28259 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PERMII'NO. APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING,.MECHANICAL C[� BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJEC'FIDENTIFICATpION O 5 J BUILDING ADDRESS: /� ,p /// vI �a SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE /Q� i9e (' l 'e` /` /s UNIT N LOf M O NLRS PHONE: CONT E: LIC NO: L l{'IGL 1�'CSS-Gi^ Z.$ - 017 me coNTRol.a ( CII] Cf/ENG 'EER: LIC NO: ADDRESS: El dlo h o G 0 T/ CONTACT I PHONE: QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLSH"{,1 i ELECT PLUMB ME❑CI{ PIiRMIT ISRUANCii LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL p C'T Iherebyiffirudau lam licensed underprovisionsnf Chapter9(mmmcncing with ESCRII'fION �!00 Section 700jDivision 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code,and my license is in pAWgls ntz CW E full fomeanJeffeo. fj License Class Lica UP TO 200 AMPS N=y Doc Cmnmdnr 201-IIMIO AMPS SQ.IT.FLOOR AREA E/SQ.FT. 7O�Z ARCHITECTS DECLARATION OVER IOW AMPS O Z—O 1 undimmed my plans shall be used as public records. ods. SIGNS ELECTRICAL K $j Licrowd Professional ye,< OWNER-BUILDER DECLARAI[ON SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. x060 I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the 613 W y following mason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions QNe:Any city urconi ty TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. a ON s which requires a permit to conarm,ahm cr,improve,deolish or repair any structstructurec W, .Gloms im iswance,dmrc,mic,imittidicmn fu....els,nait1.f lc a signedalmire POWER DEVICES �rG¢p that he is licensed forward to the provisions of the Contraeroh License Law(Chapter SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC 6'dOT 9monareneing with Section Mail of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) VALUA'T'ION ❑so or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FI%TfIRLs Z Q Section 7031.5 by unY npplicam for o prnnil subjects the...heard m a civil penally of not morelhan five hundred d.11...(S500), NEW RESIDFNI'IAL ELECI'R S .FF. � p ❑ I.asownerofthe pnrpeny,ormyrmpleyeeswith wageseatheirsolecompensmion, Q SITIRIILS l'YPL CONSTRUCTION u will dothe work.and the structure is not intended uroffered mrsale(Sec.7044,13us Tress and Professions Code:The Contractors License law docs not apply to an owner of property sholmild,or imemites dim c+m.and whodoe,such work himself.,through his ownever,Ec Im,provided Nal surh improv ld wid art not intendNoruffereJ Tarsale. ,- OCC GROUP RES.UNITS however,theave the o,den of proem ishathwithinoneyear or improve for theowns- TO ifte).builder will have the burden of proving that he JiJ not build or improve for purpose of saln.l. QTY. LUMBINGPERMIT :E FLOOD ZONE APN ❑ I,vsownrroflbe pmpenY,ata exdusivdy cantrazling with license)cmmmcmrsto consumer the project(Sec.7044,Business sed Professions Cede:)The Convacmr's License Lawdocs not apply to an owncrofpropcny whobuildsorimproves thcrcmn.and PER ISSUANCE whorontmms forsuch projects with a contracauds)licensed pursuant mun Cmancior's iiR- I:N'T- FA Licens,L.W. TDRAIN&VWATER( ) FEESUMMARY ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec. ,B&P C for this reamnBACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE OU'T'SIDE FELLS SAN BY Y N Owner Date DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOF.ARM,COND. RECE HIT# WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOL YN �❑ Thereby affirm that l have a certificate ofcomennoself-insure.or a certificate f FIXTURES-PER'rRAP RiECIi1Pfp Workers Comp,nsmionlnaumncemr cenifidc ylhenof(Sec.38W,1ab C.)whic PARK FEF: K coven all employee's under This petal. GAS-EA.SYSTHM-I INC.4 O 'CF.IPi'N Policy. BUILDING ]VISION P'ES Company GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(GA) IFEE HECK FEF. ❑ Cenifiedrift,Nherebyfuvlshed. ❑ Cenifinl copy is Oled with lbs riy impemimn division. GREASF/INDUSTRL WAS TI? : CEPFOING FFCERlIFICATEOFF,XEMPTIONFROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP FEGCOMPENSATION INSURANCE(This section need not be completed iflhe permit is forms,hundred dollars(SIM) S WER-SANTI'AR -SORM GYor Ices.) I cnify that in Ne peRommnce ofNe work for which this pond,is issued,l shall WA' ° HEA - /V1i iLECInal employ any Arman in any manner.vr,as m becmmc suh]eml to the Workers'CompenutionlawsofCalifnmia. Date WAFER YSIEMTBFATINGIa¢ ReceiplaO Z ApplicantZONOTIC.1'0 APPLICANT:If,after making Nis Certificalc of Exemption,you should NEW REST N'I'IAL PI.MB. SQ.IT. TO'T'AL; r TIC become subjectto the Workers Compensation provisions ofthe Labor Cada you mustFforthwith comply with such provisions or Nis permit shall be formed revoked ING FTSEr� CONST RUCTION LENDING AGENCY IC ME ��1 hereby affirm thatthem is a construction lending agency for the performance ofa ,Z 'fOTAL: RIC FF;EO the work for which Ibis pemtimis iswcd(Ser.3097.Civ.C.) Lenders NameLenders Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT BING FEEU 1 cenify that I have readthis application and ante mhot the aMve information is ANICAL FI ;correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating m PERMIT ISSUANCE buildingureamd.n,and hereby nmhoriao rrprcsenmlives of this city memeruon the '1'HUC'I'ION' X� above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECTI.(We).,me to save,indermif,and keep hannlesaNe Cty of Cupertino.gamerhadities,judgmen¢,cost,andexpences whit ay many way accrue against said City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10.000 CFM) cc al grxming fhls.eAIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.000 CFM) ign tu:e of Applicant/C nonclor• Date EKIIAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT)HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE IIIiATING DNI]-(TO 100,0011 BTU) Date Rcceipl a Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hmmdous material as defined by the Cupertino MunicipalCom.a .Chapter 9.12,andthe I E.1n and Safely HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: Code,Section 25532(a)? VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE REBID) ❑Yes ❑No ISSUANCE WilUhumpplicam orfuunc builAingaccu..muse eyuipmcmonleviceswhichemh BOILER-COMP(311POR 100,010 i rnrdous an,conlamivanm as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER-COMP(OVER I00,0ti Jivrim? Rf1 A W O D ❑Yea ❑No NIiW RESIDEN'T'IAL MECH.—SQ,IT. V- 1 have mud the hum Nous mamHals 5505. menta under Chapter understand of Inc Jill Or California have a rein t eSafetyhaft Code.Sections 25505,ementadd 25534. ]undersand ttheO ifthebuilding «..at tar theJoaeysuniorctmcuerreunwhich bi,met mpritmistmo yissuance of.ymnotify the Certificate of n IN Owner or uutnnriecd ng to, Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY: - •1=1 OFFICE 8 , POPA ENGINEERS Inc. =PC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS • 01 9 City of Cupertino 7-12 �tp�cu �p �u 11��11IIu 11��1111 ECE 1% Building Department Oe y JUL 25 1995 Re: Presser Residence 19902 Peart ree Lane W& INSPECTION DEPARTMERT WY OF, CUPERTINO Per owner ' s request I visited, the residence located at the above referenced address , earlier today. The scope of my visit was to evaluate the alteration work done, without the benefit of a building permit , along the rear wall of the house . Originally, the rear of the house consisted of a window, a sliding door and three segments of wall . The new condition consists of 5 french doors and short segments (approx . 20" ) of walls in between . Two header beams, one 4x12-18 .0' df#1 and the other one 4x12-12 .0' df#1 were installed over the entire affected wall . The two headers were tied together with 2 MST37 Simpson straps at the joint . In the same time, the ends of the headers were tied with 2 MST37 to the existing walls. The ceiling in the affected area is sloped and the roof was • sheathed with 1 /2" plywood . The nailing of the plywood could not be verified but even if there was minimum nailing of 8d at 6"o. c . along the supported edges , this type of horizontal diaphragm may be regarded as a strong diaphragm. The two short walls of the rectangled' space ,were plywood sheathed and along the long interior side of the rectangle there were sufficient segments of long walls . In this way the diaphragm presents a real capacity to resist the horizontal 'forces, applied along the open side, by rotation. In the same time, the 2 MST 37 straps anchoring the end of the header system to the existing wall , provides a second mean to resist the horizontal forces applied along the open side . There were no other noticeable alterations and the one described above was done in a good workmanship manner . It is my opinion that the subject work may be approved . This is a professional opinion based on a visual observation of a portion of the house. It was formulated in accordance with the principles and practices of the Civil Engineering profession . No warranty as to the quality or the structural integrity of the house is inferred or implied beyond what was expre W4 \ge1 &r. d above . John P. Popa,ri, ,,, r 8 4- nLE3( N;i ALLEY OFFICE CENTER 2542 South BasF � - �%�G6L Suite 102 Campbell, California 95008 Phone: 559-4202 • FAX: (408) 559-3628 �•: s �tYW rn4 ' i 80O 'o(v /{l q 'VI 7 x i � P1YNrt90 n � n cn y a I � V n �<YN/'rOd r ?Nhc L 7oG — S%NG�C— 57027 O-ldl�diTJdJN� 1i vJ'Nc— �G'11r1 /M s, fi- C'¢-777'Ed /,' ,f4 Chi'.!<iG . y �n, c`. �> , Ir 's ^✓Vit —'1s� 6t� 7W R-0-,OF 10,>( V = , Aft x i9,o x l2.o a f (4d.e /4.v /0Y6. au"vr / AvEi<fi�E 6I7' N 5/'dP V — Md'r= 7�3 crano, r,' 7v. ,tC�So2d �-iS7Ri��UTC eft 7�•3 # '�-Oa-- i,��/l-�� =- , DATE Job No. POPA ENGINEERS Inc. Design By pe STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Chk'd By Golden Valley Office Center•2542 S.Bascom Ave.•Campbell,CA 95008 Phone:(408)559-4202 Suite 102 Fax:(408)559-3628 OI