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:- ,: ,� . - 209,54 , � ; Pex-',e Tree Lane �oT No. ' . � � I .� NO. n- '�,. er_,T� : r' . .- .._:_:.. ' _ � �1 , D PU(lCrtATIO, .��FOR::APPLIANCE PERMIT ' �APR � �7 1JE� 1� .OF'CUPERTINO _ . . �. ; . . , . .'k ; i , � � , �� '. �` ��, (•. ��t'. � * ri96 ;., � ,�;Permit No. `t"_= . ' {°s'S.:� .,�e�.,; � n-, '' . . +^:{`;', -,,. - ' ' ,, '. � . N ,,. ,� -. - _,y=*+�`;y� ..�; Fee S � .i�_�' . � • ' Application�i�hereby.made�to the City of Cupertino for a permit to ins[allY-��F , � � N gas appliances az.;listedjon=the reverse side hereof, and 'agrees to install said � � - � aPpliances in accordance with the.provisions of the.Plumbing.�oderof the City ' . - �� " of Cupertino, and all othei laws applicable ther'eto. -� 3 =� � .��, � . _ . , � ,,: - ��: . �,',•, �..c.L �.ttr'-. Mr�._s.:-=-",:. � ' � . ?r;,} �"• � ,y. F.� Hesidenee =,� Use of Premises ' ;; ;*: ' � �.:...,..._.� .. ;a';:r;: -'_ .,V,:_F,� ' . ,. . �^':=`� Commonwealth Builflers `vi t iJinchester.��> �n• :T;Owner _ Address � Q � BYPlog Sheet Metal C n'ddress � y ��i��ri��i�� 4� � / ,'%i�l LONTR�+[�T00., AGENT A �ove 9�� �- ti '�,iq ✓�y � Pt:one FT' 8—�9J`� PP. r, . � ., ' PLUMBING INSPE I�� ' ;..,;. ;.,... ... t,-• Remacks•(Ctieck ✓1 TKpe of Appliance I Units Fees II New.` �:Replue � Relxate Gas•Ranges' � � �� . � �. •� � �. \�/s!l Heaters � � �� ' �• �� � � �� . � —Gas'Plares . � � ��i;:'` �. ,; . ' � , ,'�:-• Circulating Heate[s � � ���i, � � ' Bl�wer•Furnaces � 1 �l. 0��X � � Gu Fired Boi!ers � � �� � � Warming Ovens � _� . (� � � Percolators � �.�"' �_ � � �`^Griddles � .,• •.�'� ..' �� � � � Steam Tables �. ' ,' � ' ' �� � � Gravity'Furna[a � I � I II_ I � , Suspended Unit � :' � II � � Floor Fumace � •. � - �� � � �� �� � Miscellaneous ' � ';•�.� i� � '�NAME TYPE� I � I II I I I II I I I.1 :. �II I � � �= � .��'r ��'_ :�>,�,' ___ . e. ��� '`;'.' ( I �F'"�i'�I.� ..I.,� '.v�,--�.— � ��v. a�,�� ' . , �pp �ance ees ^ '�0��—�- [nspected and Appro"ved ......_......:._�._....._.........:...............:.:.,.`_' DATP INSPECTOR - .r a � S � �_ . . . , —___ _ _ ___ _____ __ __ __ � � ' � � � ,.. Y . orricE COPY ;� ' GAS SERVICE NOTICE `:'`;r;;„; " BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OPFICE�",' = '. � ,.. PLRTINO"^"` ` . " - _':''�:ii�.�x''.'6�T?i4"c.'�+'" ' . ... CIT'Y.OP CU . _ �� �_��� . - . .: ._......_.. - - ..... ......_....._. . . ._, ���� -. . . To ' . ' It, . . � ,,�<:� ',You are hereby au rized'to'mnnect.the GAS servic or � ' � �.': C .. � ..�> h ' �'Owner or Tenant .:... . f __,__,_ . ' . . At .....o�Q.-t..o_^: .�`�'���_ � . � ,� �. � ,: ,, �;. � � �v � - �z",.1tt+ �:� N � � . „ ..-u � : � �, ew Service :.,R�: ..F,.IVocof Meters -------�..-------- � � � ..7..,.a -- ;- - �1.fR.1 � ��t:� •. , •�-.:.. .rs..- Reconnect . yy,'���+w�.K� e,y:�s:�:"�; . ' . . --........ ... .. �..�.., r.t:,,'�;�i'..�� .�,:.:. .,.-;`-- , � .. ' i.t?'_:„ r..::':,•o�' . : � , . .�.., <._....,•, Moye:�Service - .._......_........ ;:: >;.;:' �-_.. . ..t.n� . :.:�.,:. •���r- No. of Add. Meters .. �.. „ - - ,. .... er .....----.. , . . ...� . ---�--- :<::;. o:. . .^ �' ... ,' ..'%' -: � ' . y','. ?'.' . " .. � � � ; �' ---� P M � 'r?�ie'•.t.r>. - �'. . i� '- �:._ ..._---__---.i. ._... . LU BING' INSPECTOR _., ��.!o.�Z/.G!:�uo�,.- _ � , -'' ^„+-^ •.,�.,,,,^-----�--�.- ----- �'''�' ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE orF�r_r �:o.�, �� • BUILDING INSPLCTOR'S OFFICE � _' CITY OF CUPERTINO ' ............. - ....:..1�-.G�-0 -- -- -..., 191.�...... To You are hereby au riied to connect the ELECTRIC.s vite o � , Owner or Tenant ........ - -- ...,... ._..._ --..... . c3�.�t�Z.�.:... . :.. . +� . .;, . c� ,- , -- � . ,;.. _ , 'At ........ - � � � Size of Swit ' � " - --.._. � No. of Wires �.`i�.._..__. Size o _. - Z...._ � ch .�.QQ��� . � �� � .. ' . '. Motor.Load..:.::.........--....... Voltage ....---.._--...-------:__ Phase .......-----._...........------ ; . r: ; Heatiag Load ................._ _ K. W. -- -----_ . ..... Voltage .. ' ......... ..... •s::,r �.,�, " --.._...........:. ....-- '^� � ...' ... e - ?,['{� ''� - �Lightt:::C..__..110 ....._ ..._New Service .._�.Reconnect -. """' ... .. __"'_.... �•No. of Meters .... ._...L..,. " - ' 1_. . Heat .....___..120 ..._'......"'. hree Wire_"..-........__Move Service .. 'No. af Add:.:Mcter ......_.. Poa�er ........_..... hree m, ... ...�.......Dfove Meter ..__...... ' ` .' r , ,r, a � '.. � � � . ..""""""_ J _.�" " .._ .. . . ......... � � ELL'CT'RICAL IN fi TO I 104 7/C1-500' � � .. . . . �