08010097CITY OF CUPERTINO'dr9pt9��a PERMIT IYTRACOR`�IN'1+nURMATI s BUILDING DIVISION ��', BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10121 PASADENA AVE LOT 1 TBD - TO BE DETERMINED 08010097 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DAIS IOJYAN-PING'LILY CHANG 03/11/2008 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHTIECf7ENGINEER: - BUILDING PERMIT INFO ' 'BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I Wroby office than I me IkeNSW under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing Milt Section 7") of Division 3 of the Business and Profcseom Code,md my license is DEMO ERSTNG SFDWL-DTCH GARG In full farce and cfTwL License Class Lk, is Dau Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 undersuml my Plana mail be used u public records Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby .11. that 1 are exempt from the Convenor's License Law for Ue fallowing motor. (Section 7031.3. Bedroom and Poetess.. Cade: My city m county which requites a permitto cnnmroct sitar. improve, demolish, or repair my eroaure prior be its whimce, Mo. mgolrca oil applicant for soh permit o his atogried stskment that he is licensed to the of the Conmcter'e Lw Law(Clupte, 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area- Valuation p osunt previsions ran (commenting with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions24 Code) or 00 that he Is exempt watchman and the basis fm the alleged exemption. Any violation of Y Number Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant two permit sebjecu the applicant to a civil penalty of�,p set msec duo five headred dollar, (SSW). 3 5 717 0 4 5 : 0 ❑ 1,aowner attlie property.amY ernPleyca with wgesu Near sok cmnPawUon, Required Inspections Lo sen and PPrremaues Cube Th co wethers Liume, an, apply in son w.o'af property who builmarimpmvea thereon, andwho dasamhworkhimsel(er Wough his awn employers, provided that such Improvements art not inunded erofwmed forsele If, however, the building m Improvement Is sold within one year of mmpledon. the owner. Wilder will have the tandem of proving that he did not build or Improve for purpose of alo.l. . 1, a owner e( tie property, em a clud"ly contracting with Ummed mnrnctou w construct the pmjea IS. 7094. Become, and Prefeseaes Cama lose Comrntor'i U. ansa low does not apply to an owns of property who toolm or Improves t evert. and, wino contracts for such pajecu with • connector(s) Emitted purmum to the Contrsaor's Lktve Law. ❑ Ilan exempt coda See .B d PC for Nu ream Oeu 31 It D- /WORK PN 'S OMPSATLON DECLARATION r lite y/aM. under pvWty of perjury one at the fallowing declarationsancho ' ❑ 1 have ono will • CeNMts of Consent locum Worker's provided for by Section 3700 a( the Labor Code, far the performance of the for by r Cul the markr t wart far which Nis permit is touch. ❑ 1 have end will mentsw Water's Compensation I.., as required by Senior 37W of the Isba Com, fm the poformarue of the work for which Nis permit is leaned. My Worker's Compensation Wunnx conies arta Policy number ere: Cartier. Polity No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thk section nand set be cam kited if the Permit is feroue hundred dollen(SIW) or loss) I unify, out in the performance of tier work for which this permit Is Wrote. l Ault me ' cnployanypermemanym [[myyubaome subject m UU Workers'Compuuation Ise ofCal Dau\\\I nlS NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL afar making the ocitialFine, of Exemption, you AuuW become subject 0 the Worker Compensation provisions of the Lobar Code, yon intra forthwith comply with smh movidms or Nu Permit abet W doomed meted. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby afron that Nero N a command. lending agency for the performance of the work rat which this permit la whose (Sec 3(197, Co. Ca Le me, Name , Irnlor's Acorea 1 certify the I have read this application W sum the the above hownwatim is " curreo. I agrce in comply with all city and comty otdinarKa and suer laws Ruing he Wilding mesvueUan, arW hereby smhmtu representatives of this city to cotes open the above-mcedoned properly for inspection purposes. (Wo) agree he ave, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Coperino against Ilablltdes,judgments, emu and expenses which may in my way a.. a1iles9aid City In consequence of the granting of this permit. APPI. NT GNDERSTANOS ANO WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURC EGG ON , Re -roofs — Type of Roof Slgnm ofA i onusetor Dau HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will we appilcmt or f ttom building onupmtmore or handle haardom maurfe defimd by the CupeNm Mmkiryl Cade. Chaput 9.13, and the Health and Safety ask. Section 25531(x)? Yes on All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. fi❑ If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will the applicant or future building oavpant use equipment at devices which t hrrordnw ate cmnminmu u refined by we Bay Ams Air Quelty Management all new materials for inspection. DL'ICfl ❑Yrs PTNo I have most the heaNauameusialamquimmenu underCMpw6,95 of de CaRfm- nlaHutahSafeyCode,SrNw25505,25533 and 25539.1 urdmsuM thnifoe building it= set curmo dy�heves (cern that It is my nespontioility, in reify the occupant of du mquirtmmn mambemet inLa..f. kauofettepecy. Signature of Applicant Date �e ° All roof coverings to be Class 'Ra' or better Owner Dow or scarived.gem