1839 / 9 LOT NO. NO. ET �50'1— 74 OR BUILDING PERMIT ?/ JUL I F CUPERTINO Date 17 1962 _ P , it No. A o��}U{�rer b�mPa�de�f�orfa j��er�mit t a 'COCS' yPe Building at to be occupied only as in accordance with Plans, ecifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. 00 Estimated Value of Improvements,$ (92 00 Q Fee$ 2/ — y It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with, v n Owne "AGENT ddress Byddress Phonepproved BUILDING INSPECTOR rUNDA ORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS PN - DATE INSPECTOR .. FRAME: o � -- DAT INSPECTOR LATH d PLASTER ATE Z- - — DATH INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. DAT INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. —� - DATE��// y/ INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. d� " DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS A,-/I DATE INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE- OF COMPLETION 'BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTWO Date ........ 7................. lg.(/ S.-,-. Building Permit No The Building L ted at ------- Owned by , Complete Has ' H s�Been se As: ............................. --------------------------------------------- ...... ......................................................................................... ........................................ --------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ........................................... ----------------------- - ------------ ..... _ ----- ----------BUILNG 102 4/61-500 INSPECTOR n /J A �- =-- s f �OrsO Pa/[T.IL. /1VGI'M!/.r� LOT NO. NO. P BING PERMIT U��3'� 19�I[YIQF .CUPERTINO J 4s Date aY z 7 T1Y Permit No. ,w Fee $ /7. O o Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of v Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises AE /OCNGr a Owner TNoarNs C�/ Pa Address CA Bres By—'Rex Y f'.Cawra iA i Address < CONTRACTOR, AGENT If Phone �7rt—fr!// Approved PLUMBING INSPECTO P-4�. w' 'i �?• 2 °`! p'. G. ev g �: C. ? y' ^ '-�TSn Sg' C � any S ;� ��" d N as a �� •C ti L- eel H q � � �• a H " 2 N y d — ti N O rr rr N '�` N zo 0 0 !r to a 01 H (I G 0 m--�---- M Bldg. Dept. Office Copy WILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO [�er Connection Sanitary Permit No. 5---0-7Z ...................... .... 0,,Wumbing Final Plumbing Permit No- ---- NoNo. ------ Owner or Tenant --------- -- ---- --- -- ------ At .......1 Tract --------------------------- DateConnected ----------------------------- .................... ----------------------- ------ 19.(0-1-o, Date Final SPE 111 7/61-500 Q LOT NO. NO. D l y� APPL16NI N?..FOR GAS' PERMIT JUL 31 196�� �F �UPERTINO Date L�iT�Lib'�trX ^1t9�� Permit No. ( � L 1 UII I t/f 'Vu Fee $ y' Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino fora permit to install gas pipes and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes Aand/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City V of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. u c Use of Premises Ar_(/Onze r' u m n Owner_ LAIMes_ CoAesT.P y,r, ow Address By Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone 7 k— rr// / Approved PLI/MRING INS TOR n L) z N � ��Gl �'�L) wo �tG� mnG) EC I and G W� ^ ^ 9 n � b � � I —————————————————— c 9�h _ I ZI � m N E � � —w m ; n ; o o F (n1 I� J cs�'b cp C LOT NO. 1T197 NO. STREET _ Tract #2860 . �APFOR APPLIANCE PERMIT [(IT YOF CUPERTINO Date�t :1 _9/1�2�96G 196.__. Permit No. 7J co CITY OF NPERTjNC Fee a N Application is hereby ma e to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install co p gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and igrees to install said 0-4 appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing f:ode of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. x Use of Premises_ _ReaAden" u 05 OwlorupertiAddressin _ SAN CILOS[[S♦HEET METAL WORKS, INC. AddressC�O-s-- $A NOnLTL -ON ONTR CTOR,AAGENT�} t{JE R I ApproveE 2OR � N N m Fn w w P'n O r� fin' ^�a '••� Q CD > f1• mm Na ct --------- V N z 9 OFFICE GAS SERVIOE NOTICE COny BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF- CUPERTINO ..................... /..... ... 2--_._........., 196_CZ- To You are hereby an o ized to connect the GAS servic 'for Owner or Tenant -------- ---------------- At .......... -- -------- --- -- ------------------------------- New Service ------7� No. of Meters -------- --------------- Reconnect ................. ------------ Move Service ------------- No. of Add. Meters .............. ov Meter --- ------ ------ -- -- 110 7/61-500 SERVICE OTICE OFFICE eLECTRIC BUILDING INSPEC'TOR'S FFICE y a> PY CITY OF CUPERT,!N To �.�/ .................:1� -..-'`- ...---------------- 196..2 You are hereby auth r zed to conned the ELECTRIC ice r f. Owner or Tenant y-----._... .... .. .:�..�!J........... .. .... .. . At . ...__..�..o..l.#v....No. of Wires ....... ........ Size of Wires ...... ..Z. Size of Switch .... Motor Load .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase........................... 1 HeatingLoad .......... ........... K. W. :......---- .-. ..........._.. Voltage ................................ Light ..... .. 0 ....... ..Nes, Service ................Reconnect ----------- ... No. of Meters .......1............ ThreeW Move service Heat .._...._....220 ....... .._...... No. of Add. Meters .......... Power' Thre........_...... Move Meter .__.......LESP T R w4 7/hr�soo NO. STREET LOT NO. � , l ALn P 1� ELECTRICAL PERMIT CI CUPERTINO �c�s �ss2 Date 198 7" Permit No. r 0y CITY 9,F CUf ERTINO Fee $ lei 7a' Apple ion is ereby ma a to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. v Use of Premises a Owner /ter/�i /t 1cdCC�u% Address ;". Y!Z AddressNTRACTOR, AGENT—d.�� APProved ELECTRICAL INSPECf01 NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit---- {........Number of Qutlets------------------ -.L.P... ..........L. O9.. 9 Size Service Wires--- ---.Number of Switches---------------- -/. Q.. ....._._ ..._��� Size Service Switch...-2�Q:......Number of Receptacles............ . 1y1pAV---- ---------- .a8�. Size Sub Feed Conduit------------------Number of Fixtures.._.........._-- -io--- ---------- --- Size _Size Sub Feed Wires....................Ranges---- L.....- KW--'........... ...... . .... /J S Number of Circuits.................. Oven -----1....... KW............ .... ....... .............. Number of Meters........................Signs.......... Transformers........ ....------ --------_ ------------ Misc.............-------------- ------Dryers.-----'1'-----...---.............. ---------- ---------- -------------- Motors ----75Motors.................... HP.................... Phase---------------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors.-- ................ HP-------------------- Phase---------------- fie&- Motors...... .. ..... HPrlq.f---T7�.. Phase............... H P Charge_....--- .. - ..... TOTAL FEES— 77r C INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiring�O O/y/./yZy 1. __ ------- Fixtures -----------...-----'I---------------------.... {E INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR Finish Wiring oArE I. IxsFE<TOR....IM otors ...... 4 .-. . ) ... .. ....... .. ........ " Final ..a-o.. ....---'-'-'-----'....'-- OAT% INSPECTOR 1