316 /D543,01 LOT NO. / O NO. STREET. - 21 5 &,AGASA N FOR PERMIT O ERTINO` topc' Date �19 Permit No. 4; TbTts Ef� rNeU b.Ellel Fee $ / Applica I h y t �f Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and'all other laws-applicable thereto. BLOWER FURNACE N v BETTER CUPERTINC HOMES Use of Premises IBL:: c^moi ^I SAN CARLOS SHEET t+iETAL WKS.- Owner KS:Owner .779 OLD COUNTY RO.ASdWsS CARLoS By Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone Approve P. MBING INSPECTOR 7r� 1 Remarks (Check ✓) Type of Appliance Units Fees II New Replace Relocate Gas Ranges Wall Heaters Gas Plates Circulating-Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers Warming-Ovens -Percolators Griddles Steam Tables Gravity Furnaces 11 Suspended Unit " Floor Furnace Miscellaneous NAME TYPE) pp lance Fees inspected and Approved ...L4. L . .i...-- - DATP. INSPECTOR - HOUSE GAS PIPING Number of Outlets - - j :Size of Main GPng Fees - ,1 ._ Tested and Approved ......... ...::....... ..................................... ..... DATE INSPECTOR i. OFFICE GAS SERVIC , NOTICE, copy „_ BUILDING INSPECOR'S'OPFICL 3C'' I CITY OF CUP TINO 7. S .... ........... ....... _ . . . 19!.. r 1 ` To 0. — 59 , ' YOU are hereby,authorized,to connect theGAS service for 4g l,r Owner or Temnt {jft.03* GFlFv°t{E7F�E .:i` 'rr. .. ............ . . .? )=a L r New'Service ............................ No. of Meters, ,), •" - " ..... Reconnect - xG .ti � 'Move Service. ,.. No.,of Add "M' : 5 eters" ...... - •Mote Meter i St PLUMBING, INSPECTOR 4 i r M.a