78146 F .7385 Rainbow Drive � Q Tract No. LotNo. CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTM NT ` rAPPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT �r <=��' � Date �,�� cel 19 7 Permit No.�g L�_ F- Application is hereby mad o a 't to G/" �— a�story, Type n Use Zone �_ 3• at t_t2�2 _rte/– Occupancy to be occupied only, as ce in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-plan filed herewith. Fire rinkler Emer. Elect: Estimated Value of Improvements, $ ?/��� N 73 – 7– ZOD I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any mann so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. �0.,�(�,^,,A, Ownen r �O ~ , Address IR 7. cQ0.�Ft r5 By Address '70 aQQw c(&b, ?o� RECORD F INSPECTION Foundation Frame,����-y •"'�` Stucco Finish7t"'Zl�t74— IDIP�iL� t 7385 Rainbow Drive 9 Stoyil Ilich P L-OBZ w10� .. � /07� � aaNnra t+rn� 96+� 31 rxnw, c+�-rl�✓, �G-4�.-oI _ .fk esuao!1 ssewsng A4!0 asor ues voyvo!!ddv ny{ sezuo4{nv A!�edoud puv {oo}}e puv veno} II^} u! s! asuvo!1 s�o{o w{uo� v!um}ge� }o a{v{s s!4 494i s{so{{v {ueo!!ddy ❑ pe!!} {uvwe{v{s vumo iv :{ueo!Idde Ag pow!v!o Agd,ey s! esuoe!l s+o{oovu{uoo +o} o!mo}!luo }o o{e;s so} {ueww!n Caj w!} uo!}dwvxg