1454/(?97J J LA'G L e .C� i LOT NO. V MEET ® �I FOR GAS PERMIT CI CUPERTINO • SEP 2 6 1961 Datep 8 j_q61 195_ Permit No. , CITY 01= CUPERTiNO_. ,ieear r •` Application is herehy made t thie Cl of CupertinolFor a perranrt two sial( gas pipes � y W and%or gas appliances as listed:on the reverse sldejhereof and ag"iees+to mstallald plpes��'�5 4 i " and/or appliances ,in;accordan7 a with the; provl�ons-of. theiPlumbiogTCode.of the Cityy�.- of Cupertino, and all othei laays•applicable thereto:. ...C..� 1'" `-. :'' '•g ,w :NVy,,�t,i�r' n,:�vi.. "3..'•. ' Use of Premises owne 4z-,` corvr✓nt,'�/ At PLUMBING INSPECTOWJ d •n rn �ti L) b7 n Gly E G'1 d