1445 03 P'ru­n�e TxQe L LOT NO. 6S NO. �RRET K �P•RLI.CaI E: . R BUILDING PERMIT ffllfN0U 2 Q61 IO CUPERTINO Date_ 10/ OV1 1 Permit NO. A l,�l �wn�sYhertypt11 1 )mit to_ erect a_one 1 1 story,Type r( W _Building °° at alb-oye N ' O to be occupied only as S- FM I)W 1 in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 15-000 Fee$ 48- v c It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and 8 all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of ,.j Cupertino will be complied with. /]: Owner RIPLEY HOMEa (1J/fvi'7/ Address 5 y: ey ��y]y Address I� P I/A BY; C NTA TOR, AGCNT _ Phone DA 1-0630 Approved _ BUI"'No INSPECTO RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION lob DATE INSPECTOR FRAME -4A6—/j I 'x7.41. DATE INSPECTOR . (A.TH an� Daen d PLA' cP P� ASTER DAT INSPECTOR BLDG. � ? y � DA 6 3INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. o DATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. DATE INSPECTOR DATE. INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATE iNSPP.CT00. ii CERTIFICATE' .;OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE QTY '`OF CUPERTINO t Date ......., � ......................... 19-[R.�" .. Building,Petmit No. . ... J The Buildin;9e Located at � � - .,.�e, ,.. I'. Owned by .....- ..Has Been s: ......-_ .................................... ---------------------....------....................._....:...... -...... .......- ...----............... - t e 102 4/61.500 UIIDING' INSPECTOR , � . /0-146 adL"%�IE� [A.uc LOT NO. f7 NO. STREET �JFP'�LaI, ATIQN FOR PLUMBING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO f�] C Date N/" 195_ Permit No. ' �y rl PE� Q Fee $ C• CITY I Application is hereby ma e to th City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing rpipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said.prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises_ f A ' 1 :a /J h Owne`rVC 42tEy 004ES Addrl4-3Z' C/��� i , e' - tn! o zAddresvr � 02i �L � �4O Approve PLUMBING INSPEC R 291 f ¥ � cCA moontoiiqigi \® gymƒ ■ _ � S ! . ■ � E ! $ r � & § � , ■ ■ ■ - . ■ � - ■ ■ & a � � � ' ¥ � | ' . � | ; deg g, 2 ƒ p b � � � � � � ¢ ' ' � ^ [� I2 § & E ■ rr _ L------ � —� —� � � o °------------------------± c /\==\ r@ �\ � § a ƒ lBEE 4 ° � n ■ � w e , n � ` & � 2 }\ & R } ' tv ■—�---- >-- g . \--� �3_ oo � § - � .. . § . Cupertino Sanitary Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO n Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ......... 5Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. ---------- Lot No. -�. �--------- Owner or Tenant .0 --- ---- - -- . .. ......... At ---- Tract .............. - - - ------ -------- --- LA # - -------- ..... ................. .. ........ - DateConnected ............................... .. .. -- - ------------------ ------ ------------ -- -- ------- - 1ZI- Date Final ----------54 ------ -- ..... Ill 1/60500 4�XUMBING INSPECTOR /tea- Qom, � S` . - o. t s '""T Cit? I • PLOT NO. .................................._.-- I DAEI�i OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT i + : �IDEC 18 1961 O 1j V? Dat _� Z— .f Permit No. -------/ .?.�2.--------- ICITY OF 16ERfNO Pee � W " rl� Application is hereby made to the City of Sia for a permit to install electrical ri wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said v wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the G City of SMEEEMa, and all other laws applicable thereto. v a Use of Premises d Owner 4- -- - -- --- -------------_--- Address .4..5..�.. By .��� —' ... — ......... Address $.1.C?. . I — S— CON OR, AGENT PP I -•' t�� A roved !...-........_.�..--- --- �'L---=- - -- 1 /P!(o� C' Y ELECIRIGL INSP;C1'O; NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit--- ------------Number of Outlets------------------ ---------- --- ...----------- size ---..`Size Service Wires.-ZP-,/�W-44-Number of Switches---------------- ---------- ---- _ .... Size Service Switch.......12`0$A-Number'of'-Receptacles------------ ---------- --- � ZC Size Sub Feed Conduit...."-_Number of Fixtures.................. .......... ... -....-�.... Size Sub Feed Wires...fir- Ranges................ KW.............. ....1--- ---------- ---- Number of Circuits............7... Oven -------------- KW------------- ---..... 7-5 .. ............ Number of Meters......... ...........Signs.......... Transformers........ .. 7 Misc.............. .....------------------------Dryers----...'---------------.......-----�-- --...SSSS SSSS-..-- .............. Motors-----------......... HP- Phase-------------------- Permit Fee $L�0 Motors.................... HP .SSSS""-SSSS--- Phase Motors.................... HP Phase ...... H P Charge....------... ............ TOTAL FEES I� ECO -OP INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiring ) I-- -'--.. Fixtures .------....----.....I---"----SPEC----....-- J111 -'- '---_'---'- �, OATC^ IH9PCCTOR DATE INSPECTOR Finish Wiring I. otors .... .•..... I =........ .....---' J ...;---' ' ter. DATE Ixsr[croR �l/DA�I ` �Eer x Final ...--- -^�"f---........_L...e 4WF. .....- .DAT[ IxSP[CTOR ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY or CUPERTINO Ili I ............ ------"06 196A. To You are hereby au th%ized to connect the EECTRIC service for Owner or Tenant .. . . ..... M-2�1 .../Q3��.-..`.� s -..e2ev.. ...............of Wires ...... Size of Wiresi!�....... . ... Size of Switch 024..A. . Motor Load ......................... Voltage ----- - - ---- ------------- Phase.......................... Heating Load --------------------- K. W. -,.. --- -------------------- Voltage ................................ Light ------ '10 _.....New Service ....��.-Reoonnect -----.......... No. of Meters Heat - �-.220 2!f!!7......._Three Wire --- ----------....Zvfove Service ---------- No. of Add. Meters .......... Power ............... Three Pha. .................Move Meter ---------- ------------ -- --- -- ----................ - ---- - -- - 104 7/61-500 6�OELECTRICAL INSPECTOR LOT NO. G NO. STREE 11 14 NO'V'I•C*TfON R GAS PERMIT 22c��b9 OF ERTINO Date — _ " , 195_ Permit No. CUPERTINO Fee $ r Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises u � Owner / f PL c 0 A'(E1 Addre 0 y W/L+ F -moo nie i Addres� CONTRACTOR, AGENT Ione g L / 0 400 Approved C PLUMBING INSPEE Ll 2 y -. rg R w rn a•< w x� PC a � - z 1� J i. //LL ✓ �/LU- LOT NO, E NO. STREET O OR APPLIANCE PERMIT JFEB 9 1962 tMY OF CUPERTINO Date FEB 8 1962 196..... Permit No. of CITY OF CUPERTINO Fees / s� Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City y of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. 2 v Use of Premises Owner J _ Address HEATING &DISH o7METWCOGENr Address— a, _ 180 QI-AMYDAKS AVE. CAMPBELL CALIF Approve ° _ i PLUMBING INSPL R _ tn�ntn�n 'ti �eC) tonC) � G) • 'I n c �rr m 0 a a y ------------w e � 'G OFFICE . GAS SER AlE NOTICE coFY BUILDING INTORS, QFFICE CITY OF CUPERTIN4 yyr To You are hereby autho 'zed,to connect the GAS service for K Owner or Tenant �. . i..1 . ..........-- // New Service ......... No. of Meters .... l---------------- Reconnect -.......- -- ....._.. Move Service No. of Add. Meters -------------- Move Meter ------W. , ................. ...... PLUMBING INSPECTOR .110 7/61-500