERTINO PUH• •.. APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING -MECHANICALIDENIICA PERMIT NO. O L 37 • BUILDING DIVISION IIUII.UIN'!: YRUJF.Q'IUEN'"1'14'1!;A9']ON BUIL D'N(: /a DD�F55� SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE UUII//YY�w// UNIT# LOT# 4^� V OWNERS H' PITON' CONT E: jz N/C ❑ CON TROL# _ RCIHIEC 1'/ENGINEER : LIC NO: ADDMS w /lJ /v,/ JI 'ON'1' (-': PHONE: QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECII PERMIT ISSUANCE DO ENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES - RESIDENIAL ,DESCRIPTION Matz !hereby affirm that l am licensed under pmvisionsofaapter9(commencing with Business andprpfessipns God and myli<ense is in PANELS SOF full fto a)eff c.�oR3yd.)he '(7//V�� /�1 f/{,r,JY q(/I�fL� UPT 20 OO AMPS IzW License Class ,<o. co F -D Oam ConOocmr 201-1000AMPS ARCIIH ECI"S UECI, SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. 4T. Z0,,— OZ—Q I understand my plvts shall he used as public records. OVER 1000 AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL LicrnsW Pmfaslonsl 6y$; OWNER-,UILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC. :W.6 E O W I hereby affirm that 1 ern exempt from Ne Contractor's License Law for the m 3 tr-vFG-i 0 following reason. (Section ]031.5. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county TEMP. METER OR POLE MST. F a J which myuires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure �WYF prior loitsi.... ace, also mquices lheapplicant for such Permit o file. signed smmmant POWER DEVICES ,,, C C O that he is licensed pursuanto the provisions of the Connectors License Law (Chapter SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION dao 9(cocncing with SaWB)nf tion]Division 3 of the Business and Pr.fcssions Code) mm WMm or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of OUTLETS - $WITCHPS -FIXTURES F7 Seal 7031.5 by any applicant fora lwmut subjects the applichnno a civil penalty of -a S p d nnnnnrethhn five hundred dollars($500). NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR _9Q. FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION m ❑ I, asowncrof Nepropeny.ormyemployees with wagesastheirsolecompensition, will Jo thework, and the structure isnot intended oroffercd forsale(See. 901 Business and Professions Code: The Contnemr's License Law does not apply to em owner of property whobuildsorimproyes themo%anJ whodonsuch work himselfer through his OCC.GROUP RIS. UNITS wnemployees. provideadd at such impmvemenmarenot imendedoroffeced formle. If, r however, the building or improvement is sold within one year ofcompletion, the owner- TOTAL: builder wil I have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of sale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE MOOD ZONE APN ❑ 1,avownernfthepropenXamexclusivelyconv tingwithlicensedcuntrvcimto the project (Sec. 9014. Business and Professions Code) The Contractor's Linstruct icense Lawdocemm apply to on owneroTrapeny whobuilJsnrimpowasl anon,and PERMIT ISSUANCE who contmelsfor such projects with aconnacmr(s) licensed pitacenuo the Contractor's pL'f1iR-DRAIN&VENT-WATER (F,A) FEE SUMMARY License Law. ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec. . B & P C for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEV ICE OUTSIDE FEES SANITARY Y N Owner DateRECF.11'T# WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION GRAINS - FLOOR, ROOF,A ,GOND. SCHOOL.TAX Y N �❑ 1 hereby affirnh that l haves cenificmeofconsmnr salt-iscum. m is exrtificamof FlXTURES - PER RECEIPTp PARK FEF. Y N RDIVISION Workers Compensation hvsuren�.cc�P )s cutifiWcopythe (Sce. 38W, lab C.) which Pule, all employee'solul./sA't�}e/rt��j%'7 l GAS -F STEM -I INC.40t1'rLETS BUILDING DIVISION Policy#y[JyG _I✓ srI!iU IT'yb A -E Comport {��G—p, �— GA. SYSTIiM-OVER4(FA) PLANCHECK FEE 1/��� ❑ ,Had copy ishere, m GRADING EEC Cerlilicd copy is fled wird the city inspection division. EASFIINDUSTRI. WASTE I RCEPTOR CERTIFICATE OF IiX1IvnON FROM WORKERS' REASE'1'RAP S FEB OILF:RGY COMPENSATION INSURANCE s. me (This adios need not becomplctcd ifthe permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) EWER - SANITARY - .2WFT. or leu.) I certify that in the perfomahce oftht work for which this permit is issued. I shall AT HEis /ELECTR not employ any person in my marcher s. as, to become subject to the Workeri PAID Corop etatimi-maxof Califomia. Dam n :M/IRG G Dam Receipt Z Applicant Q 0 NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should N WR IpE ALP B. SQ. TOTAL: fry become subject to the Workers Compensation Provisions of the Labor Code, you must F-' �?forthwiforthwith such provisions or this pershall be deemed revoked. comply with mit m BUILDING FFE SEISMIC FEE 0. [� CONSTRUCT ION LENDING AGENCY ELECTRIC FIE. Z I hereby affiant Nat there N o construction landing agency for the perfunmmee of TOTAL: O the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097. Civ. CJ ndr's Nance F lender. Address QTY.ERMIT FEE La NM PLUMBING FEF C) U I I have this that dee above information is 7" unify that read application and stare laws w PERMIT ISS Z/ MECHANICAL FEE correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state relating CONSTRUCTION TAX F-' building construction. and hereby auNmiu representatives of this city to enter upon the L.I Z above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. (We) ogre msec e, indemnify and keep hamcWs the City of Cupertino against hahilioa,,jud ms, sw and expenses which may in any way accr�ea ins said City AIR HANDLING UNIT DO 10,000 CFM) in cunscyuPet Rh c ting.fthla permit. AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10,WO CFM) PAID Silicono[A1 s1i nt/ t Date EXHAUST HOOD(WMUCT) IIAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT('1'O 100.0001 BTU) / Data Receipt# TOTAL: WilltMapplicmt or future building occupant since., handle hevmdmis material HEATING UNIT (OVER 100.001 BTU) u defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12. and the Health and Safety Code, Section 25532(.)? VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) ❑ Yet ❑ No ISSUANC DATE BOILER- COMP (311P OR IW.WO BTU) r A I I,f Will the licantor future buildin fusee taNeviceswhichemit pp goy 9uu Ir` the Air hvurdnur esu contaminants as def neJ by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER - COMP (OVER 100,01)(I DkvicQJUN ❑ yes ❑ No NEW RfiSIDEN'TIAL M[CII. SQ.191 27 1995 1 have mad the haemdeas materials requirements under Chanter 6.95 of the Cod%Sections 25505, 25533 25534, !understand that CII Y Ur- (;Url"-' Califomia rdth& .fety and ate o if the buil dins of currently have a lemon, thm it is my res oas bility o nify the cupam c ems which must be met prior to iss , e of e C 'ficme of ;,w Occupm ISSUED Ownermc 0 ' t Date TOTAL: r� OFFIC