TC 10-02-02Telecommunications Commission Regular Meeting October 2, 2002 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chair Sal Algeri called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: David Eggleston, Ernest Tsui, Sal Algeri, Reggie Duhe Commissioners absent: L.T. Guttadauro Staff: Rick Kitson Guests: Bob Haber, Linda Grodt APPROVAL OF JULY 10, 2002 MINUTES Eggleston made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Duhe seconded the motion. All in favor. Ernest Tsui abstained. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 4, 2002 MINUTES This item was continued due to lack of a quorum. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: Rick Kitson stated that Harry Bettencourt, FUHSD, wants a copy of the Silicon Kids show. Written: None OLD BUSINESS Activities Calendar. The October Producer's meeting was changed to the 9~. Action Item List: A tour of the AT&T Santa Clara facility will take place on October 8th at 3:30 p.m. Rick will write a letter to AT&T from the City Manager regarding the late AT&T monthly reports. NEW BUSINESS Reports from: City of Cupertino: Rick distributed a letter from AT&T that included their emergency contact numbers. AT&T: No report. ADJOURNMENT Commission adjourned to the City Council chambers for the Community Television Forum. ATTEST: APPROVED: Chairperson