CC 01-10-96 CC-914A MINUTES Cupertino City Council Regular Adjourned Meeting January 10, 1996 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Bumett led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order in Conference Room A of City Hall, 10300 Tone Avenue, Cupertino, at 6:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Council members present: John Bautista, Michael Chang, Wally Dean, and Mayor Don Bumett. Council members absent: Lauralee Sorensen. Steffpre~nt: City Clerk Kimberly Smith. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. INTERVIEWS OF CANDIDATES AND APPOINTMENT TO ADVISORY BODIES Council members interviewed Sylvia Machamer; Jill Collins; and Mario Pinedo for the Affordable Housing Committee. Council voted unanimously, with Sorensen absent, to appoint Ms. Machamer and Mr. Pinedo. Council members interviewed William Betts and Ernest Tsui for the Cable Television Advisory Committee. Council voted unanimously, with Sorensen absent, to appoint Mr. Tsui and re-advertise the remaining vacancies on this commission. Council members interviewed Sandra James and Kazys Shukis for the Parks and Recreation Commission. Council voted unanimously, with Sorensen absent, to appoint Ms. James and Mr. Shukis. Council members interviewed Charles Corr; Harvey Checkman; William Betts; and Charles Pickett for the Public Safety Commission. Council voted unanimously, with Sorensen absent, to appoint Mr. Corr, Mr. Checkman, and Mr. Pickett. ADJOUI~IMENT At 8:30 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to Tuesday, Jannpry 16, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, because of'the Monday holiday.