02010102CITY OF CUPERTINO ; '',Is1ILDINC DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 11882 PLACER SPRING CT OLD COUNTRY ROOFING 02010102 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE SAKAMOTO RONALD K AND SAKAMOTA 387 UMBARGER RD #B 01/28/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)362-1111 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH r= O 1_1 C=] LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description 1 hercby ae, Rthat I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7") of Division 3o eBusi d Professions Cale, and my license is10^ull'OnceeflSp repn,� " REROOF. License ice ' tie. �� T/0 SHAKES, INSTALL 30 # FELT & MONIER TI Corer c �( R ITECI"c DEC TIO I undersmnJ my plans shall he us d as public rcceads License) Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 M1ercby affirm Our 11. exempt from 0e Contractor's License Law for the following mown. )031.5, Business and Professions Cade: Any city in county Cal which, a (runt t conswct, alcor, improve. demolish, or repair any struaurt am issuance, e, obvim poor m in issuance, elan mquirts the applicant fasuch permit hostiles signed sumrneno. that _heis licensed pugaq,tgo the provisions of the Comracmrs License Law (Chapter 9 (commencto, .ith Secdpn 701 of Division 3 of the Business and Pmfysions Code) Sq. -Ft: Flo Area. , . • g_';�,_1,.X"i't;�:_y.';.; lk pa, y�;,, ['1 I a uation or that he u exempt thfmfrori m lthe basis for the allciid eoemptipn: Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant o a civil p:nelty- of not mate than five handled d,Bans (S500).rrtber ,P-1:: r , , Occupancy Type ❑ Las earn, rf the property. Lir my employes won wages as they sole compensation, FRAME v,41 do he work; and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7 , Business and Professions Cade: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an '- - _ -- - ---- --- --, ----- - - -- -- -- 307 - INSULAT IRl3Aulred Inspections 1a owner of property Who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees. provided that such improvements an, not intended or. ROOF TEAR OFF ]" Q n sold within one year of oRercd fen.{ale. omerwevrq t& building Br imen of proving c completion, the owner -Wilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or ,_ -6-Q _-. -_ _ _, ___ ___ _..._____.__.. _.-.-._..._.. _ ._-._. _ _._-._....._.... : ' 602 - ROOF PLYWOOD NA IL: •-'- int impovemrpuH,o"°rail`). 603 — ROOF BATTENS ❑.I;asowner pfthe p(Seertyam orsm ntrofe.....Cdc:)Th, PROGRESS --- 604 — ROOF IN—PROGRESS tt�" • `t"t project (Sec. it) a owner or and Pr y whob Cade:) The v trwmr'x Businessand Conn Linear the does of apply w an owner of property who builds or improves thereon. License Lawwdcense , such projects with. a.commcmr(s) licensed PursuanLm the_ commcWcr ontracmrs License La C e law.. P , ❑lath exam rand $sec: •'' ',BB PClonhis near Owneho Data " ORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION " I hereby affirm under penalty of periti, anc.f the 011owing declamtim s:- ❑ 1 have and will'mainmin a certificate or Conserv to self -insure for Workcr's Compensation, as, provided for by Section 37011 of the Leber Code: r fothe performance of the work for which this permit is issued O 1 have and will maintain Worker's Comp maission Insurance; as required by Section 3700 or Oc Labor Cade for the performance of the work for which this permit is ucd My W k r'a C mpcnul lin Insure °mer and P licy nu sand,� ,CERTIFlCATION OP E%EMI'TION FNOM WORKERS'1' ._9.. s],-,.4, �'_a O 5. s•^ ld,n 2:-1A ,t.r t1. COMPENSPTION INS v __-.�..,._._."•....,__-.__..._,..—'..___.�..._.-..f_.-_I-_...... ............._._...._..__—___ _.... .. .. �., I "' 'senior neJ ata be core Icmd if the un ars Permit hundred doll„ I'f'• "' I''(:" _ . ISI WI or 1 cm th udthf ce f thk f r which t o 1 _ -- .1, I l shml'nm employ any person m any ma ns m become subfen to the Workers in neer so o ct ergo Comicant! con Law. of California. Dae Appl NOTICE TOAPPLICANT. makingthis Ci,i..amof Exemption. ym6sh,uld heowith cony the ,',C.far, of the WWr Cale, you must tihis Providers forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall as deme) mocked. such pr visions of I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY t h I hcrchy uthrn the than is d couelending agency for the performhnc2 • ...,. !i -< I " of the work for which W this see is issued ]Sec.. 1097: Civ. C.)„ ,limit ._...:�.. ._.::. _. _.. ._. _..____..__. ..__-.___... "n,der'i Address •r . 1 cenify that I have madthis application and s, te that the abuve information is coc8et. I agree to comply with all city and county ommanees and state laws elatingto Wilding construction, and hereby Offimiic rcprt.¢matives df this citym enter upon le the above mentioned property for inspection purposesI Wii) agmi m indxaGc. emnify and keep harralas the City of Cupamino aiuialabilities, judgmaus. costs unJ expenses which may in any way soon against said ity in consequence of the granting ofthis permit. APPLIGNT UNDER STA, SA' WILLCOtv1PLY WITH ALL NON-POINf Issued by: O t/ innattle ofh rHA7 RDOU -,R •: � path'; d' Re -roofs .., HA7ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE - lthepp.pert con building acpatsmrcor handle add enm Type.of.Roof___-_. .. _— _ _____�. Health asdf d.bythCppenmMu cp lCmdc Chapter 9.12. and the HealthaWSlry Code.S�cyon 255110 ❑Nei. ' "'Will V All roofs shall be"inspected prior to, any. roofing, material being installed. th ppl t f m W la gocc pant Lm eq pm t d itts which If a roof is irisialledWithout first obtaining an inspection, I'agree to remove d conformation.. Jefin JbYthBay Area Ail Quality ht reg t D t t District? I all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with ' °vc,;' Phial ---- - - - - all non -point source regulations . ],have read me haeadau.i mmerims requirements under Chirpier .695 of the ...t.:. California He61th & Safety Coda Section, 25505.25533 and 75536. 1 m,dctasnd that "tribe building dues not currently have a tenant. Oat it is my responsibility to miry the _ y �' �• _ r; Z ' —x \" l �"TJPn'Y occupant of the requirements which must be met prior m e oa issuance Certificate of tY/O-/ 1�..._ Occupancy,, /-'� � - O- Signature of Applicant Date PP_- — - . .. —- -, - ' All roof coverings to be Class ••B" or better Owaer or.aahenrrd rg2mt " Doe '-OFFICE