NO PERMIT NUMBER c 10141 Parlett Place C..., ' " 'r; 7 NO. STREET = ._ "t LOT NO. J73 8 CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT 9890 SANITARY,NO. 51,391 >•. FILE NO. 1< DATE April 189 77 Application is hereby made for a permit to 5 NHR (2080 Sq.f t. - Const. (Plan 2080) 1 liv.+440 sq.ft.gar) a story,type 'to be occupied only as I & J Single Family Dwelling , in accordance with plot plan,plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $ 70,000 FEE$ 227.00 27•00 '1 PLAN CHECK$ OWNER BAS Homes, Inc. ADDRESS 20823 Stevens Cr.Bl.—SW—C-2 PHONE 252-2077 CONTR, SAme ADDRESS Same PHONE Same STATE LICENSE 323864 v ��tti j� APPROVED James H. Sisk/m BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD DATE N PECTOR DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION FLOOR STEEL PRE-GUNITE FRAME BOND BEAMS LATH WALLBOARDS- INT EXT. 7 FIREWALLS ' MEMBRANE ; LANDSCAPING F.M.O. INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. UNDER-FLOOR TIEDOWNS -MISC- DIAPHRAMS MOORCOUSINLSS FORMS INC„LP - ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROU UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING ROUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING Z. FINISH WIRING FIXTURES g, INTERIOR FIXTURES MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES FINAL Y, MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING&A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR - DATE INSPECTO BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. -L- BACK FLOW INSTALLED It DUCTS&INSULATION UNDERGROUND ROUGH FLUES 8 COMB.AIR PARTIAL ROUGH CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE FINAL APPLIANCE _ ROOF DRAIN&LEADERS MAIN DRAIN FINAL GAS FINAL PLUMBING _ 7 MISCELLANEOUS ROUTE SLIP File No. Date 7 Location Subject Notes I e Approve,Y Date inspe�to � CERTIFICA"4'dF't0MPLETI0N BIIILDINGANSPECTOR•S OFFICE` - ' q- --'CITY O,E CUPERTINO �• p' DATE PG / 19-7/- •BLDG, PERMIT NO. THE BLDG. LOCATED AT (7 C� d F-��' ;. r• OWNEDBY Ras J40jAe (- .' '(COMPLETED) HAS BEEN (ALTERED( FOR USE ASL--g / P A ; oM .- .BUIL"DING•INSPECTOR - "" .. - � . .• .� Bldg. Dept. � �• _ . Office Copy s ;. BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO G... � ^�.9 sA- Sewer Connection Sanitary, Permit No. -:'....0.._.iL.......----.t.. [�= Plumbing Final _. Plumbing Permit No. . l ` Lot No. .:...7...... . - Owner oriTenant ...... •'-..��.`.:F.---:f--���'.�11t`��.?.....:>�-•-_�C'✓.:..----.- ------------------------- At -'-' - - r 1 Tract Date Connected " �.. , - -- ' ... ..... ............. :7 7 ;tom .. ..." ----'---- Date Final PLUMBING INSPECTOR ELECTRIC SIERVICE,,NCITICE OFFICE COPY. BUILDING INSPECT RTINO,TICE � 'CITY OSPECTOR NO. f ' I.L_ ...../ 9 To Vou are hereby authorized'to Connect eleCiicdl service for IOwner or Tenant At No.of Wires - Size of Wires Size of Switch CTO E `•t Motor Load Vohage Phase Heating Load K.W. "Voltage r 9 �i No04 Meters Lghi r�n110✓KNe Se Vice Reconnect ' I , � _ Heot 411120rk Three Wire More Service No.of Add.Meters �"Power (((�i {\�\} ih'f e/eA`'Phase 0M - ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR �, orncr: CITY OF CUI'ER'P1IQ0 COI')' flf GAS SERVICE NOTICE ;7 'Io You en r5 here b y auth razed to connect the AS sen�ice for Ownc • - New Service....:.✓ .._. No.of'Meters ...... - Reconnect -: ove Scry -.. ......:.._....-....... No. of Add.'Meters ..___...... �OvO Meter ................. `...._ PLU BI[VG INS 1i 0R ��� LOT NO. N0 STREET ~CITY OF CUPERTINO v APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit No. Date9�r•;� ,19_ Fee$ Application is hereby.made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical. wiring and/or fixtures-as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or`fixtures in-accordance with'theprovisionsofthe Electrical Code of The City of Cupertino,and all other laws applicable thereto. PreO' SINGLE FAMILY RE.31amr,E Pero med ' Premises_ - Owner Address '. Phone'- (' - BY. ZEE ELECTRIC Address/ c�4�l QJ'� �L,fjQL c�- eeah00yeahoo Phone .State License C-10 241916 Approved r• ElectricInspector) - I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF.THE WO[�KMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF.THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. . " ®u W �' � o a •o a o �� r o o: w c `v 01 c N � 3 v E `v a .`y `v .0 .➢ - 2 2 2 w E V a E E E E H > > 'm'i, o0 in Z Z in 10141 parl 6tt Pl_ LOT NO. 7 NO. STREET CU?E71NO - •, CITY OF CUPERTINO 197'APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT JJN $ • Date U sr 4r 7'/) - Permit . •19_ � Feee S 5 12.00 Applicationis hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side Hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Res. - Work To Be Heating/Sheet,Meial Premises Performed ower Bas Homes Address 20823 Stevens Cxk C2 Cupt. Phone 252- 077 SAN CARLOS SHEET METAL WORKS, INC. By 9 y Add ' P 0 90X 1126 ' Phone 592 '4552 2 BALM CARLOS, CA 94070 h110828ate License Approved-- �ingglis�p�ctor �U.— p ' I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ®u W � W LL H 4 u H Z a 1 F a > o Q N Z_ 7 0 ~ a J m W 6 u o OF = 0 w W O . d o g Z j m m m Om O > m o Q O o J o 0 Z LL LL OZ .Z Z a N o0oLL Vo w i < o LL > On O u Z �j � a � m � of - vo F ,Z-n °' u > , Q < 3 a O LL OF N O _pp O O o O g m z 0 Illy tai a� Z O zZ w i VOp ZO zVW vpi 00 QjQ Z 08O Z OKmQO �ZIQLLy'. Z puF ZZ 0� 00dO8 f0p0Q w 0oO m O V N Cf Y Vl `O 1� m P O N f'1 V V1 `O N m P 10141 Pwtkett PQace' 3 LOT NO. 7 NO STREET • • ff�� DOJJ vV CITY OF CUPERTINO crr Or- cu'APKICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT MAYS 1977 t;.—, V Sanitary No. Date v S ,19 Permit No. Fee$ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino,and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Work To Be Premises Sina•P0 DRWe2,ijjg Performed Neu) Cnn,tthf,('t.CcLn Owner B" Homm Address20823 Steve" C)Leek B&d. Phone 252-2077 By L.C. Bohwtt P2umb.inq Co. Addre:e 139 E. F1Lerront Ave. ,Sunnttrvate Controctor,A ent 'Phone 245-2323 - State License 186579 Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. /\J/� d . LL �� F R r d LL y d 0 O 3 LL c LLN c y c d Q' c V~1 p LL c p r LL d G o p o N << f Z N � N LL N d o< d W d m LL T p 33m°Ow � i� o3333 mlj 0o` LL = � �pn � < 3vnis > v� LL a inlI4l Pnrlat.t. Placa TT' 'S—fs'S$' LOT NO.' NO. STREET - ••T r CITY.OF CUPERTINO CAP. vat. 70 000 r < APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT - PEE 4.90 aZ+ ly 1 1 - Building Per.No.-51,391 Y ��Date 9 O. Sanitary Per.No. 8890 3 u Application is hereby made for a permit to Cnn ct.. (Plan P080) �l 5 N.Hr. (2080 Sq.Ft. Liv.+ 440 Sq.F} Gar. ) Fa story, Type Structure O to be occupied only as T R• T Si ngl a_Fadc, nal l i n®accordance with a i e' Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. a a, F Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 7n,Opo PI Ck Fee$ _O O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the un Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee $ 227-00 p a other laws applicable to the construction,location,and Z use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee$ Z complied with. 3 o SUITE C-2 - y BAS HOMES, INC. 252-2077 20823 STEVENS CREEK BLVD. UJ ejOWNER PHONE ADDRESS SAME SAM ME CONTR.OR AGENT ADDRESS _ SAME 323864 PHONE STATE LICENSE BUILDING INSPECTOR /