79358 E7415 Plum Blossom Drive Tract No. 370 Lot No. ;OZ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING D APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT / Dafa �� r' , 1973 Permit Np.— �Z Application is hereblr made for,0.,per%)it to f a stogy, 1 e r to be occupied only as in accordance with Plans, Specifications d ni g� Use Zone Occupancy Parking Space. n filed herewith:�fire Sprinkler �G Emer. Elect. Estimated Value of Improvements, $%O"Dfu Ati 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. Owner Address? � gy Addres� RECORD OF INSPECTION Foundation L'�6-1-3-6 /J Frame Finist 7415 Plum Blossom Drive W. Loeswick M l-OBZ wio� bM 09-33a aaFnr nm -b — 3n19 "",-yd / -dam � � %�•'�5° O r+3-1 T 'a3 i,L•i�..zi S 0 # esuvoiJ ssawsnq A4!0 asop ups •uo�yv _ d v s. 4 sensoy4nv Apudoud pup 4ox}}a pup solo} ��n} w si �. # esuvoi� s�oyo v�4uo� piwo}qv� }o aye4s sly 4944 SIse440 4uvoyddy El pep} 4uawams ❑ uau.0 so :yuvoilddp Aq pawivlo Ageiay s! etuao.1 s so4ov'4uop jo} vwro}'Ivp }o e494S 10} 4uewennbas woJ} uoi4dwaa3 l