S 2980 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING ELECT RICA PERMITNO, BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONPIsRMIT PLUNIRINC-MRCIIANICAL BUILDING PROJIiC'T IDENTIFIG'E'ION BUILDINGADDRESS: �SANI TARYIN0. APPLICATI(99PI)NIF '6 11-59 Pa 'Aq, OH'NIER'. NAME: P110NIi: CONT.ACIOR:S NAME: LIC NO . Q SIC CONTROLN �iANCIII'IIL'r/IiNGINl11?R; LIC NO ADDRESS: Q ^ ^'J ._-- Ute- S-t- ❑ S S& M✓w� CONTACT: PBONE BUILDING PERMIT INFO la p Z 1 179 ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECCHH- ❑ ED ElL' LICENSED COM RACTOR'S DEECLARADON QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT' FEE JOB DESCRIPTION hm Ay affirm Innl 1.,it 1'lanad made.pr^dl.d^nr nr Chapter n ITmnawaiting CaZ wimsestion7000o,flAskimI lm me BOdn^..and ProfeW 1,Coale.and tat 6cmuc i. RESIDENTIAL W p p 1'IikA111'ISSUANCE C 41 t- Lfall htrceand clfeet. ❑SFDWh C1 KITCHEN REMODELicem ¢UU E.iccnw Class Lic.ro APPLIANCES_RESIDENTIAL ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RE-PIPE p.Zly Oatc Cmnlrecon m Q a ARCHOECI"S DECLARATION ❑M111:1'1-UNIT ❑STRl1CTURA[. ZONZ Iundarsumminry Plans.hall ner.ed us public Mcord. PANELS MOU119CA'UON UP10200AMPS ❑IN'I'IiRIOR CHIMNEY REPAIR H,' taj hiacnu:J Protcxsiowl 2014800AMPS IMPROVEMENT SWIMMING POOIS OWNER-RUILUER DECLARATION OVER 1000AMPS 0BAI'11 REMODEI/RF,PAIR ❑DEMOLITION z ¢ 1 herebyanion that I am exeat t from me Commcorn License Law for me i OAU a P ❑OTIIIER x 0. following Mown.(Section 71111.5,liminess and 1'mfessiona Code:Any city or county SIGNS ELECTRICAL 413 W H which requires it permit to contract,aJmn improve,demolish,or repair any structure .~.41p6 prlonoiulow.role,alnnnrpJrs,on,,pplicaut lwatch permit to life a signed am¢Inenl SPECIAL CIRCUTCMISC. i �� dtaHteI,licensed Par xnannmmepookilfine Cotumnor',Lieemo Law(Cnapmr9 cr: p0 (commencing with Seminn]IXIO)nf Division lnf me Business and Prulssinnn Caxfe)or '1'IEMP MEI'IEN OR IY)LE INSIL COMMERCIAL C.Q.e C that he is cxmnpt thercfmnt and the hasis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of ❑NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑DEMOLITION Nati Sns JILL LS ny unY+tPPllcdm let n lermit wnjttb the nunm pplicl n evil penally nl POWER DEVICES nlmmn than lien hundred delta,,1$500) [I TENANT FOOD SERVICE =Q E,as owner of the n SWIMMING 11001,ELECTRIC IMI'RUVIEMIiN'I' C ❑ pmpc Xor my intended who wages as alei(m.unnpou ' ❑OTHER C F•m will dolne,ion,ands the structureisnn1lntendedn Law dosed of apply to an OwnrBusiness �3 unA Pmferviuns Code the Cnnvenar's liemde haw dew.not uPPIY m an owner n( OU'IhETS-SWITCHES-FIX'I'l1RES Inutility who milds or improves thereon,and who dues such work hineeclf nr through hie own employees,provided al disuch m imp ..orias ore not martal d or affirlJ lir NEW kGlID1ENf1A1.lELECTR S rT. ,all.If,however,the building or Improvement is sold within one year of completion,the SQ,17,FL(H)R AREA EISG.17K er-nwlder will have the burden^rpm ing Ih n hu did not build or improve err pur pone if.ak.). 'IY)[At,. ❑1,a.owner of the pmproy,am exclusively contracting with licensed cnntrecmn m instruct the project Soc.704,1,Rosiness and Prnlasioln Lone:)Tnc C^ntracmr's LE - xeLawmevnotapplyloanOwnernfpropenywhobuild,or improves thereon.and QTY. PI,UMBING PERMIT PEF, who urne,l, or,awti proill"with;wummehnlw)licensed prof u.tn h,live Commmorx License Law. P ERMI T ISSUANCE ❑Iain ewe"" a&-,Sec. .B&P C Ior this reason ALTER-DRAIN&VIENT-WATIER IEA) VALUATION Owner Dam (/� WORKER COMofpergayuniUECnm1loION E1ACKPLOWPNOfECT.DI?VICE l(1 OO [have and will ander penahy of pefCo nwor of elt-ir son im doelfWorkcr`i Co: ❑ IhavennJ will mmmuinaCcnihcmcof Cnmemmttll-inmre(or Workers Cotnpcm DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOF,AREA.COND. STONIP_S TYI'Ii CONSTRUCTION lino,o provided IDr by Semicon 3701 al the LaMar .Cildr.for the Ixrf.....o ce of the work for which This N1 nil o issued, IdX TURES-1'ER'I'k Al' 1 ❑I have and will maintain W'orkcr.Cmmpemalim Insurance,as Myuimed by Section 1700 of the Lahr Cote,for the perfnnaunceofhe whit for which this permit is issued. GAS-EA.SYSTEM-I INC.J OUT LETS OCC.GROUP NEW MY Worker Clan CI CotpQaNlnngmT;ua1 'ole, reMir M UEM'nllydQLb�' 15 .rn 66GAS-EA.SYSTfMdWR4(EA) air r� EIRC I;XE SF;RONORKEkS COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASEtENDUSTRL WASTEINII ERCEPIT)R N1111,DING DIVISION IlifS ('1'111—Dion nucdnnlbecnmpliewd iflhe Permit is fornochundreddell-610) GREASIETRAP PLANC.Iii!CK ITER Or feev.) toy any pconthc any of the ork become subject this the W kerma Compel. SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.200 ETI'. employ any person in any manner w as to become mnjeul to me Workers Compere ENERGY FF;E _- Z nor employ i haws at Cali lbrnia.Unto WATER HENI'F.R WNENMELEM R Gkl1 INC,FEE ZO Applicant y NOTICE'T)N'PLICAN'1';IL oilier making this Centeac of Exemption.you.should WATER SYSIEM/T'RBATENG SOII,Iti FIEF II 1� F bculme eabjecl ut the Workers.Cunipensamon provisions of the Irhr Code.you mum 1f t t GQ Innhwith cntnply with such provisipermitons nr this permit shallMdccmcJ revmkcd WATER SERVICE1'All)s, APR 2 6 1999 = Z CONSTRUCT ION LENDING AG17NCY NEW RESIDENTIAL1'LMB. SO IT, Dan, Nccei,l9 U U E hereby romor than here is.mmwamiun lending agency for the performance of � . the work for hich,hi,purred is ls..Of(Sea fly)].Civ.C.) QLcodc.'s Nunn TOTAL: U lender's Address 'ITTE'AL: ` >' `a. E crnify that I have Mal Bois application and slam mal the alone information is SEI �' g 'TY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE i UZ uumm.lagrccmlroi,; Iwire allcilyan,umntymol,nccs and a Q' SEISMIC FEE UZ n^Edingc,tnlmamnnamautor:nymdnmd cMos emm:wm onmscny mentumpott me ulcmca(we)agree wsc lire imnify anjolp es. PERMIT ISSUANCE ELIEC'IItICF (we)agree tu wee.indetllmrr and limp namaex.the City Of emreninn asal.t lahiluien,judgmmiu.c^stand expenses which may an any way forme against said City AITERORADDTOMECH. PLUMBIN ,FE in malnattoa of lie granting nt this'omit. APYLECANIUNDERSTANDS AND WII.L COMPLY WI'111 ALI,NON-POINT AIRHANULINGIINI'E'(TO IILINIIICPM) MECIIANI L B? ULAT'IONS.Sf 'IE HEGI /� DA 16 l wb I Q� AER HANDLING UNIT(OVBR 10CF1,) CONSTRUCT IN)N TAX I J 0.Ip Si8'I ApplieanJCoutmaur m EXHAUSf 11000(WIUUCI) HOUSINO10I'1 1AIIONIgEE7 11A].ARDOUS MATERIALS 1HSCLf(SURE Will the applicant or future building oecupam slum or handl hom edmus material HEATING UNIT(To IBound It IU) ar d,ime,by the Cupcntnn Mart;ipal Cola.Cnnpmr 9.12,and the Ilulth unit Safety I IEATING UNIT(OVER IfX1,IXk)BTU) Code.S,,ein 25592(tpf ❑Yes /No VENTILATION PAN(SI NGLIE RESID) PAID Doc Rmipl a Will the ,,licanl or future building occupant use equipment or devices which BOILER-COMP(3HP OR IIX),(XX)BTU) O toil hn'earJim,on,o)rantnamx ax dcfmmd by me limy Area Air Cambay Montagetnem OT 1.: Dlsofcfl BOILER-COMP(OVER Plugs)BTU) ❑W, 131 o Ilot,c road mm hvard^uun,amols o Lv mm der Chatcr(n95 Of the Cul i- I At R CONDE'IONEiN � ISSUANCE,DAT ESS yuimmcn 'p v Tui i Madre& fame tivla Sections 25505,25513 and 25514.1 m)notify th Our 11'thc NEW HI!SIDBN'TIAi,mi. H. :0.FI'. G nui Lies not calrmmly have umnant. Iris my,rc.rym.ibiliry l^notify the«�cupum ( •ntt whish moa be fact pm+ htiseuanccufa Ccnihc f(kc c(y] r•1 iMtO^ A/Y O /�Y LC5-; .1.OT U r mnhulieed agent Doc ISSUED Ii Y: OFFICE