1203 /,7,7,5-z:) T )JELL. NO. RT LOT NO. PCATI ELECTRICAL PERMIT OT 2 s 196tib CUPERTINO Date -GO OF V iPMINCP§` Permit No. V - - Fee 5 j Q 6 Application is hereby made to the City,ofr Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said MW4199 and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code oftthe M .:%Cityof Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. F•• u°'r'Use of Prem, i<rc /f'-� �9 O.�r, / 1," 0 30 /, ,A, Q/� 4 a •Owner � _ti> Address �E' j A C d� .B y . Addiess �.'du-=t TAACTORAGENT 'moi i`n:' •;ro` APP�ove Q_ � � � 7 � �� / _• ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR NEW RPL FEES Za Size Service Conduit--_1--.- ............Number of Outlets------------------ - .. .......... Size SeTvice Wires---- --------Number of Switches-_------------- --/Y ............ Size Service Switch....'.<!.'J�----------Number of Receptacles.---....-.... ..... ptacles............ v�� ---i...... . ........ . 7_10 Size Sub Feed Conduit----_- _--Number of-Fixtures.................. ...i-L........... ... Size Sub Feed Wires--------..........Ranges--------------- KW------------- --------/ -- ---------- ------ ------ '7 Number of Circuits---------L------ Oven -------------- KW------ ------- ------- - ---------- ---- .... Number of Meteii---------------I.--------Signs---------- Transformers....::- ... - Misc-Misc.------------------------ ----------------- --------:-------------------------------------Dryers-------------------------------- n.�--- -------- Motors---------- Phase..- .......... -Motors -------------- HP..�----------------- Phase-------------------- Perm it Fee $1.00 Mot;r;--------------------- HP---------------- --- Phase ---- ---- H P Charge--------- _TOTAL.FEESf-r INSPECTION, _APPROVALSP Fix7titres -------------- R6-ugh Wiring/ ....... .. ........ .�T N R OATF j Finish Wiring .... ........... ........................ Motors ------ ------ I-------- DATE INSPECTOR. I PCCTOfl Final DATE T i coi;YE ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE � D4 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINOL+ /. ..: ..You are hereby. at- d"t { nnect the ELECTRIC service for . - - OiJnetror Tenant?r At----/ � l l7�x.11 - - ------------------------ . . . No. of,Wires .. ...........:...., Size of Wires ---- - ......._. Size of Switch/Q L :.: , - ., Motor Load-....------:................ Voltage ------------------------------- Phase .................---...... --��'- Heating Load:-.-._'...,................ K. W.,........................------:.. Voltage ----------_----------------'. Light .... t 10 �. New Service..................Reconnect in No. of Meters .... . ....... Heat220 ....Three-Wire ..... . Move Service No of Add. Meters .......... "' 111 Power .. Three Phase ...Mose Meter . 4 a -­------------- 1aa 1160-500. ;., . fit~ ELECT'R'ICAL INSPECTOR;" e. °