99080079 _CANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY O "U -[TY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. ING DIVISION APPLICATIONA'ERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL. _ BUILDING PROJECT IDENorri'ICATLON BUIL ! DDRESS: nn \� SAN]"I'ARY NO. APPLICATION SUB. .DATE LNC NER'S NAME: PH NN' —1 CONTRACTOR'S NAME: L C NO�, M ^ ��8 I u v—T1 Ii Ii - CONTROLA lopGHITECI'AINGINEER: LIC NO: ADDRESS'. �lI v•I ❑ CON'I'Aa': PHONE; BUILDING PERMIT INFO r c./�k �/ _ ��' 2$0-7 ❑ Consullanl Fce9 Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDG ELECT i PLUMB� MECH LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE L!/ 1_�1/ L,/ 1 herchy ardrat that 1 an Eceaxcd amlrr,prnviaiom,of Coal"'v m..nttnmreing JOB DFSCRII'TION a'0Z lh Section WNX))of Uivisionynfinelfusine,eanJP I C%de,and my beense is RF9IDF lA a' _ w' PERMIT ISSUANCE <N� m full Trois unit cRe � 0 � �SFDW L ❑KITCHEN REMODCI. �UF Licenm Clnsx_ Lic.4 6 U AI'PLIANCIES-It HSIDIENf1Al. ❑ADDITION El PLUMBING RE-PIPE HZW Dam Convector : 't ❑MULTI-UNIT STRUCTURAL 'Don ARC S DECLARATION PANELS MODIFICATION ZOmZ unJwmy plan,shall be not aspantiecutNs OZNin I UPT0200AMI'5 ❑LNTGRIOR C1 CHIMNEY REPAIR 41 LiccnxJ Professional 201-1000AMPS IMPRO EMFM pSWIMMING POOLS �+1fj OWNER-BUILDER DECLANAI'ION OVER I(NIUAMI'S ❑B REMODEVk1EPA1R ❑DEMOLITION C n O L W Q 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the HER/ xU following rcusoa(Section 70315,Business and Protbmions Crop:Any city nr county SIGNS F.LE ICAL ala W N¢ which m,ners u permit to ai wimirl,aheu in c,demolish,or mpnir any dnaturc ~u'OJ prior a its issuance.also tequirts the applicant for such Permit rile a signed statement SI'ECIALC]RC)IT/ SC. E y That he is licensed pursuanno the Travisions of the C..ntrunor's License law(Clupmr9 ad COMMERCIAL,with Seetlun 7000)of Division fol be Busine,,and lknl,.'ions 0,d,,),,, "TEM P.MI?TF. O EINST COMMERCIAL: E.a c C that he is exempt therefrom..it the basis for the alleged exemption.Any vialainn of ❑NEW BLDG/ADDITION Q DEMOLITION '1m Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of POWER DEVICES ❑TFNANT ❑FOODSERVICE a more man live hundred dollars($500) IMPROVEMENT =Q (]1.as owner of the property.or my emp1,ri'wlmwofun'tu heirsnIn o SWIMMING POOL ELECT will Jo the work.and the'tmctum is nalintendrdor oRereJ fcrsale(S<.]fYW,Bunines. 6 a oo and Professions Coda The Contractor's License Law docs not app hi an n cr TLIi LS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES property who build,or improves thereon,and who dues such work ht LiInq his own employees,provided that said impevemenn arc not in¢ndeJ or alert for NEN RF_SIDENTIAL ELECTR SQ FT. sale.IL however the building or Improvement N odd.,,Into one count tttmpldi..a dm :Q. lAREA Q.FT. crbuildrr,will have the burden of proving mat he did not build orimptove for pup- UU 1999 pec of vele.), TOTAL [:11,as ownrr of the property.em w em ,ively contracting with liccaecd contracnns to instruct the pisood(See.7M4,Business and Profevoon,Cale:)The Can ala"I Li- mhwmssnotapplyto an owner of propcny who bunds or improve.%themon,and QTY. PI,UMBINO PERMIT FEE By who contracts for such projens wllh u contractors)licetuud pursuant to the Convuetor'x License hat. PERMIT ISSUANCE I um exempt under Sec. .II Nr P C far tho mason ALTER-DRAIN M VIEN'1'-W'AI ER(EA) VALUATION Dam O GWORKERS COMP1ENSATION DECLARATION BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICEi �I hereby a1Trm under penny of perjury one of the following declarations:I have and will maintain a CeNficae-(Comes'to,elf-iosu¢for Wader's Compen- DRAINS-FLOOR.ROOF.AREA,COND. STO 3 TYPE CONSTRUCTION 7,nlr tras,ae provldeJ fur by Section 37(X1of the Labor Code,farahe performance of theork for which this permit is Issued. 19XTURUS-1'Hk'fRAP I have and will tmtimain Winker''Cumpei smion Inwmnce,as required by Sectionf of the lltbor COJe,for thu pert posses ofthcwork forwM1ichthis Permitil issued. GAS-F.A.SVSTEM IINC.40UTLE1S OCC.GROUP AP'N ^y WorGAS-FA.SYSTF.M-OVGRJ(EA) a�y�0l.�/.�rrierrj-� � �`�apE cvmePnlicy No.: 3�!/ CLµI'llil'A'1'MPEN ATION'ION FRA WORKEµE GREASEIINDUSTRI,WASTE INTERCEPTOR COMPENSATION INSURANCE BUILDING DIVISION FEES (TBis section need not becomplaedif the pendit is(Drone hundred dollars(SIM) GREASETRAP' nr Irex.) PLANCfIBCK PL'E Ice ' that uheZffonnanec of the workforwhichthis crmit i,',wed,l shall SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.20017. ow it nny rr n any manna ar subje ten he wo crs'Compem ENERGY PEE Z %inion uvea ul' In tiu.l ntc WATER HF,AFERW/VIENTfIp.FCPR GRATING FETE Z2 Appli m " ,come .N. NGTIL PLICANT:lf,a ter a ung this Cer ificam of Exemption,you should WATER SYSTEMORPATING SOILS FEF. hccome mbjmno the Weukm's gansuten In ixions of he Lnhor Coda you must - L!) forthwith comply with such ptovi%ion%or this permit.ehall be deemed evoked WATER SERVICE O = Z CONS'I'kUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDENTIAL PhMtl. SQ.FL PAID Date Receipt# U O l hereby affirnuhat mere is a amaronion lending agency for the performance of LL F the work for which this permit is issued Nec.3197,Civ.CJ 'fOTAh: Under,Nun e WLcid,e,Address TOTAL a. 1 certify that I have read this application and site Lha the obi inbstr ion is BUILDING FEF. .F. UJ r rzect.l agree'..con'ply with all any ane county oNinanccrme score laws renting u' QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE L)Z building consom iun.and herehyauthormrepre,entatives of this city lnenterupun the SEISMIC FEE ab..vo-mantloncd progeny for inspation purptees. PERMIT ISSUANCE (Wo)a c to m save,indemnify and keep hamdnn c„me City of Cupertiugainel ELECTRIC FEL pe liabih , udgm ns.cosh and expenus which may in any wey attme agxina writ City ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. PLUMBING FEE rmcfacn,c thegmonngafthi. APPLICANT tNDERSTANU ND W .L COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO ILNX)CPM) MECHANICAL FEE SOURCE 'ULATIONS. AIR HANDLING UNI"I(OVER 10.000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX of A,,Iio,a.VCon. Use EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCI} HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE a.11111" Will the applicant or future huildlngoccupantslntem handle hazardous material HEAPING ON]'1'(TO INOTIN)Ii1'Of as defined by the Cupern MuniciPit Cade,Chapter 9.12,and the health and Safety Code.Semon 2553200^ HEATING UNIT(OVER 100.0110 BT U) (]Yet, No These",or VENTILATION RAN(SINGLE RCSID) jVAID " Will the applicant or Lampe building occupant use cquipmanm devicr%which BOILER-COMP QHP OR 100,000 BTU) it he ad....air contaminants as Jcdned c Ray Area Air Quality Management TOTAL: 'vitt' BOILER-COMP(OVER 100.0I0 B'fU) _ ❑Yes r�JDRr Nom numJuls m mints under Chapter h95 of me Cali" Alk CONDITIONER I.$ ANCE D TIi inia Il�p,c,. lhnh e.Section'_.11.5,2 533 and25534.I understand that if the NI?W RIESIDENT IAL MECH. SQ.Fri. buildingave a ant.the my responsibility mn..tify the ueupanl of the mua met p' a Cenificaloof Occupancy. a Owner on authorreJ agent Dam TOTAL: ISSUED OFFICE