00110129 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: HUB.DINGAIyplf!$.Yi90 ORANGE AV KEITH ROOFING CO INCPERMIT NO.00110129 r IWNER'S NAl PVJV APPLICAl 10 SIIi )Br I�pNG JIA—TANG AND EMMA J 93=0 LINCOLN AVE /2000 PHONED (408) 295-8616 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ❑mZ ARC(III'EC'17ENf11NIiER: [WILDING PERM11INFO �00 BLDG I!LECC PL11M11 MECII teuE IJ I_I f=1 IJ LIC �Za y firmthSED tIaCON'CRdunderpUECLARATIONsofChpt Job Description OO Z�, thereby a1Bnn that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter J Icomn¢ncing p,n�q with Section70101of Division 3 o the Bwiness and Professions Code.and my license TURN R CAP 6 in in fail force and Telt (� (/�8 C ce I.iccnre Cln/1— —1 I.ic.M s a S DEC u AK shall:e l"S I1,mb C� � 1 nnderatanJ I,Iy pwnr.rnan 1,:assn L,habhe reenm. - a4 w':. ca p 0 hiccnscJ Pndcssinnal OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby a1Bm,that 1 am exempt fmm the Contractor's License Law for the C? following reason.(Section 703 L5,Business Part Pmfcssians Cole:Any city or county Ito which require jamout inconvenor, It p J r4,or repair any:t cturc prunrl I alsal maladies(he'III' : II It'cof file P signed'famomnt iatlse is 1 1au"a the n„,.........lfl 11he Curlrai1 c Law ILhper9 Sq. FC Floor Arca Va111r7�t nwn1p[�0 (e,n ,g wlham Sl7fNgBar D'v Pt 13 rl live'I3mn . Jlrtle', Code) j� tl or that he is exempt Ibemfnen and the hxsis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 703 1 S by any applicant for it Permit.subjects the applicant In a civil pa ally PF not mom than five hundred dollarsSgn). A PN Number Occupancy Type 35719063. 00 ❑1,d un'ncr of the and the ,m my employees sPro with wages as(heir soli le(See, 7044. will do live work,ani the odeIh is not intended vl or c Law for vole(Sec loan Rus ,nnJ crl,WIP,m Cale: ... mW,,hcr n,lcenm Law doer h w..pply m an Required Inspections anf pmperty build sIa such andwin) ..us are wadhlnumr 305 — FRAME ffirre filo hi,own cll,pinyva,.pmvideJ Ibnl such ilnpmv cow a not ine year n offered1'ars;Je.II:hnweva, be will avete hnenofprtvinsoldliedidoneuildor 307 — INSULATION �m,repletion,the ar-ofsaildp will have the burden n[pmving that he did mit build lir pmve rte Pamse lir attest. 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF 01.a%owner(if the pm,city.am exclusively contracting with licensed carearcums Ill 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL sumer the podw(Sea 704.1,Business and P-essionx Colb,)The Contractor's ud who coutfats forapplysuch In ran owner thpc,Pnywho balltN iceorllnpmmaii, t the 603 — ROOF INATTENS —PROGRESS IId won a,ntmntn for.Pel,Prnjxty with I.�,Plmmnnnl Peel,nen pPmuam In the 604 — ROOF I N—PROGRESS CoIlan,cl, Liacnvclaw. ❑1 nm excn,pt ander sec. .B Nr P C for This reuse Owner nam WORKER I'ENSA'rION DECLARATION j Ih hy'0 J ,speu'alylly fpc3 y fth f II gJ I i s: ❑ I M1 ' I will itin a C YI 't C all"Iono,na for Worker', l/ Conuperocatiwu. P, idea ill, by Scat 1 1701) Af'he I-abc, Code, for the ,rianusucculll k l h' h mi 1 1 J. ❑1 have and will maintain Worker s Canlpcmal on hourcurce.loaquinedbYSection 3700 of the labor Cale,for the perfnmtantt if the work Iia which This permit is issued.My nrA is Coyy,nJJ�/P�P,e�num nn Insumnvc canieran�d Policy numMr are: Cartiee t '^� Pulley No.:4-7 ALO �I� CEIi'1IIlCACION OTT%hMI'1'ION PROM\VrlRIGiRS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thiscticm need not he completed if tireIm per nit is for o hm,dred dollars ($110)or Iew., 1 certify Ism in the performance of the work far which this perms is irsueJ.1 shall not employ any person in any manner ro us to becume subject its the Workers' Gnnpensation law.v of CPlifncia.Dam Applicant NO110E'10 APPIACAN'1:It,after mm making then Ccmfiue lit E ;M eeaim,.yea ehrndd becmne,,bjco fo the Warker',Canp,eowtiou pmv'n,an,ol'he Labor Clair.roil oust Q Q forthwith roundly with such provisinm or UP,lrcrme shall he dccmcd revoked. - E” = CONSTRUCTION LIiNDING AGENCY 4' I hemby whims this m is a conrva ce. lending agency for the performance of the work Ric which this permit is issued(Sec.3097.Civ.C.) D Q Lender's Name 7 z Lcndar'<Addmss U Q 1 ccrity Inns I have Iced it,,,up"Ifiwinn and mmc Ihnt the above inrormution Lr - Lsc correct.l agree to cmnply with all chy Pull canny uNinmmes null stale laws relmhng ' Q [� :P Wilding construction.and hereby aorepresentativesn onue representatives of this city ,enter upon the aMve-mentioned P ),my for mr,,embn porpaws, (We)agree to save,indemnify and kccp harmless the City of Cupcnino against tq liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses abmh may in any way acme against suit �,J Z tINIA,14i ee of the granting of this permit. DP ND ANDWILL COMPLY WITf��NO -POPPY Issued by: \, �(/ Date (� (G.�•V — ' mracmr Dale Re-roots LARDOUS MAI HK ALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store lir battle havNcws mamdul Type of Roof us dermis]by the Cupertino Municipal Cole,Chapter 9.12 and the Health and Safety Cole.Section 255331st)" O Yes ❑No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicortortuturebuilding,.eapantPNC cyaiplucotmdeviecswhich If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove moil baaer loos ail'cont urinann r dchncd by the Boy Acca Air Quality M'nu,anent ly;,,,;e„ all �Gwaterials for ins eclioh. Applicant understands and will comply with 0Yes El No n0 oint Sour r allOnS. 1 have read Inc harardnur material,reyoirements under Chapter 695nflne fnm Coliia health R Safety Code,Sfcllan oos 25505.35533 and 25534.l denmal lhm / X't." s nm currcmly M1uveamnanl,Ihm it is lay re,ponsinday m Panty Ine `ll Parri which must ht'Piet prior nl islem Ceof.t rtlftCnC n Z;/ e of Applt a Date o-,e I roof coverings to be Class vB" or better OFFICE