1207 iggl7o I �szo � 7�tze ts- U NO. TRE LOT NO. • ( ®�R ELECTRICAL PERMIT CT 2 j '1961' CQI'IN IOF CUPERTINO DatCMT\/ nlNr//51�11f'nT--.A 0 1 194— Permit No. l _ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiling and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said M wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws.applicable thereto. V Use of Premie /—✓c ?a c_Q_ a "Owner7—e11�r' � ' Address'y (0 t TOIL,C� c Address ! O ` QrNI; Approv X73 ELECTRICAL MSPE&M i G NEW RPC FEES / tt Size Service Conduit-----I.....1.. -...Number .of Outlets................... .._Z -- ----I1 - G SeWires....� 1.....-. -......... ................ .. S _ ..... Service Size Service Switch... .....Number of Receptacles......_.... ...: ...._._. .:Z....... Size Sub Feed Conduit..................Number of Fixtures.................. ..z ---------- ---.�.....-.' Size Sub Feed Wires....................Ranges---------------- KW-.-.--------- - ....../- ---------- -------- Number of Circuits...... .......... Oven ------------- KW-------------- ------J- -------------- . Number of Meters....... .....-----------Signs.......... Transformers........ .......... ---------- ---------._:. Misc...-......- -.�- -.Dryers.....................................-- --�---- ------- ------- Motors.:..::-.-:—S::cHP_`.-�=��S:A'�:--- Phase.................... Permit Fee $1.00 , , Motors c[....-----'-=------ HP.................--. Phase................... _ Motors...--------------. HP....---------. Phase-.................... Charge....------- . - - --. ..� `.;. H TOTAL FEES f = """T-•D1 CGSPECTION APPROVALS ALS �RouhWirn_ ... Fixtures _ .._............. T♦'YINSPECTOR. -'DATE" } �" INSPECTOR Finish Wiring .................... Motors..: r w DATE INSPECTOR • / D F - fj/.-. NSKCTOR Final ........... ........... DAT[ `•;//' INSPECTOR r ELECTRIC. SERVICE NOTICE ' OFFICE gL BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE J CITY OF CUPERTINO - 196-4— ....................... r . 'You are hereby aut ¢ed to connect t e ELECTRIC'service for y .\ Owner or Tcnarit .:. . .... _> _ At..._JY9.w No. of Wires ... f Wires .--...4---:----- Size,of Switch w.Y. Motor Load ----- Volt .. . -....: Size o -..--.. .... age : .........................---- Phase.................._...--- Heating_.Load ........................ K. W:.......--...:.................:... Voltage _..,..--- ~ Light .............. to ._`........New Semite.&_-.+..Reconnect ....:. -------- Heat 220 ................Three Wire ---...Move Service`.'--.....- ...777111������WWW .......-_--.. No. of Add. Mtterr s:`=Y`d: -•..,, . __Three Phase -Move Meter .... t f '~'O ... . t to4� 1/60-50o ."�! - llr � .-ELECTRICAL; INSPECTOR